load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:shell.bzl", "shell")
load("@fbcode_macros//build_defs:custom_rule.bzl", "custom_rule")
# Helper functions to emit fbconfig rules
# Helper function to copy a file to the output directory
def copy(path):
name = path,
srcs = [path],
build_args = shell.quote(path),
build_script_dep = "//folly/docs/facebook:copy.py",
output_gen_files = [path],
strict = False, # Remove (https://fburl.com/strict-custom-rules)
# Helper function to define a custom_rule() that will emit the HTML output.
def html(src, support = None, style = "style.css", copy_support = True):
html = paths.split_extension(src)[0] + ".html"
if support == None:
support = []
name = html,
srcs = [src, style] + support,
build_args =
"--style %s %s" % (shell.quote(style), shell.quote(src)) +
" --pandoc-path $(exe fbsource//third-party/stackage-lts:pandoc)",
build_script_dep = "//folly/docs/facebook:build_html.py",
output_gen_files = [html],
strict = False, # Remove (https://fburl.com/strict-custom-rules)
if copy_support:
for path in support: