
//== RangeConstraintManager.cpp - Manage range constraints.------*- C++ -*--==//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
//  This file defines RangeConstraintManager, a class that tracks simple
//  equality and inequality constraints on symbolic values of ProgramState.

#include "clang/Basic/JsonSupport.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/APSIntType.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramState.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramStateTrait.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/RangedConstraintManager.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SValVisitor.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ImmutableSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <optional>


// This class can be extended with other tables which will help to reason
// about ranges more precisely.
class OperatorRelationsTable {};

//                           RangeSet implementation

RangeSet::ContainerType RangeSet::Factory::EmptySet{};

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::add(RangeSet LHS, RangeSet RHS) {}

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::add(RangeSet Original, Range Element) {}

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::add(RangeSet Original, const llvm::APSInt &Point) {}

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::unite(RangeSet LHS, RangeSet RHS) {}

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::unite(RangeSet Original, Range R) {}

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::unite(RangeSet Original, llvm::APSInt Point) {}

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::unite(RangeSet Original, llvm::APSInt From,
                                  llvm::APSInt To) {}

template <typename T>
static void swapIterators(T &First, T &FirstEnd, T &Second, T &SecondEnd) {}

RangeSet::ContainerType RangeSet::Factory::unite(const ContainerType &LHS,
                                                 const ContainerType &RHS) {}

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::getRangeSet(Range From) {}

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::makePersistent(ContainerType &&From) {}

RangeSet::ContainerType *RangeSet::Factory::construct(ContainerType &&From) {}

const llvm::APSInt &RangeSet::getMinValue() const {}

const llvm::APSInt &RangeSet::getMaxValue() const {}

bool clang::ento::RangeSet::isUnsigned() const {}

uint32_t clang::ento::RangeSet::getBitWidth() const {}

APSIntType clang::ento::RangeSet::getAPSIntType() const {}

bool RangeSet::containsImpl(llvm::APSInt &Point) const {}

bool RangeSet::pin(llvm::APSInt &Point) const {}

bool RangeSet::pin(llvm::APSInt &Lower, llvm::APSInt &Upper) const {}

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::intersect(RangeSet What, llvm::APSInt Lower,
                                      llvm::APSInt Upper) {}

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::intersect(const RangeSet::ContainerType &LHS,
                                      const RangeSet::ContainerType &RHS) {}

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::intersect(RangeSet LHS, RangeSet RHS) {}

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::intersect(RangeSet LHS, llvm::APSInt Point) {}

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::negate(RangeSet What) {}

// Convert range set to the given integral type using truncation and promotion.
// This works similar to APSIntType::apply function but for the range set.
RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::castTo(RangeSet What, APSIntType Ty) {}

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::castTo(RangeSet What, QualType T) {}

RangeSet::ContainerType RangeSet::Factory::truncateTo(RangeSet What,
                                                      APSIntType Ty) {}

// Divide the convertion into two phases (presented as loops here).
// First phase(loop) works when casted values go in ascending order.
// E.g. char{1,3,5,127} -> uint{1,3,5,127}
// Interrupt the first phase and go to second one when casted values start
// go in descending order. That means that we crossed over the middle of
// the type value set (aka 0 for signeds and MAX/2+1 for unsigneds).
// For instance:
// 1: uchar{1,3,5,128,255} -> char{1,3,5,-128,-1}
//    Here we put {1,3,5} to one array and {-128, -1} to another
// 2: char{-128,-127,-1,0,1,2} -> uchar{128,129,255,0,1,3}
//    Here we put {128,129,255} to one array and {0,1,3} to another.
// After that we unite both arrays.
// NOTE: We don't just concatenate the arrays, because they may have
// adjacent ranges, e.g.:
// 1: char(-128, 127) -> uchar -> arr1(128, 255), arr2(0, 127) ->
//    unite -> uchar(0, 255)
// 2: uchar(0, 1)U(254, 255) -> char -> arr1(0, 1), arr2(-2, -1) ->
//    unite -> uchar(-2, 1)
RangeSet::ContainerType RangeSet::Factory::convertTo(RangeSet What,
                                                     APSIntType Ty) {}

/// Promotion from unsigneds to signeds/unsigneds left.
RangeSet::ContainerType RangeSet::Factory::promoteTo(RangeSet What,
                                                     APSIntType Ty) {}

