
 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

// Docs:

 * Serialize and deserialize folly::dynamic values as JSON.
 * Basic JSON type system:
 *     Value  : String | Bool | Null | Object | Array | Number
 *     String : UTF-8 sequence
 *     Object : (String, Value) pairs, with unique String keys
 *     Array  : ordered list of Values
 *     Null   : null
 *     Bool   : true | false
 *     Number : (representation unspecified)
 * For more information see or look up RFC 4627.
 * If your dynamic has anything illegal with regard to this type
 * system, the serializer will throw.
 * @file json.h

#pragma once

#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>

#include <folly/Function.h>
#include <folly/Range.h>
#include <folly/json/dynamic.h>

namespace folly {


namespace json {

struct serialization_opts {};

 * Create bitmap for serialization_opts.extra_ascii_to_escape_bitmap.
 * Generates a bitmap with bits set for each of the ASCII characters provided
 * for use in the serialization_opts extra_ascii_to_escape_bitmap option. If any
 * characters are not valid ASCII, they are ignored.
std::array<uint64_t, 2> buildExtraAsciiToEscapeBitmap(StringPiece chars);

 * Serialize dynamic to json-string, with options.
 * Main JSON serialization routine taking folly::dynamic parameters.
 * For the most common use cases there are simpler functions in the
 * main folly namespace.
std::string serialize(dynamic const&, serialization_opts const&);

 * Escape a string so that it is legal to print it in JSON text.
 * Append the result to out.
void escapeString(
    StringPiece input, std::string& out, const serialization_opts& opts);

 * Strip all C99-like comments (i.e. // and / * ... * /)
std::string stripComments(StringPiece jsonC);

// Parse error can be thrown when deserializing json (ie., converting string
// into json).
class FOLLY_EXPORT parse_error : public std::runtime_error {};

// Print error can be thrown when serializing json (ie., converting json into
// string).
class FOLLY_EXPORT print_error : public std::runtime_error {};

// may be extened in future to include offset, col, etc.
struct parse_location {};

// may be extended in future to include end location
struct parse_range {};

struct parse_metadata {};


} // namespace json


 * Parse a json blob out of a range and produce a dynamic representing
 * it.
dynamic parseJson(StringPiece, json::serialization_opts const&);
dynamic parseJson(StringPiece);

dynamic parseJsonWithMetadata(StringPiece range, json::metadata_map* map);
dynamic parseJsonWithMetadata(
    StringPiece range,
    json::serialization_opts const& opts,
    json::metadata_map* map);

 * Serialize a dynamic into a json string.
std::string toJson(dynamic const&);

 * Serialize a dynamic into a json string with indentation.
 * Note that the keys of all objects will be sorted.
std::string toPrettyJson(dynamic const&);

 * Printer for GTest.
 * Uppercase name to fill GTest's API, which calls this method through ADL.
void PrintTo(const dynamic&, std::ostream*);

} // namespace folly