
//===- ThreadSafety.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// A intra-procedural analysis for thread safety (e.g. deadlocks and race
// conditions), based off of an annotation system.
// See http://clang.llvm.org/docs/ThreadSafetyAnalysis.html
// for more information.

#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/ThreadSafety.h"
#include "clang/AST/Attr.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclGroup.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/OperationKinds.h"
#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "clang/AST/StmtVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/PostOrderCFGView.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/ThreadSafetyCommon.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/ThreadSafetyTIL.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/ThreadSafetyTraverse.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/ThreadSafetyUtil.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/AnalysisDeclContext.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/CFG.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Builtins.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "clang/Basic/OperatorKinds.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ImmutableMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>


// Key method definition
ThreadSafetyHandler::~ThreadSafetyHandler() = default;

/// Issue a warning about an invalid lock expression
static void warnInvalidLock(ThreadSafetyHandler &Handler,
                            const Expr *MutexExp, const NamedDecl *D,
                            const Expr *DeclExp, StringRef Kind) {}

namespace {

/// A set of CapabilityExpr objects, which are compiled from thread safety
/// attributes on a function.
class CapExprSet : public SmallVector<CapabilityExpr, 4> {};

class FactManager;
class FactSet;

/// This is a helper class that stores a fact that is known at a
/// particular point in program execution.  Currently, a fact is a capability,
/// along with additional information, such as where it was acquired, whether
/// it is exclusive or shared, etc.
/// FIXME: this analysis does not currently support re-entrant locking.
class FactEntry : public CapabilityExpr {};


/// FactManager manages the memory for all facts that are created during
/// the analysis of a single routine.
class FactManager {};

/// A FactSet is the set of facts that are known to be true at a
/// particular program point.  FactSets must be small, because they are
/// frequently copied, and are thus implemented as a set of indices into a
/// table maintained by a FactManager.  A typical FactSet only holds 1 or 2
/// locks, so we can get away with doing a linear search for lookup.  Note
/// that a hashtable or map is inappropriate in this case, because lookups
/// may involve partial pattern matches, rather than exact matches.
class FactSet {};

class ThreadSafetyAnalyzer;

} // namespace

namespace clang {
namespace threadSafety {

class BeforeSet {};

} // namespace threadSafety
} // namespace clang

namespace {

class LocalVariableMap;


/// A side (entry or exit) of a CFG node.
enum CFGBlockSide {};

/// CFGBlockInfo is a struct which contains all the information that is
/// maintained for each block in the CFG.  See LocalVariableMap for more
/// information about the contexts.
struct CFGBlockInfo {};

// A LocalVariableMap maintains a map from local variables to their currently
// valid definitions.  It provides SSA-like functionality when traversing the
// CFG.  Like SSA, each definition or assignment to a variable is assigned a
// unique name (an integer), which acts as the SSA name for that definition.
// The total set of names is shared among all CFG basic blocks.
// Unlike SSA, we do not rewrite expressions to replace local variables declrefs
// with their SSA-names.  Instead, we compute a Context for each point in the
// code, which maps local variables to the appropriate SSA-name.  This map
// changes with each assignment.
// The map is computed in a single pass over the CFG.  Subsequent analyses can
// then query the map to find the appropriate Context for a statement, and use
// that Context to look up the definitions of variables.
class LocalVariableMap {};

} // namespace

// This has to be defined after LocalVariableMap.
CFGBlockInfo CFGBlockInfo::getEmptyBlockInfo(LocalVariableMap &M) {}

namespace {

/// Visitor which builds a LocalVariableMap
class VarMapBuilder : public ConstStmtVisitor<VarMapBuilder> {};

} // namespace

// Add new local variables to the variable map
void VarMapBuilder::VisitDeclStmt(const DeclStmt *S) {}

// Update local variable definitions in variable map
void VarMapBuilder::VisitBinaryOperator(const BinaryOperator *BO) {}

// Computes the intersection of two contexts.  The intersection is the
// set of variables which have the same definition in both contexts;
// variables with different definitions are discarded.
LocalVariableMap::intersectContexts(Context C1, Context C2) {}

// For every variable in C, create a new variable that refers to the
// definition in C.  Return a new context that contains these new variables.
// (We use this for a naive implementation of SSA on loop back-edges.)
LocalVariableMap::Context LocalVariableMap::createReferenceContext(Context C) {}