RangeSet RangeSet::Factory::deletePoint(RangeSet From,
                                        const llvm::APSInt &Point) {}

LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void Range::dump(raw_ostream &OS) const {}
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void Range::dump() const {}

LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void RangeSet::dump(raw_ostream &OS) const {}
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void RangeSet::dump() const {}


namespace {
class EquivalenceClass;
} // end anonymous namespace



namespace {
/// This class encapsulates a set of symbols equal to each other.
/// The main idea of the approach requiring such classes is in narrowing
/// and sharing constraints between symbols within the class.  Also we can
/// conclude that there is no practical need in storing constraints for
/// every member of the class separately.
/// Main terminology:
///   * "Equivalence class" is an object of this class, which can be efficiently
///     compared to other classes.  It represents the whole class without
///     storing the actual in it.  The members of the class however can be
///     retrieved from the state.
///   * "Class members" are the symbols corresponding to the class.  This means
///     that A == B for every member symbols A and B from the class.  Members of
///     each class are stored in the state.
///   * "Trivial class" is a class that has and ever had only one same symbol.
///   * "Merge operation" merges two classes into one.  It is the main operation
///     to produce non-trivial classes.
///     If, at some point, we can assume that two symbols from two distinct
///     classes are equal, we can merge these classes.
class EquivalenceClass : public llvm::FoldingSetNode {};

//                             Constraint functions

[[nodiscard]] LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED bool
areFeasible(ConstraintRangeTy Constraints) {}

[[nodiscard]] inline const RangeSet *getConstraint(ProgramStateRef State,
                                                   EquivalenceClass Class) {}

[[nodiscard]] inline const RangeSet *getConstraint(ProgramStateRef State,
                                                   SymbolRef Sym) {}

[[nodiscard]] ProgramStateRef setConstraint(ProgramStateRef State,
                                            EquivalenceClass Class,
                                            RangeSet Constraint) {}

[[nodiscard]] ProgramStateRef setConstraints(ProgramStateRef State,
                                             ConstraintRangeTy Constraints) {}

//                       Equality/diseqiality abstraction

/// A small helper function for detecting symbolic (dis)equality.
/// Equality check can have different forms (like a == b or a - b) and this
/// class encapsulates those away if the only thing the user wants to check -
/// whether it's equality/diseqiality or not.
/// \returns true if assuming this Sym to be true means equality of operands
///          false if it means disequality of operands
///          std::nullopt otherwise
std::optional<bool> meansEquality(const SymSymExpr *Sym) {}

//                            Intersection functions

template <class SecondTy, class... RestTy>
[[nodiscard]] inline RangeSet intersect(RangeSet::Factory &F, RangeSet Head,
                                        SecondTy Second, RestTy... Tail);

template <class... RangeTy> struct IntersectionTraits;

IntersectionTraits<RangeSet, TailTy...>;

template <> struct IntersectionTraits<> {};

IntersectionTraits<OptionalOrPointer, TailTy...>;

template <class EndTy>
[[nodiscard]] inline EndTy intersect(RangeSet::Factory &F, EndTy End) {}

[[nodiscard]] LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED inline std::optional<RangeSet>
intersect(RangeSet::Factory &F, const RangeSet *End) {}

template <class... RestTy>
[[nodiscard]] inline RangeSet intersect(RangeSet::Factory &F, RangeSet Head,
                                        RangeSet Second, RestTy... Tail) {}

template <class SecondTy, class... RestTy>
[[nodiscard]] inline RangeSet intersect(RangeSet::Factory &F, RangeSet Head,
                                        SecondTy Second, RestTy... Tail) {}

