
 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <folly/io/async/SSLContext.h>

#include <folly/Format.h>
#include <folly/Memory.h>
#include <folly/Random.h>
#include <folly/SharedMutex.h>
#include <folly/SpinLock.h>
#include <folly/ssl/OpenSSLTicketHandler.h>
#include <folly/ssl/PasswordCollector.h>
#include <folly/ssl/SSLSessionManager.h>
#include <folly/system/ThreadId.h>

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// SSLContext implementation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace folly {

namespace {

int getExDataIndex() {}

 * Configure the given SSL context to use the given version.
void configureProtocolVersion(SSL_CTX* ctx, SSLContext::SSLVersion version) {}

static int dispatchTicketCrypto(
    SSL* ssl,
    unsigned char* keyName,
    unsigned char* iv,
    EVP_CIPHER_CTX* cipherCtx,
    HMAC_CTX* hmacCtx,
    int encrypt) {}
} // namespace

// For OpenSSL portability API

// SSLContext implementation
SSLContext::SSLContext(SSLVersion version) {}

SSLContext::~SSLContext() {}

void SSLContext::ciphers(const std::string& ciphers) {}

void SSLContext::setClientECCurvesList(
    const std::vector<std::string>& ecCurves) {}

void SSLContext::setSupportedGroups(const std::vector<std::string>& groups) {}

void SSLContext::setServerECCurve(const std::string& curveName) {}

SSLContext::SSLContext(SSL_CTX* ctx) :{}

void SSLContext::setX509VerifyParam(
    const ssl::X509VerifyParam& x509VerifyParam) {}

void SSLContext::setCiphersOrThrow(const std::string& ciphers) {}

void SSLContext::setSigAlgsOrThrow(const std::string& sigalgs) {}

void SSLContext::setVerificationOption(
    const SSLContext::SSLVerifyPeerEnum& verifyPeer) {}

void SSLContext::setVerificationOption(
    const SSLContext::VerifyClientCertificate& verifyClient) {}

void SSLContext::setVerificationOption(
    const SSLContext::VerifyServerCertificate& verifyServer) {}

int SSLContext::getVerificationMode(
    const SSLContext::VerifyClientCertificate& verifyClient) {}

int SSLContext::getVerificationMode(
    const SSLContext::VerifyServerCertificate& verifyServer) {}

int SSLContext::getVerificationMode(
    const SSLContext::SSLVerifyPeerEnum& verifyPeer) {}

int SSLContext::getVerificationMode() const {}

void SSLContext::authenticate(
    bool checkPeerCert, bool checkPeerName, const std::string& peerName) {}

void SSLContext::loadCertificate(const char* path, const char* format) {}

void SSLContext::loadCertificateFromBufferPEM(folly::StringPiece cert) {}

void SSLContext::loadPrivateKey(const char* path, const char* format) {}

void SSLContext::loadPrivateKeyFromBufferPEM(folly::StringPiece pkey) {}

void SSLContext::loadCertKeyPairFromBufferPEM(
    folly::StringPiece cert, folly::StringPiece pkey) {}

void SSLContext::loadCertKeyPairFromFiles(
    const char* certPath,
    const char* keyPath,
    const char* certFormat,
    const char* keyFormat) {}

void SSLContext::setCertChainKeyPair(
    std::vector<ssl::X509UniquePtr>&& certChain, ssl::EvpPkeyUniquePtr&& key) {}

bool SSLContext::isCertKeyPairValid() const {}

void SSLContext::loadTrustedCertificates(const char* path) {}

void SSLContext::loadTrustedCertificates(X509_STORE* store) {}

void SSLContext::setSupportedClientCertificateAuthorityNames(
    std::vector<ssl::X509NameUniquePtr> names) {}

void SSLContext::passwordCollector(
    std::shared_ptr<ssl::PasswordCollector> collector) {}

void SSLContext::setServerNameCallback(const ServerNameCallback& cb) {}

void SSLContext::addClientHelloCallback(const ClientHelloCallback& cb) {}

int SSLContext::baseServerNameOpenSSLCallback(SSL* ssl, int* al, void* data) {}

int SSLContext::alpnSelectCallback(
    SSL* /* ssl */,
    const unsigned char** out,
    unsigned char* outlen,
    const unsigned char* in,
    unsigned int inlen,
    void* data) {}

std::string SSLContext::getAdvertisedNextProtocols() const {}

bool SSLContext::setAdvertisedNextProtocols(
    const std::list<std::string>& protocols) {}

bool SSLContext::setRandomizedAdvertisedNextProtocols(
    const std::list<NextProtocolsItem>& items) {}

void SSLContext::deleteNextProtocolsStrings() {}

void SSLContext::unsetNextProtocols() {}

size_t SSLContext::pickNextProtocols() {}

SSL* SSLContext::createSSL() const {}

void SSLContext::setSessionCacheContext(const std::string& context) {}

 * Match a name with a pattern. The pattern may include wildcard. A single
 * wildcard "*" can match up to one component in the domain name.
 * @param  host    Host name, typically the name of the remote host
 * @param  pattern Name retrieved from certificate
 * @param  size    Size of "pattern"
 * @return True, if "host" matches "pattern". False otherwise.
bool SSLContext::matchName(const char* host, const char* pattern, int size) {}

int SSLContext::passwordCallback(char* password, int size, int, void* data) {}

void SSLContext::enableFalseStart() {

void SSLContext::setOptions(long options) {}

std::string SSLContext::getErrors(int errnoCopy) {}

void SSLContext::disableTLS13() {}

void SSLContext::setupCtx(SSL_CTX* ctx) {}

SSLContext* SSLContext::getFromSSLCtx(const SSL_CTX* ctx) {}

int SSLContext::newSessionCallback(SSL* ssl, SSL_SESSION* session) {}

void SSLContext::setSessionLifecycleCallbacks(
    std::unique_ptr<SessionLifecycleCallbacks> cb) {}

void SSLContext::setCiphersuitesOrThrow(const std::string& ciphersuites) {}

void SSLContext::setAllowNoDheKex(bool flag) {}

void SSLContext::setTicketHandler(
    std::unique_ptr<OpenSSLTicketHandler> handler) {}

} // namespace folly