* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <folly/String.h>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <set>
#include <tuple>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <folly/FBVector.h>
#include <folly/container/Array.h>
#include <folly/portability/GTest.h>
#include <folly/test/TestUtils.h>
using namespace folly;
using namespace std;
TEST(StringPrintf, BasicTest) {
EXPECT_EQ("abc", stringPrintf("%s", "abc"));
EXPECT_EQ("abc", stringPrintf("%sbc", "a"));
EXPECT_EQ("abc", stringPrintf("a%sc", "b"));
EXPECT_EQ("abc", stringPrintf("ab%s", "c"));
EXPECT_EQ("abc", stringPrintf("abc"));
TEST(StringPrintf, NumericFormats) {
EXPECT_EQ("12", stringPrintf("%d", 12));
EXPECT_EQ("2000000000", stringPrintf("%ld", 2000000000UL));
EXPECT_EQ("2000000000", stringPrintf("%ld", 2000000000L));
EXPECT_EQ("-2000000000", stringPrintf("%ld", -2000000000L));
EXPECT_EQ("5000000000", stringPrintf("%lld", 5000000000ULL));
EXPECT_EQ("5000000000", stringPrintf("%lld", 5000000000LL));
EXPECT_EQ("-5000000000", stringPrintf("%lld", -5000000000LL));
EXPECT_EQ("-1", stringPrintf("%d", 0xffffffff));
stringPrintf("%" PRId64, static_cast<int64_t>(0xffffffffffffffffLL)));
stringPrintf("%" PRId64, static_cast<uint64_t>(0xffffffffffffffffULL)));
EXPECT_EQ("7.7", stringPrintf("%1.1f", 7.7));
EXPECT_EQ("7.7", stringPrintf("%1.1lf", 7.7));
EXPECT_EQ("7.70000000000000018", stringPrintf("%.17f", 7.7));
EXPECT_EQ("7.70000000000000018", stringPrintf("%.17lf", 7.7));
TEST(StringPrintf, Appending) {
string s;
stringAppendf(&s, "a%s", "b");
stringAppendf(&s, "%c", 'c');
EXPECT_EQ(s, "abc");
stringAppendf(&s, " %d", 123);
EXPECT_EQ(s, "abc 123");
void vprintfCheck(const char* expected, const char* fmt, ...) {
va_list apOrig;
va_start(apOrig, fmt);
va_list ap;
va_copy(ap, apOrig);
// Check both APIs for calling stringVPrintf()
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stringVPrintf(fmt, ap));
va_copy(ap, apOrig);
std::string out;
stringVPrintf(&out, fmt, ap);
va_copy(ap, apOrig);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, out);
// Check stringVAppendf() as well
std::string prefix = "foobar";
out = prefix;
EXPECT_EQ(prefix + expected, stringVAppendf(&out, fmt, ap));
va_copy(ap, apOrig);
void vprintfError(const char* fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
// OSX's sprintf family does not return a negative number on a bad format
// string, but Linux does. It's unclear to me which behavior is more
// correct.
EXPECT_THROW({ stringVPrintf(fmt, ap); }, std::runtime_error);
TEST(StringPrintf, VPrintf) {
vprintfCheck("foo", "%s", "foo");
"long string requiring reallocation 1 2 3 0x12345678",
"%s %s %d %d %d %#x",
"long string",
"requiring reallocation",
vprintfError("bogus%", "foo");
TEST(StringPrintf, VariousSizes) {
// Test a wide variety of output sizes, making sure to cross the
// vsnprintf buffer boundary implementation detail.