/// Main generic intersect function.
/// It intersects all of the given range sets.  If some of the given arguments
/// don't hold a range set (nullptr or std::nullopt), the function will skip
/// them.
/// Available representations for the arguments are:
///   * RangeSet
///   * std::optional<RangeSet>
///   * RangeSet *
/// Pointer to a RangeSet is automatically assumed to be nullable and will get
/// checked as well as the optional version.  If this behaviour is undesired,
/// please dereference the pointer in the call.
/// Return type depends on the arguments' types.  If we can be sure in compile
/// time that there will be a range set as a result, the returning type is
/// simply RangeSet, in other cases we have to back off to
/// std::optional<RangeSet>.
/// Please, prefer optional range sets to raw pointers.  If the last argument is
/// a raw pointer and all previous arguments are std::nullopt, it will cost one
/// additional check to convert RangeSet * into std::optional<RangeSet>.
template <class HeadTy, class SecondTy, class... RestTy>
[[nodiscard]] inline
    typename IntersectionTraits<HeadTy, SecondTy, RestTy...>::Type
    intersect(RangeSet::Factory &F, HeadTy Head, SecondTy Second,
              RestTy... Tail) {}

//                           Symbolic reasoning logic

/// A little component aggregating all of the reasoning we have about
/// the ranges of symbolic expressions.
/// Even when we don't know the exact values of the operands, we still
/// can get a pretty good estimate of the result's range.
class SymbolicRangeInferrer
    : public SymExprVisitor<SymbolicRangeInferrer, RangeSet> {};

//               Range-based reasoning about symbolic operations

template <>
RangeSet SymbolicRangeInferrer::VisitBinaryOperator<BO_NE>(RangeSet LHS,
                                                           RangeSet RHS,
                                                           QualType T) {}

template <>
RangeSet SymbolicRangeInferrer::VisitBinaryOperator<BO_Or>(Range LHS, Range RHS,
                                                           QualType T) {}

template <>
RangeSet SymbolicRangeInferrer::VisitBinaryOperator<BO_And>(Range LHS,
                                                            Range RHS,
                                                            QualType T) {}

template <>
RangeSet SymbolicRangeInferrer::VisitBinaryOperator<BO_Rem>(Range LHS,
                                                            Range RHS,
                                                            QualType T) {}

RangeSet SymbolicRangeInferrer::VisitBinaryOperator(RangeSet LHS,
                                                    BinaryOperator::Opcode Op,
                                                    RangeSet RHS, QualType T) {}

//                  Constraint manager implementation details

class RangeConstraintManager : public RangedConstraintManager {};

//                         Constraint assignment logic

/// ConstraintAssignorBase is a small utility class that unifies visitor
/// for ranges with a visitor for constraints (rangeset/range/constant).
/// It is designed to have one derived class, but generally it can have more.
/// Derived class can control which types we handle by defining methods of the
/// following form:
///   bool handle${SYMBOL}To${CONSTRAINT}(const SYMBOL *Sym,
///                                       CONSTRAINT Constraint);
/// where SYMBOL is the type of the symbol (e.g. SymSymExpr, SymbolCast, etc.)
///       CONSTRAINT is the type of constraint (RangeSet/Range/Const)
///       return value signifies whether we should try other handle methods
///          (i.e. false would mean to stop right after calling this method)
template <class Derived> class ConstraintAssignorBase {}};

/// A little component aggregating all of the reasoning we have about
/// assigning new constraints to symbols.
/// The main purpose of this class is to associate constraints to symbols,
/// and impose additional constraints on other symbols, when we can imply
/// them.
/// It has a nice symmetry with SymbolicRangeInferrer.  When the latter
/// can provide more precise ranges by looking into the operands of the
/// expression in question, ConstraintAssignor looks into the operands
/// to see if we can imply more from the new constraint.
class ConstraintAssignor : public ConstraintAssignorBase<ConstraintAssignor> {};

bool ConstraintAssignor::assignSymExprToConst(const SymExpr *Sym,
                                              const llvm::APSInt &Constraint) {}

bool ConstraintAssignor::assignSymSymExprToRangeSet(const SymSymExpr *Sym,
                                                    RangeSet Constraint) {}

} // end anonymous namespace

ento::CreateRangeConstraintManager(ProgramStateManager &StMgr,
                                   ExprEngine *Eng) {}

