* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <folly/CPortability.h>
#include <folly/Function.h>
#include <folly/Optional.h>
#include <folly/fibers/detail/AtomicBatchDispatcher.h>
#include <folly/futures/Future.h>
#include <folly/futures/Promise.h>
namespace folly {
namespace fibers {
* An exception class that gets thrown when the AtomicBatchDispatcher is used
* incorrectly. This is indicative of a bug in the user code.
* Examples are, multiple dispatch calls on the same token, trying to get more
* tokens from the dispatcher after commit has been called, etc.
class FOLLY_EXPORT ABDUsageException : public std::logic_error {
using std::logic_error::logic_error;
* An exception class that gets set on the promise for dispatched tokens, when
* the AtomicBatchDispatcher was destroyed before commit was called on it.
class FOLLY_EXPORT ABDCommitNotCalledException : public std::runtime_error {
: std::runtime_error(
"AtomicBatchDispatcher destroyed before commit() was called") {}
* An exception class that gets set on the promise for dispatched tokens, when
* one or more other tokens in the batch were destroyed before dispatch was
* called on them.
* Only here so that the caller can distinguish the real failure cause
* rather than these subsequently thrown exceptions.
class FOLLY_EXPORT ABDTokenNotDispatchedException : public std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
* AtomicBatchDispatcher should be used if you want to process fiber tasks in
* parallel, but require to synchronize them at some point. The canonical
* example is to create a database transaction dispatch round. This API notably
* enforces that all tasks in the batch have reached the synchronization point
* before the user provided dispatch function is called with all the inputs
* provided in one function call. It also provides a guarantee that the inputs
* in the vector of inputs passed to the user provided dispatch function will be
* in the same order as the order in which the token for the job was issued.
* Use this when you want all the inputs in the batch to be processed by a
* single function call to the user provided dispatch function.
* The user provided dispatch function takes a vector of InputT as input and
* returns a vector of ResultT.
* To use an AtomicBatchDispatcher, create it by providing a dispatch function:
* TO EITHER the constructor of the AtomicBatchDispatcher class
* (can call reserve method on the dispatcher to reserve space (for number of
* inputs expected)),
* OR the createAtomicBatchDispatcher function in folly::fibers namespace
* (optionally specify an initial capacity (for number of inputs expected)).
* The AtomicBatchDispatcher object created using this call (dispatcher),
* is the only object that can issue tokens (Token objects) that are used to
* add an input to the batch. A single Token is issued when the user calls
* the getToken function on the dispatcher.
* Token objects cannot be copied (can only be moved). User can call the public
* dispatch function on the Token providing a single input value. The dispatch
* function returns a folly::Future<ResultT> value that the user can then wait
* on to obtain a ResultT value. The ResultT value will only be available once
* the dispatch function has been called on all the Tokens in the batch and the
* user has called dispatcher.commit() to indicate no more batched transactions
* are to be added.
* User code pertaining to a task can be run between the point where a token for
* the task has been issued and before calling the dispatch function on the
* token. Since this code can potentially throw, the token issued for a task
* should be moved into this processing code in such a way that if an exception
* is thrown and then handled, the token object for the task is destroyed.
* The batch query dispatcher will wait until all tokens have either been
* destroyed or have had the dispatch function called on them. Leaking an
* issued token will cause the batch dispatch to wait forever to happen.
* The AtomicBatchDispatcher object is referred to as the dispatcher below.
* 1) The dispatcher is destroyed before calling commit on it, for example
* because the user forgot to call commit OR an exception was thrown
* in user code before the call to commit:
* - The future ResultT has an exception of type ABDCommitNotCalledException
* set for all tokens that were issued by the dispatcher (once all tokens
* are either destroyed or have called dispatch)
* 2) Calling the dispatch function more than once on the same Token object
* (or a moved version of the same Token):
* - Subsequent calls to dispatch (after the first one) will throw an
* ABDUsageException exception (the batch itself will not have any errors
* and will get processed)
* 3) One/more of the Tokens issued are destroyed before calling dispatch on
* it/them:
* - The future ResultT has an ABDTokenNotDispatchedException set for all
* tokens that were issued by the dispatcher (once all tokens are either
* destroyed or have called dispatch)
* 4) dispatcher.getToken() is called after calling dispatcher.commit()
* - the call to getToken() will throw an ABDUsageException exception
* (the batch itself will not have any errors and will get processed).
