
 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <folly/Function.h>

#include <array>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <functional>

#include <folly/Memory.h>
#include <folly/lang/Keep.h>
#include <folly/portability/GTest.h>

using folly::Function;

extern "C" FOLLY_KEEP void check_folly_function_move(void* src, void* dst) {
  new (dst) Function<void()>(std::move(*static_cast<Function<void()>*>(src)));

extern "C" FOLLY_KEEP void check_folly_function_nuke(void* fun) {

extern "C" FOLLY_KEEP void check_folly_function_move_assign(
    void* src, void* dst) {
  *static_cast<Function<void()>*>(src) =

template <bool Triv, bool NxCopy>
struct check_invocable_base;
template <bool NxCopy>
struct check_invocable_base<false, NxCopy> {
  FOLLY_NOINLINE check_invocable_base(check_invocable_base const&) noexcept(
      NxCopy) {}
  void operator=(check_invocable_base const&) = delete;
  FOLLY_NOINLINE ~check_invocable_base() {}
template <>
struct check_invocable_base<true, true> {};
template <bool Triv, bool NxCopy, size_t Size, size_t Align>
struct check_invocable : check_invocable_base<Triv, NxCopy> {
  std::aligned_storage_t<Size, Align> storage;
  using check_invocable_base<Triv, NxCopy>::check_invocable_base;
  void operator()() const noexcept {}

extern "C" FOLLY_KEEP void check_folly_function_make_in_situ_trivial(
    void* fun, void* obj) {
  constexpr auto size = 6 * sizeof(void*);
  constexpr auto align = folly::max_align_v;
  using inv_t = check_invocable<true, true, size, align>;
  auto& inv = *static_cast<inv_t*>(obj);
  ::new (fun) Function<void()>(inv);

extern "C" FOLLY_KEEP void check_folly_function_make_in_situ_default(
    void* fun, void* obj) {
  constexpr auto size = 6 * sizeof(void*);
  constexpr auto align = folly::max_align_v;
  using inv_t = check_invocable<false, true, size, align>;
  auto& inv = *static_cast<inv_t*>(obj);
  ::new (fun) Function<void()>(inv);

extern "C" FOLLY_KEEP void check_folly_function_make_on_heap_trivial(
    void* fun, void* obj) {
  constexpr auto size = 12 * sizeof(void*);
  constexpr auto align = folly::max_align_v;
  using inv_t = check_invocable<true, true, size, align>;
  auto& inv = *static_cast<inv_t*>(obj);
  ::new (fun) Function<void()>(inv);

extern "C" FOLLY_KEEP void check_folly_function_make_on_heap_default(
    void* fun, void* obj) {
  constexpr auto size = 12 * sizeof(void*);
  constexpr auto align = folly::max_align_v;
  using inv_t = check_invocable<false, true, size, align>;
  auto& inv = *static_cast<inv_t*>(obj);
  ::new (fun) Function<void()>(inv);

namespace {
int func_int_int_add_25(int x) {
  return x + 25;
int func_int_int_add_111(int x) {
  return x + 111;
float floatMult(float a, float b) {
  return a * b;

template <class T, size_t S>
struct Functor {
  std::array<T, S> data = {{0}};

  // Two operator() with different argument types.
  // The InvokeReference tests use both
  T const& operator()(size_t index) const { return data[index]; }
  T operator()(size_t index, T const& value) {
    T oldvalue = data[index];
    data[index] = value;
    return oldvalue;

template <typename Ret, typename... Args>
void deduceArgs(Function<Ret(Args...)>) {}

struct CallableButNotCopyable {
  CallableButNotCopyable() {}
  CallableButNotCopyable(CallableButNotCopyable const&) = delete;
  CallableButNotCopyable(CallableButNotCopyable&&) = delete;
  CallableButNotCopyable& operator=(CallableButNotCopyable const&) = delete;
  CallableButNotCopyable& operator=(CallableButNotCopyable&&) = delete;
  template <class... Args>
  void operator()(Args&&...) const {}

} // namespace

// TEST =====================================================================
// Test constructibility and non-constructibility for some tricky conversions
    !std::is_assignable<Function<void()>, CallableButNotCopyable>::value, "");
    !std::is_constructible<Function<void()>, CallableButNotCopyable&>::value,
    !std::is_constructible<Function<void() const>, CallableButNotCopyable>::
    !std::is_constructible<Function<void() const>, CallableButNotCopyable&>::

    !std::is_assignable<Function<void()>, CallableButNotCopyable>::value, "");
    !std::is_assignable<Function<void()>, CallableButNotCopyable&>::value, "");
    !std::is_assignable<Function<void() const>, CallableButNotCopyable>::value,
    !std::is_assignable<Function<void() const>, CallableButNotCopyable&>::value,

    std::is_constructible<Function<int(int)>, Function<int(int) const>>::value,
    !std::is_constructible<Function<int(int) const>, Function<int(int)>>::value,
    std::is_constructible<Function<int(short)>, Function<short(int) const>>::
    !std::is_constructible<Function<int(short) const>, Function<short(int)>>::
    !std::is_constructible<Function<int(int)>, Function<int(int) const>&>::
    !std::is_constructible<Function<int(int) const>, Function<int(int)>&>::
    !std::is_constructible<Function<int(short)>, Function<short(int) const>&>::
    !std::is_constructible<Function<int(short) const>, Function<short(int)>&>::

    std::is_assignable<Function<int(int)>, Function<int(int) const>>::value,
    !std::is_assignable<Function<int(int) const>, Function<int(int)>>::value,
    std::is_assignable<Function<int(short)>, Function<short(int) const>>::value,
    !std::is_assignable<Function<int(short) const>, Function<short(int)>>::
    !std::is_assignable<Function<int(int)>, Function<int(int) const>&>::value,
    !std::is_assignable<Function<int(int) const>, Function<int(int)>&>::value,
    !std::is_assignable<Function<int(short)>, Function<short(int) const>&>::
    !std::is_assignable<Function<int(short) const>, Function<short(int)>&>::