for (int i = 0; i < 4096; ++i) {
string expected(i + 1, 'a');
expected = "X" + expected + "X";
string result = stringPrintf("%s", expected.c_str());
EXPECT_EQ(expected.size(), result.size());
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result);
// clang-format off
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25));
// clang-format on
TEST(StringPrintf, oldStringPrintfTests) {
EXPECT_EQ(string("a/b/c/d"), stringPrintf("%s/%s/%s/%s", "a", "b", "c", "d"));
EXPECT_EQ(string(" 5 10"), stringPrintf("%5d %5d", 5, 10));
// check printing w/ a big buffer
for (int size = (1 << 8); size <= (1 << 15); size <<= 1) {
string a(size, 'z');
string b = stringPrintf("%s", a.c_str());
EXPECT_EQ(a.size(), b.size());
TEST(StringPrintf, oldStringAppendf) {
string s = "hello";
stringAppendf(&s, "%s/%s/%s/%s", "a", "b", "c", "d");
EXPECT_EQ(string("helloa/b/c/d"), s);
TEST(Escape, cEscape) {
EXPECT_EQ("hello world", cEscape<std::string>("hello world"));
"hello \\\\world\\\" goodbye",
cEscape<std::string>("hello \\world\" goodbye"));
EXPECT_EQ("hello\\nworld", cEscape<std::string>("hello\nworld"));
EXPECT_EQ("hello\\377\\376", cEscape<std::string>("hello\xff\xfe"));
TEST(Escape, cUnescape) {
EXPECT_EQ("hello world", cUnescape<std::string>("hello world"));
"hello \\world\" goodbye",
cUnescape<std::string>("hello \\\\world\\\" goodbye"));
EXPECT_EQ("hello\nworld", cUnescape<std::string>("hello\\nworld"));
EXPECT_EQ("hello\nworld", cUnescape<std::string>("hello\\012world"));
EXPECT_EQ("hello\nworld", cUnescape<std::string>("hello\\x0aworld"));
EXPECT_EQ("hello\xff\xfe", cUnescape<std::string>("hello\\377\\376"));
EXPECT_EQ("hello\xff\xfe", cUnescape<std::string>("hello\\xff\\xfe"));
EXPECT_EQ("hello\\", cUnescape<std::string>("hello\\", false));
"incomplete escape sequence");
"incomplete hex escape sequence");
"invalid escape sequence");
TEST(Escape, uriEscape) {
EXPECT_EQ("hello%2c%20%2fworld", uriEscape<std::string>("hello, /world"));
uriEscape<std::string>("hello, /world", UriEscapeMode::PATH));
uriEscape<std::string>("hello, /world", UriEscapeMode::QUERY));
TEST(Escape, uriUnescape) {
EXPECT_EQ("hello, /world", uriUnescape<std::string>("hello, /world"));
EXPECT_EQ("hello, /world", uriUnescape<std::string>("hello%2c%20%2fworld"));
EXPECT_EQ("hello,+/world", uriUnescape<std::string>("hello%2c+%2fworld"));
"hello, /world",
uriUnescape<std::string>("hello%2c+%2fworld", UriEscapeMode::QUERY));
EXPECT_EQ("hello/", uriUnescape<std::string>("hello%2f"));
EXPECT_EQ("hello/", uriUnescape<std::string>("hello%2F"));
EXPECT_THROW({ uriUnescape<std::string>("hello%"); }, std::invalid_argument);
EXPECT_THROW({ uriUnescape<std::string>("hello%2"); }, std::invalid_argument);
{ uriUnescape<std::string>("hello%2g"); }, std::invalid_argument);
TEST(Escape, tryUriUnescape) {
"hello, /world",
tryUriUnescape<std::string>("hello, /world").value_or(""));
"hello, /world",
tryUriUnescape<std::string>("hello%2c+%2fworld", UriEscapeMode::QUERY)
namespace {
void expectPrintable(StringPiece s) {
for (char c : s) {
EXPECT_LE(32, c);
EXPECT_GE(127, c);
} // namespace
TEST(Escape, uriEscapeAllCombinations) {
char c[3];
c[2] = '\0';
StringPiece in(c, 2);
fbstring tmp;
fbstring out;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
c[0] = i;
for (int j = 0; j < 256; ++j) {
c[1] = j;
uriEscape(in, tmp);
uriUnescape(tmp, out);
EXPECT_EQ(in, out);
namespace {
bool isHex(int v) {
return (
(v >= '0' && v <= '9') || (v >= 'A' && v <= 'F') ||
(v >= 'a' && v <= 'f'));
} // namespace
TEST(Escape, uriUnescapePercentDecoding) {
char c[4] = {'%', '\0', '\0', '\0'};
StringPiece in(c, 3);
fbstring out;
unsigned int expected = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
c[1] = i;
for (int j = 0; j < 256; ++j) {
c[2] = j;
if (isHex(i) && isHex(j)) {
uriUnescape(in, out);
EXPECT_EQ(1, out.size());
EXPECT_EQ(1, sscanf(c + 1, "%x", &expected));
unsigned char v = out[0];
EXPECT_EQ(expected, v);
} else {
EXPECT_THROW({ uriUnescape(in, out); }, std::invalid_argument);
namespace {
double pow2(int exponent) {
return double(int64_t(1) << exponent);
} // namespace
struct PrettyTestCase {
std::string prettyString;
double realValue;
PrettyType prettyType;
PrettyTestCase prettyTestCases[] = {
{string("853 ms"), 85.3e-2, PRETTY_TIME_HMS},
{string("8.53 s "), 85.3e-1, PRETTY_TIME_HMS},
{string("1.422 m "), 85.3, PRETTY_TIME_HMS},
{string("14.22 m "), 85.3e1, PRETTY_TIME_HMS},
{string("2.369 h "), 85.3e2, PRETTY_TIME_HMS},
{string("2.369e+04 h "), 85.3e6, PRETTY_TIME_HMS},
{string("8.53e+07 s "), 85.3e6, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("8.53e+07 s "), 85.3e6, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("85.3 ms"), 85.3e-3, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("85.3 us"), 85.3e-6, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("85.3 ns"), 85.3e-9, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("85.3 ps"), 85.3e-12, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("8.53e-14 s "), 85.3e-15, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("0 s "), 0, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("1 s "), 1.0, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("1 ms"), 1.0e-3, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("1 us"), 1.0e-6, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("1 ns"), 1.0e-9, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("1 ps"), 1.0e-12, PRETTY_TIME},
// check bytes printing