ConstraintMap ento::getConstraintMap(ProgramStateRef State) {}

//                     EqualityClass implementation details

LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void EquivalenceClass::dumpToStream(ProgramStateRef State,
                                                     raw_ostream &os) const {}

inline EquivalenceClass EquivalenceClass::find(ProgramStateRef State,
                                               SymbolRef Sym) {}

inline ProgramStateRef EquivalenceClass::merge(RangeSet::Factory &F,
                                               ProgramStateRef State,
                                               SymbolRef First,
                                               SymbolRef Second) {}

inline ProgramStateRef EquivalenceClass::merge(RangeSet::Factory &F,
                                               ProgramStateRef State,
                                               EquivalenceClass Other) {}

inline ProgramStateRef
EquivalenceClass::mergeImpl(RangeSet::Factory &RangeFactory,
                            ProgramStateRef State, SymbolSet MyMembers,
                            EquivalenceClass Other, SymbolSet OtherMembers) {}

inline SymbolSet::Factory &
EquivalenceClass::getMembersFactory(ProgramStateRef State) {}

SymbolSet EquivalenceClass::getClassMembers(ProgramStateRef State) const {}

bool EquivalenceClass::isTrivial(ProgramStateRef State) const {}

bool EquivalenceClass::isTriviallyDead(ProgramStateRef State,
                                       SymbolReaper &Reaper) const {}

inline ProgramStateRef EquivalenceClass::markDisequal(RangeSet::Factory &RF,
                                                      ProgramStateRef State,
                                                      SymbolRef First,
                                                      SymbolRef Second) {}

inline ProgramStateRef EquivalenceClass::markDisequal(RangeSet::Factory &RF,
                                                      ProgramStateRef State,
                                                      EquivalenceClass First,
                                                      EquivalenceClass Second) {}

inline ProgramStateRef
EquivalenceClass::markDisequal(RangeSet::Factory &RF, ProgramStateRef State,
                               EquivalenceClass Other) const {}

inline bool EquivalenceClass::addToDisequalityInfo(
    DisequalityMapTy &Info, ConstraintRangeTy &Constraints,
    RangeSet::Factory &RF, ProgramStateRef State, EquivalenceClass First,
    EquivalenceClass Second) {}

inline std::optional<bool> EquivalenceClass::areEqual(ProgramStateRef State,
                                                      SymbolRef FirstSym,
                                                      SymbolRef SecondSym) {}

inline std::optional<bool> EquivalenceClass::areEqual(ProgramStateRef State,
                                                      EquivalenceClass First,
                                                      EquivalenceClass Second) {}

[[nodiscard]] ProgramStateRef
EquivalenceClass::removeMember(ProgramStateRef State, const SymbolRef Old) {}

// Re-evaluate an SVal with top-level `State->assume` logic.
[[nodiscard]] static ProgramStateRef
reAssume(ProgramStateRef State, const RangeSet *Constraint, SVal TheValue) {}

// Iterate over all symbols and try to simplify them. Once a symbol is
// simplified then we check if we can merge the simplified symbol's equivalence
// class to this class. This way, we simplify not just the symbols but the
// classes as well: we strive to keep the number of the classes to be the
// absolute minimum.
[[nodiscard]] ProgramStateRef
EquivalenceClass::simplify(SValBuilder &SVB, RangeSet::Factory &F,
                           ProgramStateRef State, EquivalenceClass Class) {}

inline ClassSet EquivalenceClass::getDisequalClasses(ProgramStateRef State,
                                                     SymbolRef Sym) {}

inline ClassSet
EquivalenceClass::getDisequalClasses(ProgramStateRef State) const {}

inline ClassSet
EquivalenceClass::getDisequalClasses(DisequalityMapTy Map,
                                     ClassSet::Factory &Factory) const {}

bool EquivalenceClass::isClassDataConsistent(ProgramStateRef State) {}

//                    RangeConstraintManager implementation

bool RangeConstraintManager::canReasonAbout(SVal X) const {}

ConditionTruthVal RangeConstraintManager::checkNull(ProgramStateRef State,
                                                    SymbolRef Sym) {}

const llvm::APSInt *RangeConstraintManager::getSymVal(ProgramStateRef St,
                                                      SymbolRef Sym) const {}

const llvm::APSInt *RangeConstraintManager::getSymMinVal(ProgramStateRef St,
                                                         SymbolRef Sym) const {}

const llvm::APSInt *RangeConstraintManager::getSymMaxVal(ProgramStateRef St,
                                                         SymbolRef Sym) const {}

//                Remove dead symbols from existing constraints

/// Scan all symbols referenced by the constraints. If the symbol is not alive
/// as marked in LSymbols, mark it as dead in DSymbols.
RangeConstraintManager::removeDeadBindings(ProgramStateRef State,
                                           SymbolReaper &SymReaper) {}

RangeSet RangeConstraintManager::getRange(ProgramStateRef State,
                                          SymbolRef Sym) {}

ProgramStateRef RangeConstraintManager::setRange(ProgramStateRef State,
                                                 SymbolRef Sym,
                                                 RangeSet Range) {}

// assumeSymX methods: protected interface for RangeConstraintManager.

