* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <folly/concurrency/UnboundedQueue.h>
#include <folly/executors/GlobalExecutor.h>
#include <folly/executors/SerializedExecutor.h>
#include <folly/io/async/Request.h>
#include <folly/synchronization/DistributedMutex.h>
#include <folly/synchronization/RelaxedAtomic.h>
namespace folly {
namespace detail {
* @class SerialExecutor
* @brief Executor that guarantees serial non-concurrent execution of added
* tasks
* SerialExecutor is similar to boost asio's strand concept. A SerialExecutor
* has a parent executor which is given at construction time (defaults to
* folly's global CPUExecutor). Tasks added to SerialExecutor are executed
* in the parent executor, however strictly non-concurrently and in the order
* they were added.
* When a task is added to the executor while another one is running on the
* parent executor, the new task is piggybacked on the running task to save the
* cost of scheduling a task on the parent executor. This implies that the
* parent executor may observe a smaller number of tasks than those added in the
* SerialExecutor.
* The SerialExecutor may be deleted at any time. All tasks that have been
* submitted will still be executed with the same guarantees, as long as the
* parent executor is executing tasks.
template <template <typename> typename Queue>
class SerialExecutorImpl : public SerializedExecutor {
SerialExecutorImpl(SerialExecutorImpl const&) = delete;
SerialExecutorImpl& operator=(SerialExecutorImpl const&) = delete;
SerialExecutorImpl(SerialExecutorImpl&&) = delete;
SerialExecutorImpl& operator=(SerialExecutorImpl&&) = delete;
static KeepAlive<SerialExecutorImpl> create(
KeepAlive<Executor> parent = getGlobalCPUExecutor());
class Deleter {
Deleter() {}
void operator()(SerialExecutorImpl* executor) {
friend class SerialExecutorImpl;
explicit Deleter(std::shared_ptr<Executor> parent)
: parent_(std::move(parent)) {}
std::shared_ptr<Executor> parent_;
using UniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<SerialExecutorImpl, Deleter>;
[[deprecated("Replaced by create")]] static UniquePtr createUnique(
std::shared_ptr<Executor> parent);
* Add one task for execution in the parent executor
void add(Func func) override;
* Add one task for execution in the parent executor, and use the given
* priority for one task submission to parent executor.
* Since in-order execution of tasks submitted to SerialExecutor is
* guaranteed, the priority given here does not necessarily reflect the
* execution priority of the task submitted with this call to
* `addWithPriority`. The given priority is passed on to the parent executor
* for the execution of one of the SerialExecutor's tasks.
void addWithPriority(Func func, int8_t priority) override;
uint8_t getNumPriorities() const override {
return parent_->getNumPriorities();
struct Task {
Func func;
std::shared_ptr<RequestContext> ctx;
class Worker;
explicit SerialExecutorImpl(KeepAlive<Executor> parent);
~SerialExecutorImpl() override;
bool keepAliveAcquire() noexcept override;
void keepAliveRelease() noexcept override;
bool scheduleTask(Func&& func);
void worker();
void drain();
KeepAlive<Executor> parent_;
std::atomic<std::size_t> scheduled_{0};
std::atomic<ssize_t> keepAliveCounter_{1};
Queue<Task> queue_;
template <int LgQueueSegmentSize = 8>
struct SerialExecutorWithUnboundedQueue {
// The consumer should only dequeue when the queue is non-empty, so we don't
// need blocking.
template <typename Task>
using queue =
folly::UMPSCQueue<Task, /* MayBlock */ false, LgQueueSegmentSize>;
using type = SerialExecutorImpl<queue>;
class NoopMutex;
template <class Task, class Mutex = folly::DistributedMutex>
class SerialExecutorMPSCQueue;
template <typename Task>
using SmallSerialExecutorQueue = SerialExecutorMPSCQueue<Task>;
template <typename Task>
using SPSerialExecutorQueue = SerialExecutorMPSCQueue<Task, NoopMutex>;
} // namespace detail
using SerialExecutor =
typename detail::SerialExecutorWithUnboundedQueue<>::type;
template <int LgQueueSegmentSize>
using SerialExecutorWithLgSegmentSize =
typename detail::SerialExecutorWithUnboundedQueue<LgQueueSegmentSize>::type;
* SerialExecutor implementation that uses a mutex-protected queue. This uses
* significantly less memory than SerialExecutor, at the expense of being more
* susceptible to contention on add(). This is intended for use cases where
* granular SerialExecutors are required, for example one per request. In these
* scenarios, there are not many concurrent submitters, so contention is not an
* issue, while memory overhead is.
using SmallSerialExecutor =
* Single-producer version of SmallExecutor. It is the responsibility of the
* caller to guarantee that calls to add() are externally serialized, but it can
* be slightly faster.
* It is very unlikely that you need this.
using SPSerialExecutor =
} // namespace folly
#include <folly/executors/SerialExecutor-inl.h>