{string("853 B "), 853., PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("833 kB"), 853.e3, PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("813.5 MB"), 853.e6, PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("7.944 GB"), 8.53e9, PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("794.4 GB"), 853.e9, PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("775.8 TB"), 853.e12, PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("0 B "), 0, PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("1 B "), pow2(0), PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("1 kB"), pow2(10), PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("1 MB"), pow2(20), PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("1 GB"), pow2(30), PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("1 TB"), pow2(40), PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("1 PB"), pow2(50), PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("1 EB"), pow2(60), PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("853 B "), 853., PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("833 KiB"), 853.e3, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("813.5 MiB"), 853.e6, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("7.944 GiB"), 8.53e9, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("794.4 GiB"), 853.e9, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("775.8 TiB"), 853.e12, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("1.776 PiB"), 2e15, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("1.735 EiB"), 2e18, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("0 B "), 0, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("1 B "), pow2(0), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("1 KiB"), pow2(10), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("1 MiB"), pow2(20), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("1 GiB"), pow2(30), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("1 TiB"), pow2(40), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("1 PiB"), pow2(50), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("1 EiB"), pow2(60), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
// check bytes metric printing
{string("853 B "), 853., PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("853 kB"), 853.e3, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("853 MB"), 853.e6, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("8.53 GB"), 8.53e9, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("853 GB"), 853.e9, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("853 TB"), 853.e12, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("0 B "), 0, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("1 B "), 1.0, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("1 kB"), 1.0e+3, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("1 MB"), 1.0e+6, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("1 GB"), 1.0e+9, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("1 TB"), 1.0e+12, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("1 PB"), 1.0e+15, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("1 EB"), 1.0e+18, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
// check metric-units (powers of 1000) printing
{string("853 "), 853., PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC},
{string("853 k"), 853.e3, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC},
{string("853 M"), 853.e6, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC},
{string("8.53 bil"), 8.53e9, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC},
{string("853 bil"), 853.e9, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC},
{string("853 tril"), 853.e12, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC},
// check binary-units (powers of 1024) printing
{string("0 "), 0, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1 "), pow2(0), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1 k"), pow2(10), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1 M"), pow2(20), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1 G"), pow2(30), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1 T"), pow2(40), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1023 "), pow2(10) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1024 k"), pow2(20) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1024 M"), pow2(30) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1024 G"), pow2(40) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("0 "), 0, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1 "), pow2(0), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1 Ki"), pow2(10), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1 Mi"), pow2(20), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1 Gi"), pow2(30), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1 Ti"), pow2(40), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1023 "), pow2(10) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1024 Ki"), pow2(20) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1024 Mi"), pow2(30) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1024 Gi"), pow2(40) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
// check border SI cases
{string("1 Y"), 1e24, PRETTY_SI},
{string("10 Y"), 1e25, PRETTY_SI},
{string("1 y"), 1e-24, PRETTY_SI},
{string("10 y"), 1e-23, PRETTY_SI},
// check that negative values work
{string("-85.3 s "), -85.3, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("-85.3 ms"), -85.3e-3, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("-85.3 us"), -85.3e-6, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("-85.3 ns"), -85.3e-9, PRETTY_TIME},
// end of test
{string("endoftest"), 0, PRETTY_NUM_TYPES},
TEST(PrettyPrint, Basic) {