* 5) All tokens were issued and called dispatch, the user provided batch
* dispatch function is called, but that function throws any exception.
* - The future ResultT has exception for all tokens that were issued by
* the dispatcher. The result will contain the wrapped user exception.
* EXAMPLE (There are other ways to achieve this, but this is one example):
* - User creates an AtomicBatchDispatcher on stack
* auto dispatcher =
* folly::fibers::createAtomicBatchDispatcher(dispatchFunc, count);
* - User creates "count" number of token objects by calling "getToken" count
* number of times
* std::vector<Job> jobs;
* for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
* auto token = dispatcher.getToken();
* jobs.push_back(Job(std::move(token), singleInputValueToProcess);
* }
* - User calls commit() on the dispatcher to indicate that no new tokens will
* be issued for this batch
* dispatcher.commit();
* - Use any single threaded executor that will process the jobs
* - On each execution (fiber) preprocess a single "Job" that has been moved in
* from the original vector "jobs". This way if the preprocessing throws
* the Job object being processed is destroyed and so is the token.
* - On each execution (fiber) call the dispatch on the token
* auto future = job.token.dispatch(job.input);
* - Save the future returned so that eventually you can wait on the results
* ResultT result;
* try {
* result = future.value();
* // future.hasValue() is true
* } catch (...) {
* // future.hasException() is true
* }
* - AtomicBatchDispatcher is not thread safe.
* - Works for executors that run tasks on a single thread.
template <typename InputT, typename ResultT>
class AtomicBatchDispatcher {
struct DispatchBaton;
friend struct DispatchBaton;
using DispatchFunctionT =
class Token {
explicit Token(std::shared_ptr<DispatchBaton> baton, size_t sequenceNumber);
Future<ResultT> dispatch(InputT input);
// Allow moving a Token object
Token(Token&&) = default;
Token& operator=(Token&&) = default;
size_t sequenceNumber() const;
// Disallow copying a Token object
Token(const Token&) = delete;
Token& operator=(const Token&) = delete;
std::shared_ptr<DispatchBaton> baton_;
size_t sequenceNumber_;
explicit AtomicBatchDispatcher(DispatchFunctionT&& dispatchFunc);
// numEntries is a *hint* about the number of inputs to expect:
// - It is used purely to reserve space for storing vector of inputs etc.,
// so that reeallocation and move copy are reduced / not needed.
// - It is provided purely for performance reasons
void reserve(size_t numEntries);
Token getToken();
void commit();
// Allow moving an AtomicBatchDispatcher object
AtomicBatchDispatcher(AtomicBatchDispatcher&&) = default;
AtomicBatchDispatcher& operator=(AtomicBatchDispatcher&&) = default;
// Disallow copying an AtomicBatchDispatcher object
AtomicBatchDispatcher(const AtomicBatchDispatcher&) = delete;
AtomicBatchDispatcher& operator=(const AtomicBatchDispatcher&) = delete;
size_t numTokensIssued_;
std::shared_ptr<DispatchBaton> baton_;
// initialCapacity is a *hint* about the number of inputs to expect:
// - It is used purely to reserve space for storing vector of inputs etc.,
// so that reeallocation and move copy are reduced / not needed.
// - It is provided purely for performance reasons
template <typename InputT, typename ResultT>
AtomicBatchDispatcher<InputT, ResultT> createAtomicBatchDispatcher(
folly::Function<std::vector<ResultT>(std::vector<InputT>&&)> dispatchFunc,
size_t initialCapacity = 0);
} // namespace fibers
} // namespace folly
#include <folly/fibers/AtomicBatchDispatcher-inl.h>