
 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <folly/lang/Exception.h>

#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>

#include <folly/lang/New.h>

#if defined(__GLIBCXX__) || defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
#include <cxxabi.h>
#if !defined(__FreeBSD__)
#include <unwind.h>

#if defined(__GLIBCXX__) || defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
#if !defined(__FreeBSD__) // cxxabi.h already declares these

namespace __cxxabiv1 {

struct __cxa_eh_globals {};

#if defined(__GLIBCXX__)
extern "C" [[gnu::const]] __cxa_eh_globals* __cxa_get_globals() noexcept;
extern "C" __cxa_eh_globals* __cxa_get_globals();

} // namespace __cxxabiv1


namespace folly {

namespace detail {

unsigned int* uncaught_exceptions_ptr() noexcept {}

} // namespace detail

} // namespace folly

//  Accesses std::type_info and std::exception_ptr internals. Since these vary
//  by platform and library, import or copy the structure and function
//  signatures from each platform and library.
//  Support:
//    libstdc++ via libgcc libsupc++
//    libc++ via llvm libcxxabi
//    libc++ on freebsd via libcxxrt
//    win32 via msvc crt
//  Both libstdc++ and libc++ are based on cxxabi but they are not identical.
//  Reference:

//  imports ---

#if defined(__GLIBCXX__)


//  the definition of _Unwind_Ptr in libgcc/unwind-generic.h since unwind.h in
//  libunwind does not have this typedef
#if defined(__ia64__) && defined(__hpux__)
typedef unsigned _Unwind_Ptr __attribute__((__mode__(__word__)));
typedef unsigned _Unwind_Ptr __attribute__((__mode__(__pointer__)));

namespace __cxxabiv1 {

static constexpr uint64_t __gxx_primary_exception_class =
    0x474E5543432B2B00; // GNCUC++\0
static constexpr uint64_t __gxx_dependent_exception_class =
    0x474E5543432B2B01; // GNCUC++\1

struct __cxa_exception {
  std::type_info* exceptionType;
  void(_GLIBCXX_CDTOR_CALLABI* exceptionDestructor)(void*);
  std::unexpected_handler unexpectedHandler;
  std::terminate_handler terminateHandler;
  __cxa_exception* nextException;
  int handlerCount;
  __cxa_exception* nextPropagatingException;
  int propagationCount;
  int handlerSwitchValue;
  const unsigned char* actionRecord;
  const unsigned char* languageSpecificData;
  _Unwind_Ptr catchTemp;
  void* adjustedPtr;
  _Unwind_Exception unwindHeader;

struct __cxa_refcounted_exception {
  _Atomic_word referenceCount;
  __cxa_exception exc;

} // namespace __cxxabiv1

#endif // defined(__GLIBCXX__)

#if defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) && !defined(__FreeBSD__)


namespace std {

#if defined(_LIBCPP_FUNC_VIS) // llvm < 17
#else // llvm >= 17

FOLLY_DETAIL_EXN_FUNC_VIS unexpected_handler get_unexpected() _NOEXCEPT;

} // namespace std

namespace __cxxabiv1 {

//  the definition until llvm v10.0.0-rc2
struct __folly_cxa_exception_sans_reserve {};

//  the definition since llvm v10.0.0-rc2
struct __folly_cxa_exception_with_reserve {};

static const uint64_t kOurExceptionClass =; // CLNGC++\0

//  named differently from the real shim type __shim_type_info and all members
//  are pure virtual; as long as the vtable is the same, though, it should work
class __folly_shim_type_info : public std::type_info {};

} // namespace __cxxabiv1


#endif // defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) && !defined(__FreeBSD__)

#if defined(__FreeBSD__)


namespace __cxxabiv1 {

static const uint64_t kOurExceptionClass = 0x474E5543432B2B00; // GNUCC++\0

class __folly_shim_type_info {
  virtual ~__folly_shim_type_info() = 0;
  virtual bool __is_pointer_p() const = 0;
  virtual bool __is_function_p() const = 0;
  virtual bool __do_catch(
      std::type_info const* thrown_type,
      void** thrown_object,
      unsigned outer) const = 0;
  virtual bool __do_upcast(
      std::type_info const* target, void** thrown_object) const = 0;

extern "C" void* __cxa_allocate_exception(size_t thrown_size) noexcept;
extern "C" void __cxa_free_exception(void* thrown_exception) noexcept;

} // namespace __cxxabiv1

namespace abi = __cxxabiv1;

#endif // defined(__FreeBSD__)

#if defined(_WIN32)

#if defined(__clang__)
struct _s_ThrowInfo; // compiler intrinsic in msvc
typedef const struct _s_ThrowInfo _ThrowInfo;

#include <ehdata.h> // @manual

extern "C" _CRTIMP2 void* __cdecl __AdjustPointer(void*, PMD const&);