// The syntax for ranges below is mathematical, using [x, y] for closed ranges
// and (x, y) for open ranges. These ranges are modular, corresponding with
// a common treatment of C integer overflow. This means that these methods
// do not have to worry about overflow; RangeSet::Intersect can handle such a
// "wraparound" range.
// As an example, the range [UINT_MAX-1, 3) contains five values: UINT_MAX-1,
// UINT_MAX, 0, 1, and 2.

RangeConstraintManager::assumeSymNE(ProgramStateRef St, SymbolRef Sym,
                                    const llvm::APSInt &Int,
                                    const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) {}

RangeConstraintManager::assumeSymEQ(ProgramStateRef St, SymbolRef Sym,
                                    const llvm::APSInt &Int,
                                    const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) {}

RangeSet RangeConstraintManager::getSymLTRange(ProgramStateRef St,
                                               SymbolRef Sym,
                                               const llvm::APSInt &Int,
                                               const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) {}

RangeConstraintManager::assumeSymLT(ProgramStateRef St, SymbolRef Sym,
                                    const llvm::APSInt &Int,
                                    const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) {}

RangeSet RangeConstraintManager::getSymGTRange(ProgramStateRef St,
                                               SymbolRef Sym,
                                               const llvm::APSInt &Int,
                                               const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) {}

RangeConstraintManager::assumeSymGT(ProgramStateRef St, SymbolRef Sym,
                                    const llvm::APSInt &Int,
                                    const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) {}

RangeSet RangeConstraintManager::getSymGERange(ProgramStateRef St,
                                               SymbolRef Sym,
                                               const llvm::APSInt &Int,
                                               const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) {}

RangeConstraintManager::assumeSymGE(ProgramStateRef St, SymbolRef Sym,
                                    const llvm::APSInt &Int,
                                    const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) {}

RangeConstraintManager::getSymLERange(llvm::function_ref<RangeSet()> RS,
                                      const llvm::APSInt &Int,
                                      const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) {}

RangeSet RangeConstraintManager::getSymLERange(ProgramStateRef St,
                                               SymbolRef Sym,
                                               const llvm::APSInt &Int,
                                               const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) {}

RangeConstraintManager::assumeSymLE(ProgramStateRef St, SymbolRef Sym,
                                    const llvm::APSInt &Int,
                                    const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) {}

ProgramStateRef RangeConstraintManager::assumeSymWithinInclusiveRange(
    ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym, const llvm::APSInt &From,
    const llvm::APSInt &To, const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) {}

ProgramStateRef RangeConstraintManager::assumeSymOutsideInclusiveRange(
    ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym, const llvm::APSInt &From,
    const llvm::APSInt &To, const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) {}

// Pretty-printing.

void RangeConstraintManager::printJson(raw_ostream &Out, ProgramStateRef State,
                                       const char *NL, unsigned int Space,
                                       bool IsDot) const {}

void RangeConstraintManager::printValue(raw_ostream &Out, ProgramStateRef State,
                                        SymbolRef Sym) {}

static std::string toString(const SymbolRef &Sym) {}

void RangeConstraintManager::printConstraints(raw_ostream &Out,
                                              ProgramStateRef State,
                                              const char *NL,
                                              unsigned int Space,
                                              bool IsDot) const {}

static std::string toString(ProgramStateRef State, EquivalenceClass Class) {}

void RangeConstraintManager::printEquivalenceClasses(raw_ostream &Out,
                                                     ProgramStateRef State,
                                                     const char *NL,
                                                     unsigned int Space,
                                                     bool IsDot) const {}

void RangeConstraintManager::printDisequalities(raw_ostream &Out,
                                                ProgramStateRef State,
                                                const char *NL,
                                                unsigned int Space,
                                                bool IsDot) const {}