for (int i = 0; prettyTestCases[i].prettyType != PRETTY_NUM_TYPES; ++i) {
const PrettyTestCase& prettyTest = prettyTestCases[i];
prettyPrint(prettyTest.realValue, prettyTest.prettyType));
TEST(PrettyToDouble, Basic) {
// check manually created tests
for (int i = 0; prettyTestCases[i].prettyType != PRETTY_NUM_TYPES; ++i) {
PrettyTestCase testCase = prettyTestCases[i];
PrettyType formatType = testCase.prettyType;
double x = testCase.realValue;
std::string testString = testCase.prettyString;
double recoveredX = 0;
try {
recoveredX = prettyToDouble(testString, formatType);
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
ADD_FAILURE() << testCase.prettyString << " -> " << ex.what();
double relativeError =
fabs(x) < 1e-5 ? (x - recoveredX) : (x - recoveredX) / x;
EXPECT_NEAR(0, relativeError, 1e-3);
// checks for compatibility with prettyPrint over the whole parameter space
for (int i = 0; i < PRETTY_NUM_TYPES; ++i) {
PrettyType formatType = static_cast<PrettyType>(i);
for (double x = 1e-18; x < 1e40; x *= 1.9) {
bool addSpace = static_cast<PrettyType>(i) == PRETTY_SI;
for (int it = 0; it < 2; ++it, addSpace = true) {
double recoveredX = 0;
try {
recoveredX =
prettyToDouble(prettyPrint(x, formatType, addSpace), formatType);
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
ADD_FAILURE() << folly::exceptionStr(ex);
double relativeError = (x - recoveredX) / x;
EXPECT_NEAR(0, relativeError, 1e-3);
// check for incorrect values
EXPECT_THROW(prettyToDouble("10Mx", PRETTY_SI), std::range_error);
EXPECT_THROW(prettyToDouble("10 Mx", PRETTY_SI), std::range_error);
EXPECT_THROW(prettyToDouble("10 M x", PRETTY_SI), std::range_error);
StringPiece testString = "10Mx";
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(prettyToDouble(&testString, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC), 10e6);
EXPECT_EQ(testString, "x");
TEST(PrettyPrint, HexDump) {
std::string a("abc\x00\x02\xa0", 6); // embedded NUL
"00000000 61 62 63 00 02 a0 "
"|abc... |\n",
hexDump(a.data(), a.size()));
a = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
"00000000 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 70 "
"00000010 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a "
"|qrstuvwxyz |\n",
hexDump(a.data(), a.size()));
TEST(System, errnoStr) {
errno = EACCES;
EXPECT_EQ(EACCES, errno); // twice to make sure EXPECT_EQ doesn't change it
fbstring expected = strerror(ENOENT);
errno = EACCES;
EXPECT_EQ(expected, errnoStr(ENOENT));
// Ensure that errno isn't changed
// Per POSIX, all errno values are positive, so -1 is invalid
// Ensure that errno isn't changed
namespace {
template <template <class, class> class VectorType>
void splitTest() {
VectorType<string, std::allocator<string>> parts;
folly::split(',', "a,b,c", parts);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[1], "b");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[2], "c");
folly::split(',', StringPiece("a,b,c"), parts);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[1], "b");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[2], "c");
folly::split(',', string("a,b,c"), parts);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[1], "b");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[2], "c");
folly::split(',', "a,,c", parts);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[1], "");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[2], "c");
folly::split(',', string("a,,c"), parts);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[1], "");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[2], "c");
folly::split(',', "a,,c", parts, true);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[1], "c");
folly::split(',', string("a,,c"), parts, true);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[1], "c");
folly::split(',', string(",,a,,c,,,"), parts, true);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[1], "c");
// test multiple split w/o clear
folly::split(',', ",,a,,c,,,", parts, true);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[1], "c");
folly::split(',', ",,a,,c,,,", parts, true);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[2], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[3], "c");
// test splits that with multi-line delimiter
folly::split("ab", "dabcabkdbkab", parts, true);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "d");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[1], "c");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[2], "kdbk");
// test last part is shorter than the delimiter
folly::split("bc", "abcd", parts, true);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[1], "d");
string orig = "ab2342asdfv~~!";
folly::split("", orig, parts, true);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], orig);
folly::split("452x;o38asfsajsdlfdf.j", "asfds", parts, true);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "asfds");
folly::split("a", "", parts, true);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 0);
folly::split("a", "", parts);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "");
folly::split("a", StringPiece(), parts, true);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 0);
folly::split("a", StringPiece(), parts);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "");
folly::split("a", "abcdefg", parts, true);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "bcdefg");
orig = "All, , your base, are , , belong to us";
folly::split(", ", orig, parts, true);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "All");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[1], "your base");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[2], "are ");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[3], "belong to us");