// This routine also takes the intersection of C1 and C2, but it does so by
// altering the VarDefinitions.  C1 must be the result of an earlier call to
// createReferenceContext.
void LocalVariableMap::intersectBackEdge(Context C1, Context C2) {}

// Traverse the CFG in topological order, so all predecessors of a block
// (excluding back-edges) are visited before the block itself.  At
// each point in the code, we calculate a Context, which holds the set of
// variable definitions which are visible at that point in execution.
// Visible variables are mapped to their definitions using an array that
// contains all definitions.
// At join points in the CFG, the set is computed as the intersection of
// the incoming sets along each edge, E.g.
//                       { Context                 | VarDefinitions }
//   int x = 0;          { x -> x1                 | x1 = 0 }
//   int y = 0;          { x -> x1, y -> y1        | y1 = 0, x1 = 0 }
//   if (b) x = 1;       { x -> x2, y -> y1        | x2 = 1, y1 = 0, ... }
//   else   x = 2;       { x -> x3, y -> y1        | x3 = 2, x2 = 1, ... }
//   ...                 { y -> y1  (x is unknown) | x3 = 2, x2 = 1, ... }
// This is essentially a simpler and more naive version of the standard SSA
// algorithm.  Those definitions that remain in the intersection are from blocks
// that strictly dominate the current block.  We do not bother to insert proper
// phi nodes, because they are not used in our analysis; instead, wherever
// a phi node would be required, we simply remove that definition from the
// context (E.g. x above).
// The initial traversal does not capture back-edges, so those need to be
// handled on a separate pass.  Whenever the first pass encounters an
// incoming back edge, it duplicates the context, creating new definitions
// that refer back to the originals.  (These correspond to places where SSA
// might have to insert a phi node.)  On the second pass, these definitions are
// set to NULL if the variable has changed on the back-edge (i.e. a phi
// node was actually required.)  E.g.
//                       { Context           | VarDefinitions }
//   int x = 0, y = 0;   { x -> x1, y -> y1  | y1 = 0, x1 = 0 }
//   while (b)           { x -> x2, y -> y1  | [1st:] x2=x1; [2nd:] x2=NULL; }
//     x = x+1;          { x -> x3, y -> y1  | x3 = x2 + 1, ... }
//   ...                 { y -> y1           | x3 = 2, x2 = 1, ... }
void LocalVariableMap::traverseCFG(CFG *CFGraph,
                                   const PostOrderCFGView *SortedGraph,
                                   std::vector<CFGBlockInfo> &BlockInfo) {}

/// Find the appropriate source locations to use when producing diagnostics for
/// each block in the CFG.
static void findBlockLocations(CFG *CFGraph,
                               const PostOrderCFGView *SortedGraph,
                               std::vector<CFGBlockInfo> &BlockInfo) {}

namespace {

class LockableFactEntry : public FactEntry {};

class ScopedLockableFactEntry : public FactEntry {};

/// Class which implements the core thread safety analysis routines.
class ThreadSafetyAnalyzer {};

} // namespace

/// Process acquired_before and acquired_after attributes on Vd.
BeforeSet::BeforeInfo* BeforeSet::insertAttrExprs(const ValueDecl* Vd,
    ThreadSafetyAnalyzer& Analyzer) {}

BeforeSet::BeforeInfo *
BeforeSet::getBeforeInfoForDecl(const ValueDecl *Vd,
                                ThreadSafetyAnalyzer &Analyzer) {}

/// Return true if any mutexes in FSet are in the acquired_before set of Vd.
void BeforeSet::checkBeforeAfter(const ValueDecl* StartVd,
                                 const FactSet& FSet,
                                 ThreadSafetyAnalyzer& Analyzer,
                                 SourceLocation Loc, StringRef CapKind) {}

/// Gets the value decl pointer from DeclRefExprs or MemberExprs.
static const ValueDecl *getValueDecl(const Expr *Exp) {}

namespace {

template <typename Ty>
class has_arg_iterator_range {};

} // namespace

bool ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::inCurrentScope(const CapabilityExpr &CapE) {}

