
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# distutils: language = c++

from libcpp.string cimport string
from libc.stdint cimport uint64_t
from libcpp.memory cimport unique_ptr
from libc.string cimport const_uchar
from folly cimport cFollyExecutor
from cpython.ref cimport PyObject
from cython.view cimport memoryview

cdef extern from "folly/io/IOBuf.h" namespace "folly":
    cdef cppclass cIOBuf "folly::IOBuf":
        uint64_t length()
        const_uchar* data()
        bint empty()
        bint isChained()
        size_t countChainElements()
        uint64_t computeChainDataLength()
        unique_ptr[cIOBuf] clone()
        cIOBuf* prev()
        cIOBuf* next()
        void insertAfterThisOne(unique_ptr[cIOBuf]&& ciobuf)
        void appendToChain(unique_ptr[cIOBuf]&& ciobuf)
        void appendChain(unique_ptr[cIOBuf]&& ciobuf)  # deprecated
        cIOBuf cloneAsValue()
        void coalesce()
        void unshare()
        size_t capacity()
        void append(size_t amount)
        void prepend(size_t amount)
        void trimStart(size_t amount)
        void trimEnd(size_t amount)
        size_t headroom()
        size_t tailroom()

cdef extern from "folly/io/IOBuf.h" namespace "folly::IOBuf":
    unique_ptr[cIOBuf] wrapBuffer(const_uchar* buf, uint64_t capacity)
    unique_ptr[cIOBuf] copyBuffer(const_uchar* buf, uint64_t capacity)
    unique_ptr[cIOBuf] createChain(size_t totalCapacity, size_t maxBufCapacity)

cdef extern from "folly/io/IOBufQueue.h" namespace "folly::IOBufQueue":
    cdef cppclass cIOBufQueueOptions "folly::IOBufQueue::Options":
    cIOBufQueueOptions cacheChainLength()

cdef extern from "folly/io/IOBufQueue.h" namespace "folly":
    cdef cppclass cIOBufQueue "folly::IOBufQueue":
        unique_ptr[cIOBuf] move()
        void append(unique_ptr[cIOBuf]&& buf)

cdef extern from '<utility>' namespace 'std':
    unique_ptr[cIOBuf] move(unique_ptr[cIOBuf])

cdef extern from "folly/python/iobuf.h" namespace "folly::python":
    bint check_iobuf_equal(cIOBuf*, cIOBuf*)
    bint check_iobuf_less(cIOBuf*, cIOBuf*)

cdef extern from "folly/python/iobuf_ext.h" namespace "folly::python":
    unique_ptr[cIOBuf] iobuf_from_memoryview(cFollyExecutor*, PyObject*, void*, uint64_t)
    unique_ptr[cIOBuf] create_iobuf(uint64_t)

cdef extern from "Python.h":
    cdef int PyBUF_C_CONTIGUOUS

cdef class IOBuf:
    cdef object __weakref__
    cdef cIOBuf* _this
    cdef object _parent
    cdef object _hash
    cdef unique_ptr[cIOBuf] _ours
    cdef Py_ssize_t shape[1]
    cdef Py_ssize_t strides[1]
    cdef IOBuf create(cIOBuf* this, object parent)
    cdef void cleanup(self)
    cdef unique_ptr[cIOBuf] c_clone(self) noexcept

cdef unique_ptr[cIOBuf] from_python_buffer(memoryview view)
cdef IOBuf from_unique_ptr(unique_ptr[cIOBuf] iobuf)
cdef api object python_iobuf_from_ptr(unique_ptr[cIOBuf] iobuf)
cdef api cIOBuf from_python_iobuf(object iobuf) except *

cdef WritableIOBuf writable_from_unique_ptr(unique_ptr[cIOBuf] ciobuf)
cdef api object python_writable_iobuf_from_ptr(unique_ptr[cIOBuf] iobuf)
# Use to pass heap-allocated folly::IOBuf to cpp.
# Passed as raw ptr to avoid expensive call to PyErr_Occurred from `except *`
# Must be placed directly into std::unique_ptr to avoid leak
cdef api cIOBuf* ptr_from_python_iobuf(object obj) except NULL

cdef class WritableIOBuf(IOBuf):
    cdef WritableIOBuf create(cIOBuf* this, object parent)