
//===-- StackFrame.cpp ----------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "lldb/Target/StackFrame.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Disassembler.h"
#include "lldb/Core/FormatEntity.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Mangled.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Value.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ValueObjectConstResult.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ValueObjectMemory.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ValueObjectVariable.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/CompileUnit.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/Function.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/Symbol.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContextScope.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolFile.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/Type.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/VariableList.h"
#include "lldb/Target/ABI.h"
#include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
#include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
#include "lldb/Target/StackFrameRecognizer.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/LLDBLog.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/RegisterValue.h"

#include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"

#include <memory>


// The first bits in the flags are reserved for the SymbolContext::Scope bits
// so we know if we have tried to look up information in our internal symbol
// context (m_sc) already.

StackFrame::StackFrame(const ThreadSP &thread_sp, user_id_t frame_idx,
                       user_id_t unwind_frame_index, addr_t cfa,
                       bool cfa_is_valid, addr_t pc, StackFrame::Kind kind,
                       bool behaves_like_zeroth_frame,
                       const SymbolContext *sc_ptr)

StackFrame::StackFrame(const ThreadSP &thread_sp, user_id_t frame_idx,
                       user_id_t unwind_frame_index,
                       const RegisterContextSP &reg_context_sp, addr_t cfa,
                       addr_t pc, bool behaves_like_zeroth_frame,
                       const SymbolContext *sc_ptr)

StackFrame::StackFrame(const ThreadSP &thread_sp, user_id_t frame_idx,
                       user_id_t unwind_frame_index,
                       const RegisterContextSP &reg_context_sp, addr_t cfa,
                       const Address &pc_addr, bool behaves_like_zeroth_frame,
                       const SymbolContext *sc_ptr)

StackFrame::~StackFrame() = default;

StackID &StackFrame::GetStackID() {}

uint32_t StackFrame::GetFrameIndex() const {}

void StackFrame::SetSymbolContextScope(SymbolContextScope *symbol_scope) {}

const Address &StackFrame::GetFrameCodeAddress() {}

// This can't be rewritten into a call to
// RegisterContext::GetPCForSymbolication because this
// StackFrame may have been constructed with a special pc,
// e.g. tail-call artificial frames.
Address StackFrame::GetFrameCodeAddressForSymbolication() {}

bool StackFrame::ChangePC(addr_t pc) {}

const char *StackFrame::Disassemble() {}

Block *StackFrame::GetFrameBlock() {}

// Get the symbol context if we already haven't done so by resolving the
// PC address as much as possible. This way when we pass around a
// StackFrame object, everyone will have as much information as possible and no
// one will ever have to look things up manually.
const SymbolContext &
StackFrame::GetSymbolContext(SymbolContextItem resolve_scope) {}

VariableList *StackFrame::GetVariableList(bool get_file_globals,
                                          Status *error_ptr) {}

StackFrame::GetInScopeVariableList(bool get_file_globals,
                                   bool must_have_valid_location) {}

ValueObjectSP StackFrame::GetValueForVariableExpressionPath(
    llvm::StringRef var_expr, DynamicValueType use_dynamic, uint32_t options,
    VariableSP &var_sp, Status &error) {}

llvm::Error StackFrame::GetFrameBaseValue(Scalar &frame_base) {}

DWARFExpressionList *StackFrame::GetFrameBaseExpression(Status *error_ptr) {}

RegisterContextSP StackFrame::GetRegisterContext() {}

bool StackFrame::HasDebugInformation() {}

StackFrame::GetValueObjectForFrameVariable(const VariableSP &variable_sp,
                                           DynamicValueType use_dynamic) {}

bool StackFrame::IsInlined() {}

bool StackFrame::IsHistorical() const {}

bool StackFrame::IsArtificial() const {}

bool StackFrame::IsHidden() {}

SourceLanguage StackFrame::GetLanguage() {}

SourceLanguage StackFrame::GuessLanguage() {}

namespace {
std::pair<const Instruction::Operand *, int64_t>
GetBaseExplainingValue(const Instruction::Operand &operand,
                       RegisterContext &register_context, lldb::addr_t value) {}

std::pair<const Instruction::Operand *, int64_t>
GetBaseExplainingDereference(const Instruction::Operand &operand,
                             RegisterContext &register_context,
                             lldb::addr_t addr) {}
} // namespace

lldb::ValueObjectSP StackFrame::GuessValueForAddress(lldb::addr_t addr) {}

namespace {
ValueObjectSP GetValueForOffset(StackFrame &frame, ValueObjectSP &parent,
                                int64_t offset) {}

ValueObjectSP GetValueForDereferincingOffset(StackFrame &frame,
                                             ValueObjectSP &base,
                                             int64_t offset) {}

/// Attempt to reconstruct the ValueObject for the address contained in a
/// given register plus an offset.
/// \param [in] frame
///   The current stack frame.
/// \param [in] reg
///   The register.
/// \param [in] offset
///   The offset from the register.
/// \param [in] disassembler
///   A disassembler containing instructions valid up to the current PC.
/// \param [in] variables
///   The variable list from the current frame,
/// \param [in] pc
///   The program counter for the instruction considered the 'user'.
/// \return
///   A string describing the base for the ExpressionPath.  This could be a
///     variable, a register value, an argument, or a function return value.
///   The ValueObject if found.  If valid, it has a valid ExpressionPath.
lldb::ValueObjectSP DoGuessValueAt(StackFrame &frame, ConstString reg,
                                   int64_t offset, Disassembler &disassembler,
                                   VariableList &variables, const Address &pc) {}

lldb::ValueObjectSP StackFrame::GuessValueForRegisterAndOffset(ConstString reg,
                                                               int64_t offset) {}

lldb::ValueObjectSP StackFrame::FindVariable(ConstString name) {}

TargetSP StackFrame::CalculateTarget() {}

ProcessSP StackFrame::CalculateProcess() {}

ThreadSP StackFrame::CalculateThread() {}

StackFrameSP StackFrame::CalculateStackFrame() {}

void StackFrame::CalculateExecutionContext(ExecutionContext &exe_ctx) {}

bool StackFrame::DumpUsingFormat(Stream &strm,
                                 const FormatEntity::Entry *format,
                                 llvm::StringRef frame_marker) {}

void StackFrame::DumpUsingSettingsFormat(Stream *strm, bool show_unique,
                                         const char *frame_marker) {}

void StackFrame::Dump(Stream *strm, bool show_frame_index,
                      bool show_fullpaths) {}

void StackFrame::UpdateCurrentFrameFromPreviousFrame(StackFrame &prev_frame) {}

void StackFrame::UpdatePreviousFrameFromCurrentFrame(StackFrame &curr_frame) {}

bool StackFrame::HasCachedData() const {}

bool StackFrame::GetStatus(Stream &strm, bool show_frame_info, bool show_source,
                           bool show_unique, const char *frame_marker) {}

RecognizedStackFrameSP StackFrame::GetRecognizedFrame() {}