
 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include <glog/logging.h>

#include <folly/Executor.h>
#include <folly/Function.h>
#include <folly/Optional.h>
#include <folly/ScopeGuard.h>
#include <folly/Try.h>
#include <folly/Utility.h>
#include <folly/futures/detail/Types.h>
#include <folly/io/async/Request.h>
#include <folly/lang/Assume.h>
#include <folly/lang/Exception.h>
#include <folly/synchronization/AtomicUtil.h>

namespace folly {
namespace futures {
namespace detail {

/// See `Core` for details
enum class State : uint8_t {};
constexpr State operator&(State a, State b) {}
constexpr State operator|(State a, State b) {}
constexpr State operator^(State a, State b) {}
constexpr State operator~(State a) {}

class DeferredExecutor;

class UniqueDeleter {};


 * Wrapper type that represents either a KeepAlive or a DeferredExecutor.
 * Acts as if a type-safe tagged union of the two using knowledge that the two
 * can safely be distinguished.
class KeepAliveOrDeferred {};

inline bool KeepAliveOrDeferred::isDeferred() const noexcept {}

inline bool KeepAliveOrDeferred::isKeepAlive() const noexcept {}

 * Defer work until executor is actively boosted.
class DeferredExecutor final {};

class InterruptHandler {};

template <class F>
class InterruptHandlerImpl final : public InterruptHandler {};