folly::split(", ", orig, parts);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 6);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "All");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[1], "");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[2], "your base");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[3], "are ");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[4], "");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[5], "belong to us");
orig = ", Facebook, rul,es!, ";
folly::split(", ", orig, parts, true);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "Facebook");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[1], "rul,es!");
folly::split(", ", orig, parts);
EXPECT_EQ(parts.size(), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(parts[0], "");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[1], "Facebook");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[2], "rul,es!");
EXPECT_EQ(parts[3], "");
template <class Str, template <class, class> class VectorType>
void piecesTest() {
VectorType<Str, std::allocator<Str>> pieces;
VectorType<Str, std::allocator<Str>> pieces2;
folly::split(',', "a,b,c", pieces);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[1], "b");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[2], "c");
folly::split(',', "a,,c", pieces);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[1], "");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[2], "c");
folly::split(',', "a,,c", pieces, true);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[1], "c");
folly::split(',', ",,a,,c,,,", pieces, true);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[1], "c");
// test multiple split w/o clear
folly::split(',', ",,a,,c,,,", pieces, true);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[1], "c");
folly::split(',', ",,a,,c,,,", pieces, true);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[2], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[3], "c");
// test multiple split rounds
folly::split(",", "a_b,c_d", pieces);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], "a_b");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[1], "c_d");
folly::split("_", pieces[0], pieces2);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces2.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces2[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces2[1], "b");
folly::split("_", pieces[1], pieces2);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces2.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces2[0], "c");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces2[1], "d");
// test splits that with multi-line delimiter
folly::split("ab", "dabcabkdbkab", pieces, true);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], "d");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[1], "c");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[2], "kdbk");
string orig = "ab2342asdfv~~!";
folly::split("", orig.c_str(), pieces, true);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], orig);
folly::split("452x;o38asfsajsdlfdf.j", "asfds", pieces, true);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], "asfds");
folly::split("a", "", pieces, true);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 0);
folly::split("a", "", pieces);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], "");
folly::split("a", "abcdefg", pieces, true);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], "bcdefg");
orig = "All, , your base, are , , belong to us";
folly::split(", ", orig, pieces, true);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], "All");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[1], "your base");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[2], "are ");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[3], "belong to us");
folly::split(", ", orig, pieces);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 6);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], "All");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[1], "");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[2], "your base");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[3], "are ");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[4], "");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[5], "belong to us");
orig = ", Facebook, rul,es!, ";
folly::split(", ", orig, pieces, true);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], "Facebook");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[1], "rul,es!");
folly::split(", ", orig, pieces);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], "");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[1], "Facebook");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[2], "rul,es!");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[3], "");
const char* str = "a,b";
folly::split(',', Str(str), pieces);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces.size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0], "a");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[1], "b");
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[0].begin(), str);
EXPECT_EQ(pieces[1].begin(), str + 2);
std::set<Str> unique;
std::inserter(unique, unique.begin()),
EXPECT_EQ(unique.size(), 3);
if (unique.size() == 3) {
EXPECT_EQ(*unique.begin(), "asd");
EXPECT_EQ(*--unique.end(), "csd");
VectorType<fbstring, std::allocator<fbstring>> blah;
folly::split('-', "a-b-c-d-f-e", blah);
EXPECT_EQ(blah.size(), 6);
} // namespace
