`folly/Conv.h` is a one-stop-shop for converting values across
types. Its main features are simplicity of the API (only the
names `to` and `toAppend` must be memorized), speed
(folly is significantly faster, sometimes by an order of magnitude,
than comparable APIs), and correctness.
### Synopsis
All examples below are assume to have included `folly/Conv.h`
and issued `using namespace folly;` You will need:
``` Cpp
// To format as text and append to a string, use toAppend.
fbstring str;
toAppend(2.5, &str);
CHECK_EQ(str, "2.5");
// Multiple arguments are okay, too. Just put the pointer to string at the end.
toAppend(" is ", 2, " point ", 5, &str);
CHECK_EQ(str, "2.5 is 2 point 5");
// You don't need to use fbstring (although it's much faster for conversions and in general).
std::string stdStr;
toAppend("Pi is about ", 22.0 / 7, &stdStr);
// In general, just use to<TargetType>(sourceValue). It returns its result by value.
stdStr = to<std::string>("Variadic ", "arguments also accepted.");
// to<fbstring> is 2.5x faster than to<std::string> for typical workloads.
str = to<fbstring>("Variadic ", "arguments also accepted.");
### Integral-to-integral conversion
Using `to<Target>(value)` to convert one integral type to another
will behave as follows:
* If the target type can accommodate all possible values of the
source value, the value is implicitly converted. No further
action is taken. Example:
``` Cpp
short x;
unsigned short y;
auto a = to<int>(x); // zero overhead conversion
auto b = to<int>(y); // zero overhead conversion
* Otherwise, `to` inserts bounds checks and throws
`std::range_error` if the target type cannot accommodate the
source value. Example:
``` Cpp
short x;
unsigned short y;
long z;
x = 123;
auto a = to<unsigned short>(x); // fine
x = -1;
a = to<unsigned short>(x); // THROWS
z = 2000000000;
auto b = to<int>(z); // fine
z += 1000000000;
b = to<int>(z); // THROWS
auto b = to<unsigned int>(z); // fine
### Anything-to-string conversion
As mentioned, there are two primitives for converting anything to
string: `to` and `toAppend`. They support the same set of source
types, literally by definition (`to` is implemented in terms of
`toAppend` for all types). The call `toAppend(value, &str)`
formats and appends `value` to `str` whereas
`to<StringType>(value)` formats `value` as a `StringType` and
returns the result by value. Currently, the supported
`StringType`s are `std::string` and `fbstring`
Both `toAppend` and `to` with a string type as a target support
variadic arguments. Each argument is converted in turn. For
`toAppend` the last argument in a variadic list must be the
address of a supported string type (no need to specify the string
type as a template argument).
#### Integral-to-string conversion
Nothing special here - integrals are converted to strings in
decimal format, with a '-' prefix for negative values. Example:
``` Cpp
auto a = to<fbstring>(123);
assert(a == "123");
a = to<fbstring>(-456);
assert(a == "-456");
The conversion implementation is aggressively optimized. It
converts two digits at a time assisted by fixed-size tables.
Converting a `long` to an `fbstring` is 3.6x faster than using
`boost::lexical_cast` and 2.5x faster than using `sprintf` even
though the latter is used in conjunction with a stack-allocated
constant-size buffer.
Note that converting integral types to `fbstring` has a
particular advantage compared to converting to `std::string`
No integral type (<= 64 bits) has more than 20 decimal digits
including sign. Since `fbstring` employs the small string
optimization for up to 23 characters, converting an integral
to `fbstring` is guaranteed to not allocate memory, resulting
in significant speed and memory locality gains. Benchmarks
reveal a 2x gain on a typical workload.
#### `char` to string conversion
Although `char` is technically an integral type, most of the time
you want the string representation of `'a'` to be `"a"`, not `96`
That's why `folly/Conv.h` handles `char` as a special case that
does the expected thing. Note that `signed char` and `unsigned
char` are still considered integral types.
#### Floating point to string conversion
`folly/Conv.h` uses [V8's double conversion](http://code.google.com/p/double-conversion/)
routines. They are accurate and fast; on typical workloads,
`to<fbstring>(doubleValue)` is 1.9x faster than `sprintf` and
5.5x faster than `boost::lexical_cast` (It is also 1.3x faster
than `to<std::string>(doubleValue)`
#### `const char*` to string conversion
For completeness, `folly/Conv.h` supports `const char*` including
i.e. string literals. The "conversion" consists, of course, of
the string itself. Example:
``` Cpp
auto s = to<fbstring>("Hello, world");
assert(s == "Hello, world");
#### Anything from string conversion (i.e. parsing)
`folly/Conv.h` includes three kinds of parsing routines:
* `to<Type>(const char* begin, const char* end)` rigidly
converts the range [begin, end) to `Type` These routines have
drastic restrictions (e.g. allow no leading or trailing
whitespace) and are intended as an efficient back-end for more
tolerant routines.