/// Add a new lock to the lockset, warning if the lock is already there.
/// \param ReqAttr -- true if this is part of an initial Requires attribute.
void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::addLock(FactSet &FSet,
                                   std::unique_ptr<FactEntry> Entry,
                                   bool ReqAttr) {}

/// Remove a lock from the lockset, warning if the lock is not there.
/// \param UnlockLoc The source location of the unlock (only used in error msg)
void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::removeLock(FactSet &FSet, const CapabilityExpr &Cp,
                                      SourceLocation UnlockLoc,
                                      bool FullyRemove, LockKind ReceivedKind) {}

/// Extract the list of mutexIDs from the attribute on an expression,
/// and push them onto Mtxs, discarding any duplicates.
template <typename AttrType>
void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::getMutexIDs(CapExprSet &Mtxs, AttrType *Attr,
                                       const Expr *Exp, const NamedDecl *D,
                                       til::SExpr *Self) {}

/// Extract the list of mutexIDs from a trylock attribute.  If the
/// trylock applies to the given edge, then push them onto Mtxs, discarding
/// any duplicates.
template <class AttrType>
void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::getMutexIDs(CapExprSet &Mtxs, AttrType *Attr,
                                       const Expr *Exp, const NamedDecl *D,
                                       const CFGBlock *PredBlock,
                                       const CFGBlock *CurrBlock,
                                       Expr *BrE, bool Neg) {}

static bool getStaticBooleanValue(Expr *E, bool &TCond) {}

// If Cond can be traced back to a function call, return the call expression.
// The negate variable should be called with false, and will be set to true
// if the function call is negated, e.g. if (!mu.tryLock(...))
const CallExpr* ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::getTrylockCallExpr(const Stmt *Cond,
                                                         LocalVarContext C,
                                                         bool &Negate) {}

/// Find the lockset that holds on the edge between PredBlock
/// and CurrBlock.  The edge set is the exit set of PredBlock (passed
/// as the ExitSet parameter) plus any trylocks, which are conditionally held.
void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::getEdgeLockset(FactSet& Result,
                                          const FactSet &ExitSet,
                                          const CFGBlock *PredBlock,
                                          const CFGBlock *CurrBlock) {}

namespace {

/// We use this class to visit different types of expressions in
/// CFGBlocks, and build up the lockset.
/// An expression may cause us to add or remove locks from the lockset, or else
/// output error messages related to missing locks.
/// FIXME: In future, we may be able to not inherit from a visitor.
class BuildLockset : public ConstStmtVisitor<BuildLockset> {};

} // namespace

/// Warn if the LSet does not contain a lock sufficient to protect access
/// of at least the passed in AccessKind.
void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::warnIfMutexNotHeld(
    const FactSet &FSet, const NamedDecl *D, const Expr *Exp, AccessKind AK,
    Expr *MutexExp, ProtectedOperationKind POK, til::LiteralPtr *Self,
    SourceLocation Loc) {}

/// Warn if the LSet contains the given lock.
void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::warnIfMutexHeld(const FactSet &FSet,
                                           const NamedDecl *D, const Expr *Exp,
                                           Expr *MutexExp,
                                           til::LiteralPtr *Self,
                                           SourceLocation Loc) {}

/// Checks guarded_by and pt_guarded_by attributes.
/// Whenever we identify an access (read or write) to a DeclRefExpr that is
/// marked with guarded_by, we must ensure the appropriate mutexes are held.
/// Similarly, we check if the access is to an expression that dereferences
/// a pointer marked with pt_guarded_by.
void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::checkAccess(const FactSet &FSet, const Expr *Exp,
                                       AccessKind AK,
                                       ProtectedOperationKind POK) {}

/// Checks pt_guarded_by and pt_guarded_var attributes.
/// POK is the same  operationKind that was passed to checkAccess.
void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::checkPtAccess(const FactSet &FSet, const Expr *Exp,
                                         AccessKind AK,
                                         ProtectedOperationKind POK) {}

