* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cmath>
#include <folly/lang/BitsClass.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <folly/portability/GFlags.h>
#include <folly/portability/GTest.h>
using namespace folly;
template <class T>
void runSimpleTest8() {
auto load = detail::BitsTraits<T>::load;
EXPECT_EQ(0, Bits<T>::blockCount(0));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Bits<T>::blockCount(1));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Bits<T>::blockCount(8));
EXPECT_EQ(2, Bits<T>::blockCount(9));
EXPECT_EQ(256, Bits<T>::blockCount(2048));
EXPECT_EQ(257, Bits<T>::blockCount(2049));
EXPECT_EQ(4, Bits<T>::blockIndex(39));
EXPECT_EQ(7, Bits<T>::bitOffset(39));
EXPECT_EQ(5, Bits<T>::blockIndex(40));
EXPECT_EQ(0, Bits<T>::bitOffset(40));
T buf[256];
std::fill(buf, buf + 256, T(0));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 36);
Bits<T>::set(buf, 39);
EXPECT_EQ((1 << 7) | (1 << 4), load(buf[4]));
EXPECT_EQ(0, load(buf[5]));
Bits<T>::clear(buf, 39);
EXPECT_EQ(1 << 4, load(buf[4]));
EXPECT_EQ(0, load(buf[5]));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 40);
EXPECT_EQ(1 << 4, load(buf[4]));
EXPECT_EQ(1, load(buf[5]));
EXPECT_EQ(2, Bits<T>::count(buf, buf + 256));
TEST(Bits, Simple8) {
TEST(Bits, SimpleUnaligned8) {
template <class T>
void runSimpleTest64() {
auto load = detail::BitsTraits<T>::load;
EXPECT_EQ(0, Bits<T>::blockCount(0));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Bits<T>::blockCount(1));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Bits<T>::blockCount(8));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Bits<T>::blockCount(9));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Bits<T>::blockCount(64));
EXPECT_EQ(2, Bits<T>::blockCount(65));
EXPECT_EQ(32, Bits<T>::blockCount(2048));
EXPECT_EQ(33, Bits<T>::blockCount(2049));
EXPECT_EQ(0, Bits<T>::blockIndex(39));
EXPECT_EQ(39, Bits<T>::bitOffset(39));
EXPECT_EQ(4, Bits<T>::blockIndex(319));
EXPECT_EQ(63, Bits<T>::bitOffset(319));
EXPECT_EQ(5, Bits<T>::blockIndex(320));
EXPECT_EQ(0, Bits<T>::bitOffset(320));
T buf[256];
std::fill(buf, buf + 256, T(0));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 300);
Bits<T>::set(buf, 319);
EXPECT_EQ((uint64_t(1) << 44) | (uint64_t(1) << 63), load(buf[4]));
EXPECT_EQ(0, load(buf[5]));
Bits<T>::clear(buf, 319);
EXPECT_EQ(uint64_t(1) << 44, load(buf[4]));
EXPECT_EQ(0, load(buf[5]));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 320);
EXPECT_EQ(uint64_t(1) << 44, load(buf[4]));
EXPECT_EQ(1, load(buf[5]));
EXPECT_EQ(2, Bits<T>::count(buf, buf + 256));
TEST(Bits, Simple64) {
TEST(Bits, SimpleUnaligned64) {
template <class T>
void runMultiBitTest8() {
auto load = detail::BitsTraits<T>::load;
T buf[] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78};
EXPECT_EQ(0x02, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 0, 4)));
EXPECT_EQ(0x1a, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 9, 5)));
EXPECT_EQ(0xb1, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 13, 8)));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 0, 4, 0x0b);
EXPECT_EQ(0x1b, load(buf[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x34, load(buf[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x56, load(buf[2]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x78, load(buf[3]));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 9, 5, 0x0e);
EXPECT_EQ(0x1b, load(buf[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x1c, load(buf[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x56, load(buf[2]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x78, load(buf[3]));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 13, 8, 0xaa);