// clang for windows built-in is available under std::__GetExceptionInfo
#if !defined(__clang__)
template <class _E>
void* __GetExceptionInfo(_E); // builtin

#endif // defined(_WIN32)

//  implementations ---

namespace folly {

namespace detail {

namespace {

template <typename F>
class scope_guard_ {};

} // namespace

std::atomic<int> exception_ptr_access_rt_cache_{};

bool exception_ptr_access_rt_() noexcept {}

std::type_info const* exception_ptr_exception_typeid(
    std::exception const& ex) noexcept {}

#if defined(__GLIBCXX__)

bool exception_ptr_access_rt_v_() noexcept {
  static_assert(exception_ptr_access_ct, "mismatch");
  return true;

template <typename F>
static decltype(auto) cxxabi_with_cxa_exception(void* object, F f) {
  using cxa_exception = abi::__cxa_exception;
  auto exception = object ? static_cast<cxa_exception*>(object) - 1 : nullptr;
  return f(exception);

std::type_info const* exception_ptr_get_type_(
    std::exception_ptr const& ptr) noexcept {
  if (!ptr) {
    return nullptr;
  auto object = reinterpret_cast<void* const&>(ptr);
  auto exception = static_cast<abi::__cxa_exception*>(object) - 1;
  return exception->exceptionType;

void* exception_ptr_get_object_(
    std::exception_ptr const& ptr,
    std::type_info const* const target) noexcept {
  if (!ptr) {
    return nullptr;
  auto object = reinterpret_cast<void* const&>(ptr);
  auto type = exception_ptr_get_type_(ptr);
  return !target || target->__do_catch(type, &object, 1) ? object : nullptr;

#endif // defined(__GLIBCXX__)

#if defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) && !defined(__FreeBSD__)

bool exception_ptr_access_rt_v_() noexcept {}

static void* cxxabi_get_object(std::exception_ptr const& ptr) noexcept {}

static bool cxxabi_cxa_exception_sans_reserve() noexcept {}

template <typename F>
static decltype(auto) cxxabi_with_cxa_exception(void* object, F f) {}

std::type_info const* exception_ptr_get_type_(
    std::exception_ptr const& ptr) noexcept {}

#if defined(__clang__)
#endif // defined(__clang__)
void* exception_ptr_get_object_(
    std::exception_ptr const& ptr,
    std::type_info const* const target) noexcept {}

#endif // defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) && !defined(__FreeBSD__)

#if defined(__FreeBSD__)

bool exception_ptr_access_rt_v_() noexcept {
  static_assert(exception_ptr_access_ct, "mismatch");
  return true;

template <typename F>
static decltype(auto) cxxabi_with_cxa_exception(void* object, F f) {
  using cxa_exception = abi::__cxa_exception;
  auto exception = object ? static_cast<cxa_exception*>(object) - 1 : nullptr;
  return f(exception);

std::type_info const* exception_ptr_get_type_(
    std::exception_ptr const& ptr) noexcept {
  if (!ptr) {
    return nullptr;
  auto object = reinterpret_cast<void* const&>(ptr);
  auto exception = static_cast<abi::__cxa_exception*>(object) - 1;
  return exception->exceptionType;

void* exception_ptr_get_object_(
    std::exception_ptr const& ptr,
    std::type_info const* const target) noexcept {
  if (!ptr) {
    return nullptr;
  auto object = reinterpret_cast<void* const&>(ptr);
  auto type = exception_ptr_get_type(ptr);
  auto starget = reinterpret_cast<abi::__folly_shim_type_info const*>(target);
  return !target || starget->__do_catch(type, &object, 1) ? object : nullptr;

#endif // defined(__FreeBSD__)

#if defined(_WIN32)

template <typename T>
static T* win32_decode_pointer(T* ptr) {
  return static_cast<T*>(
      DecodePointer(const_cast<void*>(static_cast<void const*>(ptr))));

static EHExceptionRecord* win32_get_record(
    std::exception_ptr const& ptr) noexcept {
  return reinterpret_cast<std::shared_ptr<EHExceptionRecord> const&>(ptr).get();

static bool win32_eptr_throw_info_ptr_is_encoded() {
  // detect and cache whether this version of the microsoft c++ standard library
  // encodes the throw-info pointer in the std::exception_ptr internals
  // earlier versions of std::exception_ptr did encode the throw-info pointer
  // but the most recent versions do not, as visible on github at
  // prefer optimistic concurrency over pessimistic concurrency
  static std::atomic<int> cache{0}; // 0 uninit, -1 false, 1 true
  if (auto value = cache.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
    return value > 0;
  // detection is done by observing actual runtime behavior, using int as the
  // exception object type to save cost
#if defined(__clang__)
  auto info = std::__GetExceptionInfo(0);
  auto info = __GetExceptionInfo(0);
  auto ptr = std::make_exception_ptr(0);
  auto rec = win32_get_record(ptr);
  int value = 0;
  if (info == rec->params.pThrowInfo) {
    value = -1;
  if (info == win32_decode_pointer(rec->params.pThrowInfo)) {
    value = +1;
  // last writer wins for simplicity, assuming it to be impossible for multiple
  // writers to write different values, std::memory_order_relaxed);
  return value > 0;