        Function<int(int) const>>::value,
        Function<short(int) const>>::value,
    std::is_nothrow_assignable<Function<int(int)>, Function<int(int) const>>::
        Function<short(int) const>>::value,

    !std::is_constructible<Function<int const&()>, int (*)()>::value, "");

    !std::is_constructible<Function<int const&() const>, int (*)()>::value, "");

static_assert( //
    !std::is_constructible_v< //
        Function<int() noexcept>,
        int (*)()>);

static_assert( //
    !std::is_constructible_v< //
        Function<int() const noexcept>,
        int (*)()>);

static_assert( //
    std::is_constructible_v< //
        Function<int() noexcept>,
        int (*)() noexcept>);

static_assert( //
    std::is_constructible_v< //
        Function<int() const noexcept>,
        int (*)() noexcept>);

static_assert( //
    !std::is_constructible_v< //
        Function<int const&() noexcept>,
        int (*)()>);

static_assert( //
    !std::is_constructible_v< //
        Function<int const&() const noexcept>,
        int (*)()>);

static_assert( //
    !std::is_constructible_v< //
        Function<int() noexcept>,

static_assert( //
    !std::is_constructible_v< //
        Function<int() const noexcept>,
        Function<int() const>>);

static_assert( //
    std::is_constructible_v< //
        Function<int() noexcept>>);

static_assert( //
    std::is_constructible_v< //
        Function<int() const>,
        Function<int() const noexcept>>);

static_assert(std::is_nothrow_destructible<Function<int(int)>>::value, "");

struct ctor_guide {
  static void fn();
  static void fn_nx() noexcept;

  struct call {
    void operator()();
  struct call_c {
    void operator()() const;
  struct call_nx {
    void operator()() noexcept;
  struct call_c_nx {
    void operator()() const noexcept;

static_assert( //
    std::is_same_v< //
static_assert( //
    std::is_same_v< //
static_assert( //
    std::is_same_v< //
static_assert( //
    std::is_same_v< //
        Function<void() const>,
static_assert( //
    std::is_same_v< //
        Function<void() noexcept>,
static_assert( //
    std::is_same_v< //
        Function<void() noexcept>,
static_assert( //
    std::is_same_v< //
        Function<void() noexcept>,
static_assert( //
    std::is_same_v< //
        Function<void() const noexcept>,

struct RecStd {
  using type = std::function<RecStd()>;
  /* implicit */ RecStd(type f) : func(f) {}
  explicit operator type() { return func; }
  type func;

// Recursive class - regression case
struct RecFolly {
  using type = folly::Function<RecFolly()>;
  /* implicit */ RecFolly(type f) : func(std::move(f)) {}
  explicit operator type() { return std::move(func); }
  type func;

// TEST =====================================================================
// InvokeFunctor & InvokeReference

TEST(Function, InvokeFunctor) {
  Functor<int, 100> func;
      sizeof(func) > sizeof(Function<int(size_t)>),
      "sizeof(Function) is much larger than expected");
  func(5, 123);

  Function<int(size_t) const> getter = std::move(func);

  // Function will allocate memory on the heap to store the functor object
  EXPECT_GT(getter.heapAllocatedMemory(), 0);

  EXPECT_EQ(123, getter(5));

TEST(Function, InvokeReference) {
  Functor<int, 10> func;
  func(5, 123);

  // Have Functions for getter and setter, both referencing the same funtor
  Function<int(size_t) const> getter = std::ref(func);
  Function<int(size_t, int)> setter = std::ref(func);

  EXPECT_EQ(123, getter(5));
  EXPECT_EQ(123, setter(5, 456));
  EXPECT_EQ(456, setter(5, 567));
  EXPECT_EQ(567, getter(5));

// TEST =====================================================================
// Emptiness

TEST(Function, EmptinessT) {
  Function<int(int)> f;
  EXPECT_EQ(f, nullptr);
  EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, f);
  EXPECT_THROW(f(98), std::bad_function_call);

  Function<int(int)> g([](int x) { return x + 1; });
  EXPECT_NE(g, nullptr);
  EXPECT_NE(nullptr, g);
  // Explicitly convert to bool to work around
  EXPECT_EQ(100, g(99));

  Function<int(int)> h(&func_int_int_add_25);
  EXPECT_NE(h, nullptr);
  EXPECT_NE(nullptr, h);
  EXPECT_EQ(125, h(100));

  h = {};
  EXPECT_EQ(h, nullptr);
  EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, h);
  EXPECT_THROW(h(101), std::bad_function_call);

  Function<int(int)> i{Function<int(int)>{}};
  EXPECT_EQ(i, nullptr);
  EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, i);
  EXPECT_THROW(i(107), std::bad_function_call);

  struct CastableToBool {
    bool val;
    /* implicit */ CastableToBool(bool b) : val(b) {}
    explicit operator bool() { return val; }
  // models std::function
  struct NullptrTestableInSitu {
    int res;
    [[maybe_unused]] explicit NullptrTestableInSitu(std::nullptr_t);
    explicit NullptrTestableInSitu(int i) : res(i) {}
    CastableToBool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const { return res % 3 != 1; }
    int operator()(int in) const { return res * in; }
  struct NullptrTestableOnHeap : NullptrTestableInSitu {
    unsigned char data[1024 - sizeof(NullptrTestableInSitu)];
    using NullptrTestableInSitu::NullptrTestableInSitu;
  Function<int(int)> j(NullptrTestableInSitu(2));
  EXPECT_EQ(j, nullptr);
  EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, j);
  EXPECT_THROW(j(107), std::bad_function_call);
  Function<int(int)> k(NullptrTestableInSitu(4));
  EXPECT_NE(k, nullptr);
  EXPECT_NE(nullptr, k);
  EXPECT_EQ(428, k(107));
  Function<int(int)> l(NullptrTestableOnHeap(2));
  EXPECT_EQ(l, nullptr);
  EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, l);
  EXPECT_THROW(l(107), std::bad_function_call);
  Function<int(int)> m(NullptrTestableOnHeap(4));
  EXPECT_NE(m, nullptr);
  EXPECT_NE(nullptr, m);
  EXPECT_EQ(428, m(107));