EXPECT_EQ(0x1b, load(buf[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x5c, load(buf[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x55, load(buf[2]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x78, load(buf[3]));
TEST(Bits, MultiBit8) {
TEST(Bits, MultiBitUnaligned8) {
template <class T>
void runSignedMultiBitTest8() {
auto load = detail::BitsTraits<T>::load;
T buf[] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78};
EXPECT_EQ(0x02, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 0, 4)));
EXPECT_EQ(0x1a - 32, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 9, 5)));
EXPECT_EQ(0xb1 - 256, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 13, 8)));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 0, 4, 0x0b - 0x10);
EXPECT_EQ(0x1b, load(buf[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x34, load(buf[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x56, load(buf[2]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x78, load(buf[3]));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 9, 5, 0x0e);
EXPECT_EQ(0x1b, load(buf[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x1c, load(buf[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x56, load(buf[2]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x78, load(buf[3]));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 13, 8, 0xaa - 0x100);
EXPECT_EQ(0x1b, load(buf[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x5c, load(buf[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x55, load(buf[2]));
EXPECT_EQ(0x78, load(buf[3]));
TEST(Bits, SignedMultiBit8) {
template <class T, class R = T>
void runMultiBitTest64() {
auto load = detail::BitsTraits<T>::load;
T buf[] = {0x123456789abcdef0, 0x13579bdf2468ace0};
EXPECT_EQ(0x123456789abcdef0, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 0, 64)));
EXPECT_EQ(0xf0, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 0, 8)));
EXPECT_EQ(0x89abcdef, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 4, 32)));
EXPECT_EQ(0x189abcdef, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 4, 33)));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 4, 31, 0x55555555);
EXPECT_EQ(0xd5555555, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 4, 32)));
EXPECT_EQ(0x1d5555555, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 4, 33)));
EXPECT_EQ(0xd55555550, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 0, 36)));
Bits<T>::set(buf, 0, 64, 0x23456789abcdef01);
EXPECT_EQ(0x23456789abcdef01, load(Bits<T>::get(buf, 0, 64)));
TEST(Bits, MultiBit64) {
TEST(Bits, MultiBitSigned64) {
// runMultiBitTest64<int64_t>();
TEST(Bits, MultiBitUnaligned64) {
runMultiBitTest64<Unaligned<uint64_t>, uint64_t>();
namespace {
template <bool aligned, class T>
typename std::enable_if<!aligned>::type testSet(
uint8_t* buf, size_t start, size_t bits, T value) {
reinterpret_cast<Unaligned<T>*>(buf), start, bits, value);
template <bool aligned, class T>
typename std::enable_if<aligned>::type testSet(
uint8_t* buf, size_t start, size_t bits, T value) {
Bits<T>::set(reinterpret_cast<T*>(buf), start, bits, value);
template <bool aligned, class T>
typename std::enable_if<!aligned, T>::type testGet(
uint8_t* buf, size_t start, size_t bits) {
return Bits<Unaligned<T>>::get(
reinterpret_cast<Unaligned<T>*>(buf), start, bits);
template <bool aligned, class T>
typename std::enable_if<aligned, T>::type testGet(
uint8_t* buf, size_t start, size_t bits) {
return Bits<T>::get(reinterpret_cast<T*>(buf), start, bits);
template <class T, bool negate = false>
T testValue(int bits) {
if (std::is_signed<T>::value) {
auto value = std::pow(2, bits) * (negate ? -2.0 : 2.0) / 3.0;
CHECK_GE(value, std::numeric_limits<T>::min());
CHECK_LE(value, std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
return static_cast<T>(value);
} // namespace
TEST(Bits, Boundaries) {
uint8_t buf[20];
for (size_t offset = 0; offset <= 64; ++offset) {
for (size_t size = 0; size <= 32; ++size) {
int32_t value = testValue<int32_t>(size);
testSet<true>(buf, offset, size, value);
EXPECT_EQ(value, (testGet<true, int32_t>(buf, offset, size)));
template <size_t N>
void accSize(size_t& w) {
for (size_t s = 0; s <= N; ++s) {
w += s;
template <size_t N, typename T, bool NEG, bool aligned>
void testSetLoop(size_t& w, size_t bufSize, uint8_t* buf) {
for (size_t s = 0; s <= N; ++s) {
CHECK_LE(s + w, 8 * bufSize) << s << ' ' << w << ' ' << bufSize;
testSet<aligned>(buf, w, s, testValue<T, NEG>(s));
EXPECT_EQ((testValue<T, NEG>(s)), (testGet<aligned, T>(buf, w, s))) << s;
w += s;
template <size_t N, typename T, bool NEG, bool aligned>
void testGetLoop(size_t& r, size_t bufSize, uint8_t* buf) {
for (size_t s = 0; s <= N; ++s) {
CHECK_LE(s + r, 8 * bufSize);
EXPECT_EQ((testValue<T, NEG>(s)), (testGet<aligned, T>(buf, r, s))) << s;
r += s;
template <bool aligned>
void testConcatenation() {
// concatenate fields of length 1, 2, 3, ... 64, all unsigned, storing 2/3s
// the maximum value in each.
// calculate how much buffer size we need
size_t bufSize = 0;
size_t w = 0;
// Unsigned
// Signed NEG=false
// Signed NEG=true
bufSize = w;
// bits->bytes, rounding up
bufSize = (bufSize + 7) / 8;
// round up to next multiple of 8
bufSize = (bufSize + 7) / 8 * 8;
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(bufSize);
uint8_t* buf = buffer.data();
size_t w = 0;
// Unsigned
testSetLoop<8, uint8_t, false, aligned>(w, bufSize, buf);
testSetLoop<16, uint16_t, false, aligned>(w, bufSize, buf);
testSetLoop<32, uint32_t, false, aligned>(w, bufSize, buf);
testSetLoop<64, uint64_t, false, aligned>(w, bufSize, buf);
// Signed NEG=false
testSetLoop<7, int8_t, false, aligned>(w, bufSize, buf);
testSetLoop<15, int16_t, false, aligned>(w, bufSize, buf);
testSetLoop<31, int32_t, false, aligned>(w, bufSize, buf);
testSetLoop<63, int64_t, false, aligned>(w, bufSize, buf);
// Signed NEG=true
testSetLoop<7, int8_t, true, aligned>(w, bufSize, buf);
testSetLoop<15, int16_t, true, aligned>(w, bufSize, buf);
testSetLoop<31, int32_t, true, aligned>(w, bufSize, buf);
testSetLoop<63, int64_t, true, aligned>(w, bufSize, buf);
size_t r = 0;
// Unsigned
testGetLoop<8, uint8_t, false, aligned>(r, bufSize, buf);
testGetLoop<16, uint16_t, false, aligned>(r, bufSize, buf);
testGetLoop<32, uint32_t, false, aligned>(r, bufSize, buf);
testGetLoop<64, uint64_t, false, aligned>(r, bufSize, buf);
// Signed NEG=false
testGetLoop<7, int8_t, false, aligned>(r, bufSize, buf);
testGetLoop<15, int16_t, false, aligned>(r, bufSize, buf);
testGetLoop<31, int32_t, false, aligned>(r, bufSize, buf);
testGetLoop<63, int64_t, false, aligned>(r, bufSize, buf);
// Signed NEG=true
testGetLoop<7, int8_t, true, aligned>(r, bufSize, buf);
testGetLoop<15, int16_t, true, aligned>(r, bufSize, buf);
testGetLoop<31, int32_t, true, aligned>(r, bufSize, buf);
testGetLoop<63, int64_t, true, aligned>(r, bufSize, buf);
TEST(Bits, ConcatenationUnalignedUnsigned) {
TEST(Bits, ConcatenationAligned) {
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();