* `to<Type>(stringy)` converts `stringy` to `Type` Value
`stringy` may be of type `const char*`, `StringPiece`,
`std::string`, or `fbstring` (Technically, the requirement is
that `stringy` implicitly converts to a `StringPiece`
* `to<Type>(&stringPiece)` parses with progress information:
given `stringPiece` of type `StringPiece` it parses as much
as possible from it as type `Type` and alters `stringPiece`
to remove the munched characters. This is easiest clarified
by an example:
``` Cpp
fbstring s = " 1234 angels on a pin";
StringPiece pc(s);
auto x = to<int>(&pc);
assert(x == 1234);
assert(pc == " angels on a pin";
Note how the routine ate the leading space but not the trailing one.
#### Parsing integral types
Parsing integral types is unremarkable - decimal format is
expected, optional `'+'` or `'-'` sign for signed types, but no
optional `'+'` is allowed for unsigned types. The one remarkable
element is speed - parsing typical `long` values is 6x faster than
`sscanf`. `folly/Conv.h` uses aggressive loop unrolling and
table-assisted SIMD-style code arrangement that avoids integral
division (slow) and data dependencies across operations
(ILP-unfriendly). Example:
``` Cpp
fbstring str = " 12345 ";
assert(to<int>(str) == 12345);
str = " 12345six seven eight";
StringPiece pc(str);
assert(to<int>(&pc) == 12345);
assert(str == "six seven eight");
#### Parsing floating-point types
`folly/Conv.h` uses, again, [V8's double-conversion](http://code.google.com/p/double-conversion/)
routines as back-end. The speed is 3x faster than `sscanf` and
1.7x faster than in-home routines such as `parse<double>` But
the more important detail is accuracy - even if you do code a
routine that works faster than `to<double>` chances are it is
incorrect and will fail in a variety of corner cases. Using
`to<double>` is strongly recommended.
Note that if the string "NaN" (with any capitalization) is passed to
`to<double>` then `NaN` is returned, which can be tested for as follows:
``` Cpp
fbstring str = "nan"; // "NaN", "NAN", etc.
double d = to<double>(str);
if (std::isnan(d)) {
// string was a valid representation of the double value NaN
Note that passing "-NaN" (with any capitalization) to `to<double>` also returns
Note that if the strings "inf" or "infinity" (with any capitalization) are
passed to `to<double>` then `infinity` is returned, which can be tested for
as follows:
``` Cpp
fbstring str = "inf"; // "Inf", "INF", "infinity", "Infinity", etc.
double d = to<double>(str);
if (std::isinf(d)) {
// string was a valid representation of one of the double values +Infinity
// or -Infinity
Note that passing "-inf" or "-infinity" (with any capitalization) to
`to<double>` returns `-infinity` rather than `+infinity`. The sign of the
`infinity` can be tested for as follows:
``` Cpp
fbstring str = "-inf"; // or "inf", "-Infinity", "+Infinity", etc.
double d = to<double>(str);
if (d == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
// string was a valid representation of the double value +Infinity
} else if (d == -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
// string was a valid representation of the double value -Infinity
Note that if an unparseable string is passed to `to<double>` then an exception
is thrown, rather than `NaN` being returned. This can be tested for as follows:
``` Cpp
fbstring str = "not-a-double"; // Or "1.1.1", "", "$500.00", etc.
double d;
try {
d = to<double>(str);
} catch (const std::range_error &) {
// string could not be parsed
Note that the empty string (`""`) is an unparseable value, and will cause
`to<double>` to throw an exception.
#### Non-throwing interfaces
`tryTo<T>` is the non-throwing variant of `to<T>`. It returns
an `Expected<T, ConversionCode>`. You can think of `Expected`
as like an `Optional<T>`, but if the conversion failed, `Expected`
stores an error code instead of a `T`.
`tryTo<T>` has similar performance as `to<T>` when the
conversion is successful. On the error path, you can expect
`tryTo<T>` to be roughly three orders of magnitude faster than
the throwing `to<T>` and to completely avoid any lock contention
arising from stack unwinding.
Here is how to use non-throwing conversions:
``` Cpp
auto t1 = tryTo<int>(str);
if (t1.hasValue()) {
`Expected` has a composability feature to make the above pattern simpler.
``` Cpp
tryTo<int>(str).then([](int i) { use(i); });