// TEST =====================================================================
// Swap

template <bool UseSwapMethod>
void swap_test() {
  Function<int(int)> mf1(func_int_int_add_25);
  Function<int(int)> mf2(func_int_int_add_111);

  EXPECT_EQ(125, mf1(100));
  EXPECT_EQ(211, mf2(100));

  if (UseSwapMethod) {
  } else {
    swap(mf1, mf2);

  EXPECT_EQ(125, mf2(100));
  EXPECT_EQ(211, mf1(100));

  Function<int(int)> mf3(nullptr);
  EXPECT_EQ(mf3, nullptr);

  if (UseSwapMethod) {
  } else {
    swap(mf1, mf3);

  EXPECT_EQ(211, mf3(100));
  EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, mf1);

  Function<int(int)> mf4([](int x) { return x + 222; });
  EXPECT_EQ(322, mf4(100));

  if (UseSwapMethod) {
  } else {
    swap(mf4, mf3);
  EXPECT_EQ(211, mf4(100));
  EXPECT_EQ(322, mf3(100));

  if (UseSwapMethod) {
  } else {
    swap(mf3, mf1);
  EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, mf3);
  EXPECT_EQ(322, mf1(100));
TEST(Function, SwapMethod) {
TEST(Function, SwapFunction) {

// TEST =====================================================================
// Bind

TEST(Function, Bind) {
  Function<float(float, float)> fnc = floatMult;
  auto task = std::bind(std::move(fnc), 2.f, 4.f);
  EXPECT_THROW(fnc(0, 0), std::bad_function_call);
  EXPECT_EQ(8, task());
  auto task2(std::move(task));
  EXPECT_THROW(task(), std::bad_function_call);
  EXPECT_EQ(8, task2());

// TEST =====================================================================
// NonCopyableLambda

TEST(Function, NonCopyableLambda) {
  auto unique_ptr_int = std::make_unique<int>(900);
  EXPECT_EQ(900, *unique_ptr_int);

  struct {
    char data[64];
  } fooData = {{0}};
  (void)fooData; // suppress gcc warning about fooData not being used

  auto functor = std::bind(
      [fooData](std::unique_ptr<int>& up) mutable {
        return ++*up;

  EXPECT_EQ(901, functor());

  Function<int(void)> func = std::move(functor);
  EXPECT_GT(func.heapAllocatedMemory(), 0);

  EXPECT_EQ(902, func());

// TEST =====================================================================
// OverloadedFunctor

TEST(Function, OverloadedFunctor) {
  struct OverloadedFunctor {
    // variant 1
    int operator()(int x) { return 100 + 1 * x; }

    // variant 2 (const-overload of v1)
    int operator()(int x) const { return 100 + 2 * x; }

    // variant 3
    int operator()(int x, int) { return 100 + 3 * x; }

    // variant 4 (const-overload of v3)
    int operator()(int x, int) const { return 100 + 4 * x; }

    // variant 5 (non-const, has no const-overload)
    int operator()(int x, char const*) { return 100 + 5 * x; }

    // variant 6 (const only)
    int operator()(int x, std::vector<int> const&) const { return 100 + 6 * x; }
  OverloadedFunctor of;

  Function<int(int)> variant1 = of;
  EXPECT_EQ(100 + 1 * 15, variant1(15));

  Function<int(int) const> variant2 = of;
  EXPECT_EQ(100 + 2 * 16, variant2(16));

  Function<int(int, int)> variant3 = of;
  EXPECT_EQ(100 + 3 * 17, variant3(17, 0));

  Function<int(int, int) const> variant4 = of;
  EXPECT_EQ(100 + 4 * 18, variant4(18, 0));

  Function<int(int, char const*)> variant5 = of;
  EXPECT_EQ(100 + 5 * 19, variant5(19, "foo"));

  Function<int(int, std::vector<int> const&)> variant6 = of;
  EXPECT_EQ(100 + 6 * 20, variant6(20, {}));
  EXPECT_EQ(100 + 6 * 20, variant6(20, {1, 2, 3}));

  Function<int(int, std::vector<int> const&) const> variant6const = of;
  EXPECT_EQ(100 + 6 * 21, variant6const(21, {}));

  // Cast const-functions to non-const and the other way around: if the functor
  // has both const and non-const operator()s for a given parameter signature,
  // constructing a Function must select one of them, depending on
  // whether the function type template parameter is const-qualified or not.
  // When the const-ness is later changed (by moving the
  // Function<R(Args...)const> into a Function<R(Args...)> or by
  // calling the folly::constCastFunction which moves it into a
  // Function<R(Args...)const>), the Function must still execute
  // the initially selected function.

  auto variant1_const = folly::constCastFunction(std::move(variant1));
  EXPECT_THROW(variant1(0), std::bad_function_call);
  EXPECT_EQ(100 + 1 * 22, variant1_const(22));

  Function<int(int)> variant2_nonconst = std::move(variant2);
  EXPECT_THROW(variant2(0), std::bad_function_call);
  EXPECT_EQ(100 + 2 * 23, variant2_nonconst(23));

  auto variant3_const = folly::constCastFunction(std::move(variant3));
  EXPECT_THROW(variant3(0, 0), std::bad_function_call);
  EXPECT_EQ(100 + 3 * 24, variant3_const(24, 0));

  Function<int(int, int)> variant4_nonconst = std::move(variant4);
  EXPECT_THROW(variant4(0, 0), std::bad_function_call);
  EXPECT_EQ(100 + 4 * 25, variant4_nonconst(25, 0));

  auto variant5_const = folly::constCastFunction(std::move(variant5));
  EXPECT_THROW(variant5(0, ""), std::bad_function_call);
  EXPECT_EQ(100 + 5 * 26, variant5_const(26, "foo"));

  auto variant6_const = folly::constCastFunction(std::move(variant6));
  EXPECT_THROW(variant6(0, {}), std::bad_function_call);
  EXPECT_EQ(100 + 6 * 27, variant6_const(27, {}));

  Function<int(int, std::vector<int> const&)> variant6const_nonconst =
  EXPECT_THROW(variant6const(0, {}), std::bad_function_call);
  EXPECT_EQ(100 + 6 * 28, variant6const_nonconst(28, {}));

// TEST =====================================================================
// Lambda

TEST(Function, Lambda) {
  // Non-mutable lambdas: can be stored in a non-const...
  Function<int(int)> func = [](int x) { return 1000 + x; };
  EXPECT_EQ(1001, func(1));

  // well as in a const Function
  Function<int(int) const> func_const = [](int x) { return 2000 + x; };
  EXPECT_EQ(2001, func_const(1));

  // Mutable lambda: can only be stored in a const Function:
  int number = 3000;
  Function<int()> func_mutable = [number]() mutable { return ++number; };
  EXPECT_EQ(3001, func_mutable());
  EXPECT_EQ(3002, func_mutable());

  // test after const-casting

  Function<int(int) const> func_made_const =
  EXPECT_EQ(1002, func_made_const(2));
  EXPECT_THROW(func(0), std::bad_function_call);

  Function<int(int)> func_const_made_nonconst = std::move(func_const);
  EXPECT_EQ(2002, func_const_made_nonconst(2));
  EXPECT_THROW(func_const(0), std::bad_function_call);

  Function<int() const> func_mutable_made_const =
  EXPECT_EQ(3003, func_mutable_made_const());
  EXPECT_EQ(3004, func_mutable_made_const());
  EXPECT_THROW(func_mutable(), std::bad_function_call);

// TEST =====================================================================
// DataMember & MemberFunction

struct MemberFunc {
  int x;
  int getX() const { return x; }
  void setX(int xx) { x = xx; }

TEST(Function, DataMember) {
  MemberFunc mf;
  MemberFunc const& cmf = mf;
  mf.x = 123;

  Function<int(MemberFunc const*)> data_getter1 = &MemberFunc::x;
  EXPECT_EQ(123, data_getter1(&cmf));
  Function<int(MemberFunc*)> data_getter2 = &MemberFunc::x;
  EXPECT_EQ(123, data_getter2(&mf));
  Function<int(MemberFunc const&)> data_getter3 = &MemberFunc::x;
  EXPECT_EQ(123, data_getter3(cmf));
  Function<int(MemberFunc&)> data_getter4 = &MemberFunc::x;
  EXPECT_EQ(123, data_getter4(mf));

TEST(Function, MemberFunction) {
  MemberFunc mf;
  MemberFunc const& cmf = mf;
  mf.x = 123;

  Function<int(MemberFunc const*)> getter1 = &MemberFunc::getX;
  EXPECT_EQ(123, getter1(&cmf));
  Function<int(MemberFunc*)> getter2 = &MemberFunc::getX;
  EXPECT_EQ(123, getter2(&mf));
  Function<int(MemberFunc const&)> getter3 = &MemberFunc::getX;
  EXPECT_EQ(123, getter3(cmf));
  Function<int(MemberFunc&)> getter4 = &MemberFunc::getX;
  EXPECT_EQ(123, getter4(mf));

  Function<void(MemberFunc*, int)> setter1 = &MemberFunc::setX;
  setter1(&mf, 234);
  EXPECT_EQ(234, mf.x);

  Function<void(MemberFunc&, int)> setter2 = &MemberFunc::setX;
  setter2(mf, 345);
  EXPECT_EQ(345, mf.x);

// TEST =====================================================================
// CaptureCopyMoveCount & ParameterCopyMoveCount

class CopyMoveTracker {
  struct ConstructorTag {};

  CopyMoveTracker() = delete;
  explicit CopyMoveTracker(ConstructorTag)
      : data_(std::make_shared<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>(0, 0)) {}

  CopyMoveTracker(CopyMoveTracker const& o) noexcept : data_(o.data_) {
  CopyMoveTracker& operator=(CopyMoveTracker const& o) noexcept {
    data_ = o.data_;
    return *this;

  CopyMoveTracker(CopyMoveTracker&& o) noexcept : data_(o.data_) {
  CopyMoveTracker& operator=(CopyMoveTracker&& o) noexcept {
    data_ = o.data_;
    return *this;

  size_t copyCount() const { return data_->first; }
  size_t moveCount() const { return data_->second; }
  size_t refCount() const { return data_.use_count(); }
  void resetCounters() { data_->first = data_->second = 0; }

  // copy, move
  std::shared_ptr<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> data_;

TEST(Function, CaptureCopyMoveCount) {
  // This test checks that no unnecessary copies/moves are made.

  CopyMoveTracker cmt(CopyMoveTracker::ConstructorTag{});
  EXPECT_EQ(0, cmt.copyCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(0, cmt.moveCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(1, cmt.refCount());

  // Move into lambda, move lambda into Function
  auto lambda1 = [cmt = std::move(cmt)]() { return cmt.moveCount(); };
  Function<size_t(void)> uf1 = std::move(lambda1);

  // Max copies: 0. Max copy+moves: 2.
  EXPECT_LE(cmt.moveCount() + cmt.copyCount(), 3);
  EXPECT_LE(cmt.copyCount(), 0);


  // Move into lambda, copy lambda into Function
  auto lambda2 = [cmt = std::move(cmt)]() { return cmt.moveCount(); };
  Function<size_t(void)> uf2 = lambda2;

  // Max copies: 1. Max copy+moves: 2.
  EXPECT_LE(cmt.moveCount() + cmt.copyCount(), 3);
  EXPECT_LE(cmt.copyCount(), 1);

  // Invoking Function must not make copies/moves of the callable
  EXPECT_EQ(0, cmt.copyCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(0, cmt.moveCount());

TEST(Function, ParameterCopyMoveCount) {
  // This test checks that no unnecessary copies/moves are made.

  CopyMoveTracker cmt(CopyMoveTracker::ConstructorTag{});
  EXPECT_EQ(0, cmt.copyCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(0, cmt.moveCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(1, cmt.refCount());

  // pass by value
  Function<size_t(CopyMoveTracker)> uf1 = [](CopyMoveTracker c) {
    return c.moveCount();

  // Max copies: 1. Max copy+moves: 2.
  EXPECT_LE(cmt.moveCount() + cmt.copyCount(), 2);
  EXPECT_LE(cmt.copyCount(), 1);

  // Max copies: 1. Max copy+moves: 2.
  EXPECT_LE(cmt.moveCount() + cmt.copyCount(), 2);
  EXPECT_LE(cmt.copyCount(), 0);

  // pass by reference
  Function<size_t(CopyMoveTracker&)> uf2 = [](CopyMoveTracker& c) {
    return c.moveCount();

  // Max copies: 0. Max copy+moves: 0.
  EXPECT_LE(cmt.moveCount() + cmt.copyCount(), 0);
  EXPECT_LE(cmt.copyCount(), 0);

  // pass by const reference
  Function<size_t(CopyMoveTracker const&)> uf3 = [](CopyMoveTracker const& c) {
    return c.moveCount();

  // Max copies: 0. Max copy+moves: 0.
  EXPECT_LE(cmt.moveCount() + cmt.copyCount(), 0);
  EXPECT_LE(cmt.copyCount(), 0);

  // pass by rvalue reference
  Function<size_t(CopyMoveTracker&&)> uf4 = [](CopyMoveTracker&& c) {
    return c.moveCount();

  // Max copies: 0. Max copy+moves: 0.
  EXPECT_LE(cmt.moveCount() + cmt.copyCount(), 0);
  EXPECT_LE(cmt.copyCount(), 0);

// TEST =====================================================================
// VariadicTemplate & VariadicArguments

struct VariadicTemplateSum {
  int operator()() const { return 0; }
  template <class... Args>
  int operator()(int x, Args... args) const {
    return x + (*this)(args...);

TEST(Function, VariadicTemplate) {
  Function<int(int)> uf1 = VariadicTemplateSum();
  Function<int(int, int)> uf2 = VariadicTemplateSum();
  Function<int(int, int, int)> uf3 = VariadicTemplateSum();

  EXPECT_EQ(66, uf1(66));
  EXPECT_EQ(99, uf2(55, 44));
  EXPECT_EQ(66, uf3(33, 22, 11));

struct VariadicArgumentsSum {
  int operator()(int count, ...) const {
    int result = 0;
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, count);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
      result += va_arg(args, int);
    return result;

TEST(Function, VariadicArguments) {
  Function<int(int)> uf1 = VariadicArgumentsSum();
  Function<int(int, int)> uf2 = VariadicArgumentsSum();
  Function<int(int, int, int)> uf3 = VariadicArgumentsSum();

  EXPECT_EQ(0, uf1(0));
  EXPECT_EQ(66, uf2(1, 66));
  EXPECT_EQ(99, uf3(2, 55, 44));

// TEST =====================================================================
// SafeCaptureByReference

// A function can use Function const& as a parameter to signal that it
// is safe to pass a lambda that captures local variables by reference.
// It is safe because we know the function called can only invoke the
// Function until it returns. It can't store a copy of the Function
// (because it's not copyable), and it can't move the Function somewhere
// else (because it gets only a const&).

template <typename T>
void for_each(
    T const& range,
    Function<void(typename T::value_type const&) const> const& func) {
  for (auto const& elem : range) {

TEST(Function, SafeCaptureByReference) {
  std::vector<int> const vec = {20, 30, 40, 2, 3, 4, 200, 300, 400};

  int sum = 0;

  // for_each's second parameter is of type Function<...> const&.
  // Hence we know we can safely pass it a lambda that references local
  // variables. There is no way the reference to x will be stored anywhere.
  for_each(vec, [&sum](int x) { sum += x; });

  EXPECT_EQ(999, sum);

// TEST =====================================================================
// IgnoreReturnValue

TEST(Function, IgnoreReturnValue) {
  int x = 95;

  // Assign a lambda that return int to a folly::Function that returns void.
  Function<void()> f = [&]() -> int { return ++x; };

  EXPECT_EQ(95, x);
  EXPECT_EQ(96, x);

  Function<int()> g = [&]() -> int { return ++x; };
  Function<void()> cg = std::move(g);

  EXPECT_EQ(96, x);
  EXPECT_EQ(97, x);

// TEST =====================================================================
// ReturnConvertible, ConvertReturnType

TEST(Function, ReturnConvertible) {
  struct CBase {
    int x;
  struct CDerived : CBase {};

  Function<double()> f1 = []() -> int { return 5; };
  EXPECT_EQ(5.0, f1());

  struct Convertible {
    double value;
    /* implicit */ Convertible(double v) noexcept : value{v} {}
    /* implicit */ operator int() const noexcept { return int(value); }
  Function<int()> f2 = []() -> Convertible { return 5.2; };
  EXPECT_EQ(5, f2());

  CDerived derived;
  derived.x = 55;

  Function<CBase const&()> f3 = [&]() -> CDerived const& { return derived; };
  EXPECT_EQ(55, f3().x);

  Function<CBase const&()> f4 = [&]() -> CDerived& { return derived; };
  EXPECT_EQ(55, f4().x);

  Function<CBase&()> f5 = [&]() -> CDerived& { return derived; };
  EXPECT_EQ(55, f5().x);

  Function<CBase const*()> f6 = [&]() -> CDerived const* { return &derived; };
  EXPECT_EQ(f6()->x, 55);

  Function<CBase const*()> f7 = [&]() -> CDerived* { return &derived; };
  EXPECT_EQ(55, f7()->x);

  Function<CBase*()> f8 = [&]() -> CDerived* { return &derived; };
  EXPECT_EQ(55, f8()->x);

  Function<CBase()> f9 = [&]() -> CDerived {
    auto d = derived;
    d.x = 66;
    return d;
  EXPECT_EQ(66, f9().x);

TEST(Function, ConvertReturnType) {
  struct CBase {
    int x;
  struct CDerived : CBase {};

  struct Convertible {
    double value;
    /* implicit */ Convertible(double v) noexcept : value{v} {}
    /* implicit */ operator int() const noexcept { return int(value); }

  Function<int()> f1 = []() -> int { return 5; };
  Function<double()> cf1 = std::move(f1);
  EXPECT_EQ(5.0, cf1());
  Function<Convertible()> ccf1 = std::move(cf1);
  EXPECT_EQ(5, ccf1());

  Function<double()> f2 = []() -> double { return 5.2; };
  Function<Convertible()> cf2 = std::move(f2);
  EXPECT_EQ(5, cf2());
  Function<double()> ccf2 = std::move(cf2);
  EXPECT_EQ(5.0, ccf2());

  CDerived derived;
  derived.x = 55;

  Function<CDerived const&()> f3 = [&]() -> CDerived const& { return derived; };
  Function<CBase const&()> cf3 = std::move(f3);
  EXPECT_EQ(55, cf3().x);

  Function<CDerived&()> f4 = [&]() -> CDerived& { return derived; };
  Function<CBase const&()> cf4 = std::move(f4);
  EXPECT_EQ(55, cf4().x);

  Function<CDerived&()> f5 = [&]() -> CDerived& { return derived; };
  Function<CBase&()> cf5 = std::move(f5);
  EXPECT_EQ(55, cf5().x);

  Function<CDerived const*()> f6 = [&]() -> CDerived const* {
    return &derived;
  Function<CBase const*()> cf6 = std::move(f6);
  EXPECT_EQ(55, cf6()->x);

  Function<CDerived const*()> f7 = [&]() -> CDerived* { return &derived; };
  Function<CBase const*()> cf7 = std::move(f7);
  EXPECT_EQ(55, cf7()->x);

  Function<CDerived*()> f8 = [&]() -> CDerived* { return &derived; };
  Function<CBase*()> cf8 = std::move(f8);
  EXPECT_EQ(55, cf8()->x);

  Function<CDerived()> f9 = [&]() -> CDerived {
    auto d = derived;
    d.x = 66;
    return d;
  Function<CBase()> cf9 = std::move(f9);
  EXPECT_EQ(66, cf9().x);

// TEST =====================================================================
// asStdFunction_*

TEST(Function, asStdFunctionVoid) {
  int i = 0;
  folly::Function<void()> f = [&] { ++i; };
  auto sf = std::move(f).asStdFunction();
      std::is_same<decltype(sf), std::function<void()>>::value,
      "std::function has wrong type");
  EXPECT_EQ(1, i);

TEST(Function, asStdFunctionVoidConst) {
  int i = 0;
  folly::Function<void() const> f = [&] { ++i; };
  auto sf = std::move(f).asStdFunction();
      std::is_same<decltype(sf), std::function<void()>>::value,
      "std::function has wrong type");
  EXPECT_EQ(1, i);

TEST(Function, asStdFunctionReturn) {
  int i = 0;
  folly::Function<int()> f = [&] {
    return 42;
  auto sf = std::move(f).asStdFunction();
      std::is_same<decltype(sf), std::function<int()>>::value,
      "std::function has wrong type");
  EXPECT_EQ(42, sf());
  EXPECT_EQ(1, i);

TEST(Function, asStdFunctionReturnConst) {
  int i = 0;
  folly::Function<int() const> f = [&] {
    return 42;
  auto sf = std::move(f).asStdFunction();
      std::is_same<decltype(sf), std::function<int()>>::value,
      "std::function has wrong type");
  EXPECT_EQ(42, sf());
  EXPECT_EQ(1, i);

TEST(Function, asStdFunctionArgs) {
  int i = 0;
  folly::Function<void(int, int)> f = [&](int x, int y) {
    return x + y;
  auto sf = std::move(f).asStdFunction();
      std::is_same<decltype(sf), std::function<void(int, int)>>::value,
      "std::function has wrong type");
  sf(42, 42);
  EXPECT_EQ(1, i);

TEST(Function, asStdFunctionArgsConst) {
  int i = 0;
  folly::Function<void(int, int) const> f = [&](int x, int y) {
    return x + y;
  auto sf = std::move(f).asStdFunction();
      std::is_same<decltype(sf), std::function<void(int, int)>>::value,
      "std::function has wrong type");
  sf(42, 42);
  EXPECT_EQ(1, i);

// TEST =====================================================================
// asSharedProxy_*

TEST(Function, asSharedProxyVoid) {
  int i = 0;
  folly::Function<void()> f = [&i] { ++i; };
  auto sp = std::move(f).asSharedProxy();
  auto spcopy = sp;
  EXPECT_EQ(1, i);
  EXPECT_EQ(2, i);

TEST(Function, asSharedProxyVoidConst) {
  int i = 0;
  folly::Function<void() const> f = [&i] { ++i; };
  auto sp = std::move(f).asSharedProxy();
  auto spcopy = sp;
  EXPECT_EQ(1, i);
  EXPECT_EQ(2, i);

TEST(Function, asSharedProxyReturn) {
  folly::Function<int()> f = [i = 0]() mutable {
    return i;
  auto sp = std::move(f).asSharedProxy();
  auto spcopy = sp;
  EXPECT_EQ(1, sp());
  EXPECT_EQ(2, spcopy());

TEST(Function, asSharedProxyReturnConst) {
  int i = 0;
  folly::Function<int() const> f = [&i] {
    return i;
  auto sp = std::move(f).asSharedProxy();
  auto spcopy = sp;
  EXPECT_EQ(1, sp());
  EXPECT_EQ(2, spcopy());

TEST(Function, asSharedProxyArgs) {
  int i = 0;
  folly::Function<int(int, int)> f = [&](int x, int y) mutable {
    return x + y * 2;
  auto sp = std::move(f).asSharedProxy();
  auto spcopy = sp;
  EXPECT_EQ(120, sp(100, 10));
  EXPECT_EQ(1, i);
  EXPECT_EQ(120, spcopy(100, 10));
  EXPECT_EQ(2, i);

TEST(Function, asSharedProxyArgsConst) {
  int i = 0;
  folly::Function<int(int, int) const> f = [&i](int x, int y) {
    return x * 100 + y * 10 + i;
  auto sp = std::move(f).asSharedProxy();
  auto spcopy = sp;
  EXPECT_EQ(561, sp(5, 6));
  EXPECT_EQ(562, spcopy(5, 6));

TEST(Function, asSharedProxyNullptr) {
  auto sp = folly::Function<int(int, int) const>::SharedProxy(nullptr);
  EXPECT_THROW(sp(3, 4), std::bad_function_call);

TEST(Function, asSharedProxyEmpty) {
  auto func = folly::Function<int(int, int) const>();
  auto sp = std::move(func).asSharedProxy();
  EXPECT_THROW(sp(3, 4), std::bad_function_call);

TEST(Function, asSharedProxyExplicitBoolConversion) {
  folly::Function<void(void)> f = []() {};
  auto sp = std::move(f).asSharedProxy();
  auto spcopy = sp;

  folly::Function<void(void)> emptyF;
  auto emptySp = std::move(emptyF).asSharedProxy();
  auto emptySpcopy = emptySp;

struct BadCopier {
  explicit BadCopier(int v) : v_(v) {}
  BadCopier(const BadCopier& o) : v_(o.v_ + 1) {}
  BadCopier(BadCopier&&) = default;
  int v_;
std::array<int, 3> badCopierF(BadCopier a, const BadCopier& b, BadCopier&& c) {
  std::array<int, 3> ret;
  ret[0] = a.v_;
  ret[1] = b.v_;
  ret[2] = c.v_;
  a.v_ *= -1;
  c.v_ *= -1;
  return ret;
TEST(Function, asSharedProxyForwarding) {
  folly::Function<decltype(badCopierF)> ff(badCopierF);
               folly::Function<std::array<int, 3>(
                   BadCopier a, const BadCopier& b, BadCopier&& c)>>));
  auto sp = std::move(ff).asSharedProxy();

  BadCopier bca(100);
  BadCopier bcb(200);
  BadCopier bcc(300);
  auto vals = sp(bca, bcb, std::move(bcc));

  // bca was passed into f by value, so was copied at least once
  EXPECT_GT(vals[0], 100);
  EXPECT_EQ(bca.v_, 100);

  // bcb was passed into f by const&, so was never copied
  EXPECT_EQ(vals[1], 200);
  EXPECT_EQ(bcb.v_, 200);

  // bcc was passed into f by &&, so was never copied but was mutated in f
  EXPECT_EQ(vals[2], 300);
  EXPECT_EQ(bcc.v_, -300);

TEST(Function, NoAllocatedMemoryAfterMove) {
  Functor<int, 100> foo;

  Function<int(size_t)> func = foo;
  EXPECT_GT(func.heapAllocatedMemory(), 0);

  Function<int(size_t)> func2 = std::move(func);
  EXPECT_GT(func2.heapAllocatedMemory(), 0);
  EXPECT_EQ(func.heapAllocatedMemory(), 0);

TEST(Function, ConstCastEmbedded) {
  int x = 0;
  auto functor = [&x]() { ++x; };

  Function<void() const> func(functor);
  EXPECT_EQ(func.heapAllocatedMemory(), 0);

  Function<void()> func2(std::move(func));
  EXPECT_EQ(func2.heapAllocatedMemory(), 0);

TEST(Function, EmptyAfterConstCast) {
  Function<int(size_t)> func;

  Function<int(size_t) const> func2 = constCastFunction(std::move(func));

TEST(Function, SelfStdSwap) {
  Function<int()> f = [] { return 42; };
  EXPECT_EQ(42, f());
  std::swap(f, f);
  EXPECT_EQ(42, f());
  folly::swap(f, f);
  EXPECT_EQ(42, f());

TEST(Function, SelfMove) {
  Function<int()> f = [] { return 42; };
  Function<int()>& g = f;
  f = std::move(g); // shouldn't crash!
  (void)bool(f); // valid but unspecified state
  f = [] { return 43; };
  EXPECT_EQ(43, f());

TEST(Function, SelfMove2) {
  int alive{0};
  struct arg {
    int* ptr_;
    explicit arg(int* ptr) noexcept : ptr_(ptr) { ++*ptr_; }
    arg(arg&& o) noexcept : ptr_(o.ptr_) { ++*ptr_; }
    arg& operator=(arg&&) = delete;
    ~arg() { --*ptr_; }
  EXPECT_EQ(0, alive);
  Function<int()> f = [myarg = arg{&alive}] { return 42; };
  EXPECT_EQ(1, alive);
  Function<int()>& g = f;
  f = std::move(g);
  EXPECT_FALSE(bool(f)) << "self-assign is self-destruct";
  EXPECT_EQ(0, alive) << "self-assign is self-destruct";
  f = [] { return 43; };
  EXPECT_EQ(0, alive) << "sanity check against double-destruction";
  EXPECT_EQ(43, f());

TEST(Function, DeducableArguments) {
  deduceArgs(Function<void()>{[] {}});
  deduceArgs(Function<void(int, float)>{[](int, float) {}});
  deduceArgs(Function<int(int, float)>{[](int i, float) { return i; }});

TEST(Function, CtorWithCopy) {
  struct X {
    X() {}
    X(X const&) noexcept(true) {}
    X& operator=(X const&) = default;
  struct Y {
    Y() {}
    Y(Y const&) noexcept(false) {}
    Y(Y&&) noexcept(true) {}
    Y& operator=(Y&&) = default;
    Y& operator=(Y const&) = default;
  auto lx = [x = X()] {};
  auto ly = [y = Y()] {};

TEST(Function, BugT23346238) {
  const Function<void()> nullfun;

TEST(Function, MaxAlignCallable) {
  using A = folly::aligned_storage_for_t<folly::max_align_t>;
  auto f = [a = A()] { return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&a) % alignof(A); };
  EXPECT_EQ(alignof(A), alignof(decltype(f))) << "sanity";
  EXPECT_EQ(0, f()) << "sanity";
  EXPECT_EQ(0, Function<size_t()>(f)());

TEST(Function, AllocatedSize) {
  Function<void(int)> defaultConstructed;
  EXPECT_EQ(defaultConstructed.heapAllocatedMemory(), 0U)
      << "Default constructed Function should have zero allocations";

  // On any platform this has to allocate heap storage, because the captures are
  // larger than the inline size of the Function object:
  constexpr size_t kCaptureBytes = sizeof(Function<void(int)>) + 1;
  Function<void(int)> fromLambda{
      [x = std::array<char, kCaptureBytes>()](int) { (void)x; }};
  // I can't assert much about the size because it's permitted to vary from
  // platform to platform or as optimization levels change, but we can be sure
  // that the lambda must be at least as large as its captures
  EXPECT_GE(fromLambda.heapAllocatedMemory(), kCaptureBytes)
      << "Lambda-derived Function's allocated size is smaller than the "
         "lambda's capture size";

TEST(Function, TrivialSmallBig) {
  auto tsl = [] { return 7; };
  static_assert(sizeof(tsl) == 1);

  auto thl = [x = std::array<int, 64>{{7}}] { return x[0]; };
  static_assert(sizeof(thl) >= sizeof(Function<int()>));

  struct move_nx {
    move_nx() {}
    ~move_nx() {}
    move_nx(move_nx&&) noexcept {}
    void operator=(move_nx&&) = delete;
  auto sl = [o = move_nx{}] { return 7; };

  struct move_x {
    move_x() {}
    ~move_x() {}
    move_x(move_x&&) noexcept(false) {}
    void operator=(move_x&&) = delete;
  auto hl = [o = move_x{}] { return 7; };

  Function<int()> ts{std::move(tsl)};
  Function<int()> th{std::move(thl)};
  Function<int()> s{std::move(sl)};
  Function<int()> h{std::move(hl)};

  EXPECT_EQ(7, ts());
  EXPECT_EQ(7, th());
  EXPECT_EQ(7, s());
  EXPECT_EQ(7, h());

  auto ts2 = std::move(ts);
  auto th2 = std::move(th);
  auto s2 = std::move(s);
  auto h2 = std::move(h);

  EXPECT_EQ(7, ts2());
  EXPECT_EQ(7, th2());
  EXPECT_EQ(7, s2());
  EXPECT_EQ(7, h2());

TEST(Function, ConstInitEmpty) {
  static FOLLY_CONSTINIT Function<int()> func;
  EXPECT_THROW(func(), std::bad_function_call);

TEST(Function, ConstInitNullptr) {
  static FOLLY_CONSTINIT Function<int()> func{nullptr};
  EXPECT_THROW(func(), std::bad_function_call);

TEST(Function, ConstInitStaticLambda) {
  static FOLLY_CONSTINIT Function<int()> func{[] { return 3; }};
  EXPECT_EQ(3, func());

namespace {
template <typename T>
union consteval_immortal {
  T value;
  template <typename... A>
  explicit FOLLY_CONSTEVAL consteval_immortal(std::in_place_t, A&&... a)
      : value{static_cast<A&&>(a)...} {}
  ~consteval_immortal() {}
} // namespace

TEST(Function, ConstEvalEmpty) {
  static FOLLY_CONSTINIT consteval_immortal<Function<int()>> func{
  EXPECT_THROW(func.value(), std::bad_function_call);

TEST(Function, ConstEvalNullptr) {
  static FOLLY_CONSTINIT consteval_immortal<Function<int()>> func{
      std::in_place, nullptr};
  EXPECT_THROW(func.value(), std::bad_function_call);

TEST(Function, ConstEvalStaticLambda) {
  static FOLLY_CONSTINIT consteval_immortal<Function<int()>> func{
      std::in_place, [] { return 3; }};
  EXPECT_EQ(3, func.value());