
/*===- TableGen'erated file -------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===*\
|*                                                                            *|
|* Property definitions for LLDB.                                             *|
|*                                                                            *|
|* Automatically generated file, do not edit!                                 *|
|* From: CoreProperties.td                                                    *|
|*                                                                            *|

// Property definitions for debugger
#ifdef LLDB_PROPERTIES_debugger
static constexpr PropertyDefinition g_debugger_properties[] =;
#undef LLDB_PROPERTIES_debugger
#endif // debugger Property

// Property definitions for modulelist
#ifdef LLDB_PROPERTIES_modulelist
static constexpr PropertyDefinition g_modulelist_properties[] = {
  {"auto-download", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, true, eSymbolDownloadOff, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_auto_download_enum_values), "On macOS, automatically download symbols with dsymForUUID (or an equivalent script/binary) for relevant images in the debug session."},
  {"clang-modules-cache-path", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec, true, 0, "", {}, "The path to the clang modules cache directory (-fmodules-cache-path)."},
  {"enable-background-lookup", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "Alias for backward compatibility: when enabled this is the equivalent to 'symbols.auto-download background'."},
  {"enable-external-lookup", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 1, nullptr, {}, "Control the use of external tools and repositories to locate symbol files. Directories listed in target.debug-file-search-paths and directory of the executable are always checked first for separate debug info files. Then depending on this setting: On macOS, Spotlight would be also used to locate a matching .dSYM bundle based on the UUID of the executable. On NetBSD, directory /usr/libdata/debug would be also searched. On platforms other than NetBSD directory /usr/lib/debug would be also searched. If all other methods fail there may be symbol-locator plugins that, if configured properly, will also attempt to acquire symbols. The debuginfod plugin defaults to the DEGUFINFOD_URLS environment variable which is configurable through the 'plugin.symbol-locator.debuginfod.server_urls' setting."},
  {"enable-lldb-index-cache", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "Enable caching for debug sessions in LLDB. LLDB can cache data for each module for improved performance in subsequent debug sessions."},
  {"lldb-index-cache-expiration-days", OptionValue::eTypeUInt64, true, 7, nullptr, {}, "The expiration time in days for a file. When a file hasn't been accessed for the specified amount of days, it is removed from the cache. A value of 0 disables the expiration-based pruning."},
  {"lldb-index-cache-max-byte-size", OptionValue::eTypeUInt64, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "The maximum size for the LLDB index cache directory in bytes. A value over the amount of available space on the disk will be reduced to the amount of available space. A value of 0 disables the absolute size-based pruning."},
  {"lldb-index-cache-max-percent", OptionValue::eTypeUInt64, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "The maximum size for the cache directory in terms of percentage of the available space on the disk. Set to 100 to indicate no limit, 50 to indicate that the cache size will not be left over half the available disk space. A value over 100 will be reduced to 100. A value of 0 disables the percentage size-based pruning."},
  {"lldb-index-cache-path", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec, true, 0, "", {}, "The path to the LLDB index cache directory."},
  {"load-on-demand", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "Enable on demand symbol loading in LLDB. LLDB will load debug info on demand for each module based on various conditions (e.g. matched breakpoint, resolved stack frame addresses and matched global variables/function symbols in symbol table) to improve performance. Please refer to docs/use/ondemand.rst for details."},
  {"debug-info-symlink-paths", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpecList, true, 0, "", {}, "Debug info path which should be resolved while parsing, relative to the host filesystem."},
#undef LLDB_PROPERTIES_modulelist
#endif // modulelist Property