/// The shared state object for Future and Promise.
/// Nomenclature:
/// - "result": a `Try` object which, when set, contains a `T` or exception.
/// - "move-out the result": used to mean the `Try` object and/or its contents
///   are moved-out by a move-constructor or move-assignment. After the result
///   is set, Core itself never modifies (including moving out) the result;
///   however the docs refer to both since caller-code can move-out the result
///   implicitly (see below for examples) whereas other types of modifications
///   are more explicit in the caller code.
/// - "callback": a function provided by the future which Core may invoke. The
///   thread in which the callback is invoked depends on the executor; if there
///   is no executor or an inline executor the thread-choice depends on timing.
/// - "executor": an object which may in the future invoke a provided function
///   (some executors may, as a matter of policy, simply destroy provided
///   functions without executing them).
/// - "consumer thread": the thread which currently owns the Future and which
///   may provide the callback and/or the interrupt.
/// - "producer thread": the thread which owns the Future and which may provide
///   the result and which may provide the interrupt handler.
/// - "interrupt": if provided, an object managed by (if non-empty)
///   `exception_wrapper`.
/// - "interrupt handler": if provided, a function-object passed to
///   `promise.setInterruptHandler()`. Core invokes the interrupt handler with
///   the interrupt when both are provided (and, best effort, if there is not
///   yet any result).
/// Core holds three sets of data, each of which is concurrency-controlled:
/// - The primary producer-to-consumer info-flow: this info includes the result,
///   callback, executor, and a priority for running the callback. Management of
///   and concurrency control for this info is by an FSM based on `enum class
///   State`. All state transitions are atomic; other producer-to-consumer data
///   is sometimes modified within those transitions; see below for details.
/// - The consumer-to-producer interrupt-request flow: this info includes an
///   interrupt-handler and an interrupt.
/// - Lifetime control info: this includes two reference counts, both which are
///   internally synchronized (atomic).
/// The FSM to manage the primary producer-to-consumer info-flow has these
///   allowed (atomic) transitions:
///   +----------------------------------------------------------------+
///   |                       ---> OnlyResult -----                    |
///   |                     /                       \                  |
///   |                  (setResult())             (setCallback())     |
///   |                   /                           \                |
///   |   Start --------->                              ------> Done   |
///   |     \             \                           /                |
///   |      \           (setCallback())           (setResult())       |
///   |       \             \                       /                  |
///   |        \              ---> OnlyCallback ---                    |
///   |         \           or OnlyCallbackAllowInline                 |
///   |          \                                  \                  |
///   |      (setProxy())                          (setProxy())        |
///   |            \                                  \                |
///   |             \                                   ------> Empty  |
///   |              \                                /                |
///   |               \                            (setCallback())     |
///   |                \                            /                  |
///   |                  --------> Proxy ----------                    |
///   +----------------------------------------------------------------+
/// States and the corresponding producer-to-consumer data status & ownership:
/// - Start: has neither result nor callback. While in this state, the producer
///   thread may set the result (`setResult()`) or the consumer thread may set
///   the callback (`setCallback()`).
/// - OnlyResult: producer thread has set the result and must never access it.
///   The result is logically owned by, and possibly modified or moved-out by,
///   the consumer thread. Callers of the future object can do arbitrary
///   modifications, including moving-out, via continuations or via non-const
///   and/or rvalue-qualified `future.result()`, `future.value()`, etc.
///   Future/SemiFuture proper also move-out the result in some cases, e.g.,
///   in `wait()`, `get()`, when passing through values or results from core to
///   core, as `then-value` and `then-error`, etc.
/// - OnlyCallback: consumer thread has set a callback/continuation. From this
///   point forward only the producer thread can safely access that callback
///   (see `setResult()` and `doCallback()` where the producer thread can both
///   read and modify the callback).
/// - OnlyCallbackAllowInline: as for OnlyCallback but the core is allowed to
///   run the callback inline with the setResult call, and therefore in the
///   execution context and on the executor that executed the callback on the
///   previous core, rather than adding the callback to the current Core's
///   executor. This will only happen if the executor on which the previous
///   callback is executing, and on which it is calling setResult, is the same
///   as the executor the current core would add the callback to.
/// - Proxy: producer thread has set a proxy core which the callback should be
///   proxied to.
/// - Done: callback can be safely accessed only within `doCallback()`, which
///   gets called on exactly one thread exactly once just after the transition
///   to Done. The future object will have determined whether that callback
///   has/will move-out the result, but either way the result remains logically
///   owned exclusively by the consumer thread (the code of Future/SemiFuture,
///   of the continuation, and/or of callers of `future.result()`, etc.).
/// - Empty: the core successfully proxied the callback and is now empty.
/// Start state:
/// - Start: e.g., `Core<X>::make()`.
/// - (See also `Core<X>::make(x)` which logically transitions Start =>
///   OnlyResult within the underlying constructor.)
/// Terminal states:
/// - OnlyResult: a terminal state when a callback is never attached, and also
///   sometimes when a callback is provided, e.g., sometimes when
///   `future.wait()` and/or `future.get()` are used.
/// - Done: a terminal state when `future.then()` is used, and sometimes also
///   when `future.wait()` and/or `future.get()` are used.
/// - Proxy: a terminal state if proxy core was set, but callback was never set.
/// - Empty: a terminal state when proxying a callback was successful.
/// Notes and caveats:
/// - Unfortunately, there are things that users can do to break concurrency and
///   we can't detect that. However users should be ok if they follow move
///   semantics religiously wrt threading.
/// - Futures and/or Promises can and usually will migrate between threads,
///   though this usually happens within the API code. For example, an async
///   operation will probably make a promise-future pair (see overloads of
///   `makePromiseContract()`), then move the Promise into another thread that
///   will eventually fulfill it.
/// - Things get slightly more complicated with executors and via, but the
///   principle is the same.
/// - In general, as long as the user doesn't access a future or promise object
///   from more than one thread at a time there won't be any problems.
/// Implementation is split between CoreBase and Core<T>. T-independent bits are
/// in CoreBase in order to minimize the instantiation cost of Core<T>.
class CoreBase {};

template <typename T>
class ResultHolder {};

template <typename T>
class Core final : private ResultHolder<T>, public CoreBase {};

inline Executor* CoreBase::getExecutor() const {}

inline DeferredExecutor* CoreBase::getDeferredExecutor() const {}

// limited to the instances unconditionally forced by the futures library
extern template class Core<folly::Unit>;

} // namespace detail
} // namespace futures

} // namespace folly