/// Process a function call, method call, constructor call,
/// or destructor call.  This involves looking at the attributes on the
/// corresponding function/method/constructor/destructor, issuing warnings,
/// and updating the locksets accordingly.
/// FIXME: For classes annotated with one of the guarded annotations, we need
/// to treat const method calls as reads and non-const method calls as writes,
/// and check that the appropriate locks are held. Non-const method calls with
/// the same signature as const method calls can be also treated as reads.
/// \param Exp   The call expression.
/// \param D     The callee declaration.
/// \param Self  If \p Exp = nullptr, the implicit this argument or the argument
///              of an implicitly called cleanup function.
/// \param Loc   If \p Exp = nullptr, the location.
void BuildLockset::handleCall(const Expr *Exp, const NamedDecl *D,
                              til::LiteralPtr *Self, SourceLocation Loc) {}

/// For unary operations which read and write a variable, we need to
/// check whether we hold any required mutexes. Reads are checked in
/// VisitCastExpr.
void BuildLockset::VisitUnaryOperator(const UnaryOperator *UO) {}

/// For binary operations which assign to a variable (writes), we need to check
/// whether we hold any required mutexes.
/// FIXME: Deal with non-primitive types.
void BuildLockset::VisitBinaryOperator(const BinaryOperator *BO) {}

/// Whenever we do an LValue to Rvalue cast, we are reading a variable and
/// need to ensure we hold any required mutexes.
/// FIXME: Deal with non-primitive types.
void BuildLockset::VisitCastExpr(const CastExpr *CE) {}

void BuildLockset::examineArguments(const FunctionDecl *FD,
                                    CallExpr::const_arg_iterator ArgBegin,
                                    CallExpr::const_arg_iterator ArgEnd,
                                    bool SkipFirstParam) {}

void BuildLockset::VisitCallExpr(const CallExpr *Exp) {}

void BuildLockset::VisitCXXConstructExpr(const CXXConstructExpr *Exp) {}

static const Expr *UnpackConstruction(const Expr *E) {}

void BuildLockset::VisitDeclStmt(const DeclStmt *S) {}

void BuildLockset::VisitMaterializeTemporaryExpr(
    const MaterializeTemporaryExpr *Exp) {}

void BuildLockset::VisitReturnStmt(const ReturnStmt *S) {}

/// Given two facts merging on a join point, possibly warn and decide whether to
/// keep or replace.
/// \param CanModify Whether we can replace \p A by \p B.
/// \return  false if we should keep \p A, true if we should take \p B.
bool ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::join(const FactEntry &A, const FactEntry &B,
                                bool CanModify) {}

/// Compute the intersection of two locksets and issue warnings for any
/// locks in the symmetric difference.
/// This function is used at a merge point in the CFG when comparing the lockset
/// of each branch being merged. For example, given the following sequence:
/// A; if () then B; else C; D; we need to check that the lockset after B and C
/// are the same. In the event of a difference, we use the intersection of these
/// two locksets at the start of D.
/// \param EntrySet A lockset for entry into a (possibly new) block.
/// \param ExitSet The lockset on exiting a preceding block.
/// \param JoinLoc The location of the join point for error reporting
/// \param EntryLEK The warning if a mutex is missing from \p EntrySet.
/// \param ExitLEK The warning if a mutex is missing from \p ExitSet.
void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::intersectAndWarn(FactSet &EntrySet,
                                            const FactSet &ExitSet,
                                            SourceLocation JoinLoc,
                                            LockErrorKind EntryLEK,
                                            LockErrorKind ExitLEK) {}

// Return true if block B never continues to its successors.
static bool neverReturns(const CFGBlock *B) {}

/// Check a function's CFG for thread-safety violations.
/// We traverse the blocks in the CFG, compute the set of mutexes that are held
/// at the end of each block, and issue warnings for thread safety violations.
/// Each block in the CFG is traversed exactly once.
void ThreadSafetyAnalyzer::runAnalysis(AnalysisDeclContext &AC) {}

/// Check a function's CFG for thread-safety violations.
/// We traverse the blocks in the CFG, compute the set of mutexes that are held
/// at the end of each block, and issue warnings for thread safety violations.
/// Each block in the CFG is traversed exactly once.
void threadSafety::runThreadSafetyAnalysis(AnalysisDeclContext &AC,
                                           ThreadSafetyHandler &Handler,
                                           BeforeSet **BSet) {}

void threadSafety::threadSafetyCleanup(BeforeSet *Cache) {}

/// Helper function that returns a LockKind required for the given level
/// of access.
LockKind threadSafety::getLockKindFromAccessKind(AccessKind AK) {}