
 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <atomic>
#include <exception>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

#include <folly/CPortability.h>
#include <folly/CppAttributes.h>
#include <folly/Likely.h>
#include <folly/Portability.h>
#include <folly/Traits.h>
#include <folly/Utility.h>
#include <folly/lang/Assume.h>
#include <folly/lang/SafeAssert.h>
#include <folly/lang/Thunk.h>
#include <folly/lang/TypeInfo.h>

namespace folly {

/// throw_exception
/// Throw an exception if exceptions are enabled, or terminate if compiled with
/// -fno-exceptions.
template <typename Ex>
[[noreturn, FOLLY_ATTR_GNU_COLD]] FOLLY_NOINLINE void throw_exception(Ex&& ex) {}

/// terminate_with
/// Terminates as if by forwarding to throw_exception but in a noexcept context.
template <typename Ex>
[[noreturn, FOLLY_ATTR_GNU_COLD]] FOLLY_NOINLINE void terminate_with(
    Ex&& ex) noexcept {}

namespace detail {

struct throw_exception_arg_array_ {};
struct throw_exception_arg_trivial_ {};
struct throw_exception_arg_base_ {};

template <typename Ex, typename... Args>
[[noreturn, FOLLY_ATTR_GNU_COLD]] FOLLY_NOINLINE void throw_exception_(
    Args... args) {}
template <typename Ex, typename... Args>
[[noreturn, FOLLY_ATTR_GNU_COLD]] FOLLY_NOINLINE void terminate_with_(
    Args... args) noexcept {}

} // namespace detail

/// throw_exception
/// Construct and throw an exception if exceptions are enabled, or terminate if
/// compiled with -fno-exceptions.
/// Does not perfectly forward all its arguments. Instead, in the interest of
/// minimizing common-case inline code size, decays its arguments as follows:
/// * refs to arrays of char const are decayed to char const*
/// * refs to arrays are otherwise invalid
/// * refs to trivial types are decayed to values
/// The reason for treating refs to arrays as invalid is to avoid having two
/// behaviors for refs to arrays, one for the general case and one for where the
/// inner type is char const. Having two behaviors can be surprising, so avoid.
template <typename Ex, typename... Args>
[[noreturn]] FOLLY_ERASE void throw_exception(Args&&... args) {}

/// terminate_with
/// Terminates as if by forwarding to throw_exception within a noexcept context.
template <typename Ex, typename... Args>
[[noreturn]] FOLLY_ERASE void terminate_with(Args&&... args) {}

/// invoke_cold
/// Invoke the provided function with the provided arguments.
/// Usage note:
/// Passing extra values as arguments rather than capturing them allows smaller
/// inlined native code at the call-site. Passing function-pointers or function-
/// references rather than general callables with captures allows allows smaller
/// inlined native code at the call-site as well.
/// Example:
///   if (i < 0) {
///     invoke_cold(
///         [](int j) {
///           std::string ret = doStepA();
///           doStepB(ret);
///           doStepC(ret);
///         },
///         i);
///   }
template <
    typename F,
    typename... A,
    typename FD = std::remove_pointer_t<std::decay_t<F>>,
    std::enable_if_t<!std::is_function<FD>::value, int> = 0,
    typename R = decltype(FOLLY_DECLVAL(F&&)(FOLLY_DECLVAL(A&&)...))>
[[FOLLY_ATTR_GNU_COLD]] FOLLY_NOINLINE R invoke_cold(F&& f, A&&... a) //
    noexcept(noexcept(static_cast<F&&>(f)(static_cast<A&&>(a)...))) {}
template <
    typename F,
    typename... A,
    typename FD = std::remove_pointer_t<std::decay_t<F>>,
    std::enable_if_t<std::is_function<FD>::value, int> = 0,
    typename R = decltype(FOLLY_DECLVAL(F&&)(FOLLY_DECLVAL(A&&)...))>
FOLLY_ERASE R invoke_cold(F&& f, A&&... a) //
    noexcept(noexcept(f(static_cast<A&&>(a)...))) {}

/// invoke_noreturn_cold
/// Invoke the provided function with the provided arguments. If the invocation
/// returns, terminate.
/// May be used with throw_exception in cases where construction of the object
/// to be thrown requires more than just invoking its constructor with a given
/// sequence of arguments passed by reference - for example, if a string message
/// must be computed before being passed to the constructor of the object to be
/// thrown.
/// Usage note:
/// Passing extra values as arguments rather than capturing them allows smaller
/// inlined native code at the call-site.
/// Example:
///   if (i < 0) {
///     invoke_noreturn_cold(
///         [](int j) {
///           throw_exceptions(runtime_error(to<string>("invalid: ", j)));
///         },
///         i);
///   }
template <typename F, typename... A>
invoke_noreturn_cold(F&& f, A&&... a) noexcept(
    /* formatting */ noexcept(static_cast<F&&>(f)(static_cast<A&&>(a)...))) {}