static ThrowInfo* win32_throw_info(EHExceptionRecord* rec) {
  auto encoded = win32_eptr_throw_info_ptr_is_encoded();
  auto info = rec->params.pThrowInfo;
  return encoded ? win32_decode_pointer(info) : info;

static std::uintptr_t win32_throw_image_base(EHExceptionRecord* rec) {
  return reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(rec->params.pThrowImageBase);
  return 0;

bool exception_ptr_access_rt_v_() noexcept {
  static_assert(exception_ptr_access_ct, "mismatch");
  return true;

std::type_info const* exception_ptr_get_type_(
    std::exception_ptr const& ptr) noexcept {
  auto rec = win32_get_record(ptr);
  if (!rec) {
    return nullptr;
  auto base = win32_throw_image_base(rec);
  auto info = win32_throw_info(rec);
  auto cta_ = base + info->pCatchableTypeArray;
  auto cta = reinterpret_cast<CatchableTypeArray*>(cta_);
  // assumption: the compiler emits the most-derived type first
  auto ct_ = base + cta->arrayOfCatchableTypes[0];
  auto ct = reinterpret_cast<CatchableType*>(ct_);
  auto td_ = base + ct->pType;
  auto td = reinterpret_cast<TypeDescriptor*>(td_);
  return reinterpret_cast<std::type_info*>(td);

void* exception_ptr_get_object_(
    std::exception_ptr const& ptr,
    std::type_info const* const target) noexcept {
  auto rec = win32_get_record(ptr);
  if (!rec) {
    return nullptr;
  auto object = rec->params.pExceptionObject;
  if (!target) {
    return object;
  auto base = win32_throw_image_base(rec);
  auto info = win32_throw_info(rec);
  auto cta_ = base + info->pCatchableTypeArray;
  auto cta = reinterpret_cast<CatchableTypeArray*>(cta_);
  for (int i = 0; i < cta->nCatchableTypes; i++) {
    auto ct_ = base + cta->arrayOfCatchableTypes[i];
    auto ct = reinterpret_cast<CatchableType*>(ct_);
    auto td_ = base + ct->pType;
    auto td = reinterpret_cast<TypeDescriptor*>(td_);
    if (*target == *reinterpret_cast<std::type_info*>(td)) {
      return __AdjustPointer(object, ct->thisDisplacement);
  return nullptr;

#endif // defined(_WIN32)

} // namespace detail

namespace detail {

#if defined(__GLIBCXX__) || defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)

[[gnu::const]] abi::__cxa_eh_globals& cxa_get_globals() noexcept {}


} // namespace detail

std::exception_ptr current_exception() noexcept {}

namespace detail {

template <typename Try>
std::exception_ptr catch_current_exception_(Try&& t) noexcept {}

#if defined(__GLIBCXX__)

std::exception_ptr make_exception_ptr_with_(
    make_exception_ptr_with_arg_ const& arg, void* func) noexcept {
  auto type = const_cast<std::type_info*>(arg.type);
  void* object = abi::__cxa_allocate_exception(arg.size);
  (void)abi::__cxa_init_primary_exception(object, type, arg.dtor);
  auto exception = static_cast<abi::__cxa_refcounted_exception*>(object) - 1;
  exception->referenceCount = 1;
  return catch_current_exception_([&] {
    scope_guard_ rollback{std::bind(abi::__cxa_free_exception, object)};
    arg.ctor(object, func);
    return reinterpret_cast<std::exception_ptr&&>(object);

#elif defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)

[[maybe_unused]] static void exception_cleanup_(
    _Unwind_Reason_Code reason, _Unwind_Exception* uwexception) {}

std::exception_ptr make_exception_ptr_with_(
    make_exception_ptr_with_arg_ const& arg, void* func) noexcept {}


std::exception_ptr make_exception_ptr_with_(
    make_exception_ptr_with_arg_ const&, void*) noexcept {
  return std::exception_ptr();


} // namespace detail

struct exception_shared_string::state {};

    std::size_t const len, format_sig_& ffun, void* const fobj)

    literal_state_base const& base) noexcept
exception_shared_string::exception_shared_string(char const* const str)
    char const* const str, std::size_t const len)
    exception_shared_string const& that) noexcept
exception_shared_string::~exception_shared_string() {}

char const* exception_shared_string::what() const noexcept {}

} // namespace folly