
//===- CoverageExporterLcov.cpp - Code coverage export --------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements export of code coverage data to lcov trace file format.

// The trace file code coverage export follows the following format (see also
// https://linux.die.net/man/1/geninfo). Each quoted string appears on its own
// line; the indentation shown here is only for documentation purposes.
// - for each source file:
//   - "SF:<absolute path to source file>"
//   - for each function:
//     - "FN:<line number of function start>,<function name>"
//   - for each function:
//     - "FNDA:<execution count>,<function name>"
//   - "FNF:<number of functions found>"
//   - "FNH:<number of functions hit>"
//   - for each instrumented line:
//     - "DA:<line number>,<execution count>[,<checksum>]
//   - for each branch:
//     - "BRDA:<line number>,<branch pair id>,<branch id>,<count>"
//   - "BRF:<number of branches found>"
//   - "BRH:<number of branches hit>"
//   - "LH:<number of lines with non-zero execution count>"
//   - "LF:<number of instrumented lines>"
//   - "end_of_record"
// If the user is exporting summary information only, then the FN, FNDA, and DA
// lines will not be present.

#include "CoverageExporterLcov.h"
#include "CoverageReport.h"


namespace {

void renderFunctionSummary(raw_ostream &OS,
                           const FileCoverageSummary &Summary) {}

void renderFunctions(
    raw_ostream &OS,
    const iterator_range<coverage::FunctionRecordIterator> &Functions) {}

void renderLineExecutionCounts(raw_ostream &OS,
                               const coverage::CoverageData &FileCoverage) {}

collectNestedBranches(const coverage::CoverageMapping &Coverage,
                      ArrayRef<llvm::coverage::ExpansionRecord> Expansions,
                      int ViewDepth = 0, int SrcLine = 0) {}

bool sortLine(llvm::coverage::CountedRegion I,
              llvm::coverage::CountedRegion J) {}

void renderBranchExecutionCounts(raw_ostream &OS,
                                 const coverage::CoverageMapping &Coverage,
                                 const coverage::CoverageData &FileCoverage) {}

void renderLineSummary(raw_ostream &OS, const FileCoverageSummary &Summary) {}

void renderBranchSummary(raw_ostream &OS, const FileCoverageSummary &Summary) {}

void renderFile(raw_ostream &OS, const coverage::CoverageMapping &Coverage,
                const std::string &Filename,
                const FileCoverageSummary &FileReport, bool ExportSummaryOnly,
                bool SkipFunctions, bool SkipBranches) {}

void renderFiles(raw_ostream &OS, const coverage::CoverageMapping &Coverage,
                 ArrayRef<std::string> SourceFiles,
                 ArrayRef<FileCoverageSummary> FileReports,
                 bool ExportSummaryOnly, bool SkipFunctions,
                 bool SkipBranches) {}

} // end anonymous namespace

void CoverageExporterLcov::renderRoot(const CoverageFilters &IgnoreFilters) {}

void CoverageExporterLcov::renderRoot(ArrayRef<std::string> SourceFiles) {}