/// catch_exception
/// Invokes t; if exceptions are enabled (if not compiled with -fno-exceptions),
/// catches a thrown exception e of type E and invokes c, forwarding e and any
/// trailing arguments.
/// Usage note:
/// As a general rule, pass Ex const& rather than unqualified Ex as the explicit
/// template argument E. The catch statement catches E without qualifiers so
/// if E is Ex then that translates to catch (Ex), but if E is Ex const& then
/// that translates to catch (Ex const&).
/// Usage note:
/// Passing extra values as arguments rather than capturing them allows smaller
/// inlined native code at the call-site.
/// Example:
///  int input = // ...
///  int def = 45;
///  auto result = catch_exception<std::runtime_error const&>(
///      [=] {
///        if (input < 0) throw std::runtime_error("foo");
///        return input;
///      },
///      [](auto&& e, int num) { return num; },
///      def);
///  assert(result == input < 0 ? def : input);
template <
    typename E,
    typename Try,
    typename Catch,
    typename... CatchA,
    typename R = std::common_type_t<
            FOLLY_DECLVAL(E&), FOLLY_DECLVAL(CatchA&&)...))>>
FOLLY_ERASE_TRYCATCH R catch_exception(Try&& t, Catch&& c, CatchA&&... a) {}

/// catch_exception
/// Invokes t; if exceptions are enabled (if not compiled with -fno-exceptions),
/// catches a thrown exception of any type and invokes c, forwarding any
/// trailing arguments.
/// Usage note:
/// Passing extra values as arguments rather than capturing them allows smaller
/// inlined native code at the call-site.
/// Example:
///  int input = // ...
///  int def = 45;
///  auto result = catch_exception(
///      [=] {
///        if (input < 0) throw 11;
///        return input;
///      },
///      [](int num) { return num; },
///      def);
///  assert(result == input < 0 ? def : input);
template <
    typename Try,
    typename Catch,
    typename... CatchA,
    typename R = std::common_type_t<
catch_exception(Try&& t, Catch&& c, CatchA&&... a) noexcept(
    noexcept(static_cast<Catch&&>(c)(static_cast<CatchA&&>(a)...))) {}

/// rethrow_current_exception
/// Equivalent to:
///   throw;
[[noreturn]] FOLLY_ERASE void rethrow_current_exception() {}

namespace detail {

unsigned int* uncaught_exceptions_ptr() noexcept;

} // namespace detail

/// uncaught_exceptions
/// An accelerated version of std::uncaught_exceptions.
/// mimic: std::uncaught_exceptions, c++17
uncaught_exceptions() noexcept {}

/// current_exception
/// An accelerated version of std::current_exception.
/// mimic: std::current_exception, c++11
std::exception_ptr current_exception() noexcept;

namespace detail {
inline constexpr bool exception_ptr_access_ct = false;
inline constexpr bool exception_ptr_access_ct = true;
inline constexpr bool exception_ptr_access_ct =;

// 0 unknown, 1 true, -1 false
extern std::atomic<int> exception_ptr_access_rt_cache_;

[[FOLLY_ATTR_GNU_COLD]] bool exception_ptr_access_rt_v_() noexcept;
[[FOLLY_ATTR_GNU_COLD]] bool exception_ptr_access_rt_() noexcept;

inline bool exception_ptr_access_rt() noexcept {}

inline std::nullptr_t exception_ptr_nullptr() {}

template <typename T, typename Catch>
auto exception_ptr_catching(std::exception_ptr const& ptr, Catch catch_) {}

std::type_info const* exception_ptr_exception_typeid(
    std::exception const&) noexcept;

std::type_info const* exception_ptr_get_type_(
    std::exception_ptr const& ptr) noexcept;

void* exception_ptr_get_object_(
    std::exception_ptr const&, std::type_info const*) noexcept;

} // namespace detail

//  exception_ptr_access
//  Whether exception_ptr_get_type and template exception_ptr_get_object always
//  return the type or object or only do so when the stored object is of some
//  concrete type inheriting std::exception, and whether the non non-template
//  overloads of exception_ptr_get_object works at all.
//  Non-authoritative. For some known platforms, inspection of exception-ptr
//  objects fails. This is likely to do with mismatch between the application
//  ABI and the system-provided libstdc++/libc++/cxxabi ABI. May falsely return
//  true on other platforms.
[[FOLLY_ATTR_GNU_PURE]] inline bool exception_ptr_access() noexcept {}

//  exception_ptr_get_type
//  Returns the true runtime type info of the exception as stored.
inline std::type_info const* exception_ptr_get_type(
    std::exception_ptr const& ptr) noexcept {}

//  exception_ptr_get_object
//  Returns the address of the stored exception as if it were upcast to the
//  given type, if it could be upcast to that type. If no type is passed,
//  returns the address of the stored exception without upcasting.
//  Note that the stored exception is always a copy of the thrown exception, and
//  on some platforms caught exceptions may be copied from the stored exception.
//  The address is only the address of the object as stored, not as thrown and
//  not as caught.
inline void* exception_ptr_get_object(
    std::exception_ptr const& ptr,
    std::type_info const* const target) noexcept {}

//  exception_ptr_get_object
//  Returns the true address of the exception as stored without upcasting.
inline void* exception_ptr_get_object( //
    std::exception_ptr const& ptr) noexcept {}

//  exception_ptr_get_object
//  Returns the address of the stored exception as if it were upcast to the
//  given type, if it could be upcast to that type.
template <typename T>
T* exception_ptr_get_object(std::exception_ptr const& ptr) noexcept {}

/// exception_ptr_try_get_object_exact_fast
/// Returns the address of the stored exception as if it were upcast to the
/// given type, if its concrete type is exactly equal to one of the types passed
/// in the tag.
/// May hypothetically fail in cases where multipe type-info objects exist for
/// any of the given types. Positives are true but negatives may be either true
/// or false.
template <typename T, typename... S>
T* exception_ptr_try_get_object_exact_fast(
    std::exception_ptr const& ptr, tag_t<S...>) noexcept {}

/// exception_ptr_get_object_hint
/// Returns the address of the stored exception as if it were upcast to the
/// given type, if it could be upcast to that type.
/// If its concrete type is exactly equal to one of the types passed in the tag,
/// this may be faster than exception_ptr_get_object without the hint.
template <typename T, typename... S>
T* exception_ptr_get_object_hint(
    std::exception_ptr const& ptr, tag_t<S...> const hint) noexcept {}

namespace detail {

struct make_exception_ptr_with_arg_ {};

std::exception_ptr make_exception_ptr_with_(
    make_exception_ptr_with_arg_ const&, void*) noexcept;

template <typename F>
struct make_exception_ptr_with_fn_ {};

} // namespace detail

/// make_exception_ptr_with_fn
/// make_exception_ptr_with
/// Constructs a std::exception_ptr. On some platforms, this form may be more
/// efficient than std::make_exception_ptr. In particular, even when the latter
/// is optimized not actually to throw, catch, and call std::current_exception
/// internally, it remains specified to take its parameter by-value and to copy
/// its parameter internally. Many in-practice exception types, including those
/// which ship with standard libraries implementations, have copy constructors
/// which may atomically modify refcounts; others may allocate and copy string
/// data. In the best-case scenario, folly::make_exception_ptr_with may avoid
/// these costs.
/// There are three overloads, with overload selection unambiguous.
/// * A single invocable argument. The argument is invoked and its return value
///   is the managed exception.
/// * Variadic arguments, the first of which is in_place_type<E>. An exception
///   of type E is created in-place with the remaining arguments forwarded to
///   the constructor of E, and it is the managed exception.
/// * Two arguments, the first of which is in_place. The argument is moved or
///   copied and the result is the managed exception. This form is the closest
///   to std::make_exception_ptr.
/// Example:
///   std::exception_ptr eptr = make_exception_ptr_with(
///       [] { return std::runtime_error("message string"); });
///   std::exception_ptr eptr = make_exception_ptr_with(
///       std::in_place_type<std::runtime_error>, "message string");
///   std::exception_ptr eptr = make_exception_ptr_with(
///       std::in_place, std::runtime_error("message string");
/// In each example above, the variable eptr holds a managed exception object of
/// type std::runtime_error with a message string "message string" that would be
/// returned by member what().
/// Note that a managed exception object can have any value type whatsoever; it
/// is not required to have value type of or inheriting std::exception. This is
/// the same principle as for throw statements and throw_exception above.
struct make_exception_ptr_with_fn {};
inline constexpr make_exception_ptr_with_fn make_exception_ptr_with{};

//  exception_shared_string
//  An immutable refcounted string, with the same layout as a pointer, suitable
//  for use in an exception. Exceptions are intended to cheaply nothrow-copy-
//  constructible and mostly do not need to optimize moves, and this affects how
//  exception messages are best stored.
//  May be constructed with a literal string in a very particular form. If so
//  constructed, (a literal copy of) the literal string will be held with no
//  refcount required.
class exception_shared_string {};

} // namespace folly