TEST(Split, splitVector) {
TEST(Split, splitFbvector) {
TEST(Split, piecesVector) {
piecesTest<StringPiece, std::vector>();
TEST(Split, piecesFbvector) {
piecesTest<StringPiece, folly::fbvector>();
TEST(Split, viewVector) {
piecesTest<std::string_view, std::vector>();
TEST(Split, viewFbvector) {
piecesTest<std::string_view, folly::fbvector>();
TEST(Split, fixed) {
StringPiece a, b, c, d;
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b.c.d", a, b, c, d));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b.c", a, b, c));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b", a, b));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a", a));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split('.', "a.b.c.d", a, b, c, d));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split('.', "a.b.c", a, b, c));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split('.', "a.b", a, b));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split('.', "a", a));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b.c", a, b, c));
EXPECT_EQ("a", a);
EXPECT_EQ("b", b);
EXPECT_EQ("c", c);
EXPECT_FALSE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b", a, b, c));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b.c", a, b));
EXPECT_EQ("a", a);
EXPECT_EQ("b.c", b);
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split('.', "a.b.c", a, b, c));
EXPECT_EQ("a", a);
EXPECT_EQ("b", b);
EXPECT_EQ("c", c);
EXPECT_FALSE(folly::split('.', "a.b.c", a, b));
EXPECT_FALSE(folly::split('.', "a.b", a, b, c));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b", a, b));
EXPECT_EQ("a", a);
EXPECT_EQ("b", b);
EXPECT_FALSE(folly::split<false>('.', "a", a, b));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b", a));
EXPECT_EQ("a.b", a);
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split('.', "a.b", a, b));
EXPECT_EQ("a", a);
EXPECT_EQ("b", b);
EXPECT_FALSE(folly::split('.', "a", a, b));
EXPECT_FALSE(folly::split('.', "a.b", a));
TEST(Split, stdStringFixed) {
std::string a, b, c, d;
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b.c.d", a, b, c, d));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b.c", a, b, c));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b", a, b));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a", a));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split('.', "a.b.c.d", a, b, c, d));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split('.', "a.b.c", a, b, c));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split('.', "a.b", a, b));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split('.', "a", a));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b.c", a, b, c));
EXPECT_EQ("a", a);
EXPECT_EQ("b", b);
EXPECT_EQ("c", c);
EXPECT_FALSE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b", a, b, c));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b.c", a, b));
EXPECT_EQ("a", a);
EXPECT_EQ("b.c", b);
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split('.', "a.b.c", a, b, c));
EXPECT_EQ("a", a);
EXPECT_EQ("b", b);
EXPECT_EQ("c", c);
EXPECT_FALSE(folly::split('.', "a.b.c", a, b));
EXPECT_FALSE(folly::split('.', "a.b", a, b, c));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b", a, b));
EXPECT_EQ("a", a);
EXPECT_EQ("b", b);
EXPECT_FALSE(folly::split<false>('.', "a", a, b));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>('.', "a.b", a));
EXPECT_EQ("a.b", a);
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split('.', "a.b", a, b));
EXPECT_EQ("a", a);
EXPECT_EQ("b", b);
EXPECT_FALSE(folly::split('.', "a", a, b));
EXPECT_FALSE(folly::split('.', "a.b", a));
TEST(Split, fixedConvert) {
StringPiece a, d;
int b;
double c = 0;
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split(':', "a:13:14.7:b", a, b, c, d));
EXPECT_EQ("a", a);
EXPECT_EQ(13, b);
EXPECT_NEAR(14.7, c, 1e-10);
EXPECT_EQ("b", d);
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>(':', "b:14:15.3:c", a, b, c, d));
EXPECT_EQ("b", a);
EXPECT_EQ(14, b);
EXPECT_NEAR(15.3, c, 1e-10);
EXPECT_EQ("c", d);
EXPECT_FALSE(folly::split(':', "a:13:14.7:b", a, b, d));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>(':', "a:13:14.7:b", a, b, d));
EXPECT_EQ("a", a);
EXPECT_EQ(13, b);
EXPECT_EQ("14.7:b", d);
// Enable verifying that a line only contains one field
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split(' ', "hello", a));
EXPECT_FALSE(folly::split(' ', "hello world", a));
// Test cases with std::ignore.
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split(':', "a:13:14.7:b", std::ignore, b, c, d));
EXPECT_EQ(13, b);
EXPECT_NEAR(14.7, c, 1e-10);
EXPECT_EQ("b", d);
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split(':', "a:13:14.7:b", std::ignore, b, c, std::ignore));
EXPECT_EQ(13, b);
EXPECT_NEAR(14.7, c, 1e-10);
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>(':', "a:13:14.7:b", a, b, std::ignore));
EXPECT_EQ("a", a);
EXPECT_EQ(13, b);
EXPECT_FALSE(folly::split<false>(':', "a:13", std::ignore, b, std::ignore));
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split<false>(':', ":13:", std::ignore, b, std::ignore));
EXPECT_EQ(13, b);
namespace my {
enum class Color {
enum class ColorErrorCode { INVALID_COLOR };
struct ColorError : std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
ColorError makeConversionError(ColorErrorCode, StringPiece sp) {
return ColorError("Invalid my::Color representation : " + sp.str());
Expected<StringPiece, ColorErrorCode> parseTo(
StringPiece in, Color& out) noexcept {
if (in == "R") {
out = Color::Red;
} else if (in == "B") {
out = Color::Blue;
} else {
return makeUnexpected(ColorErrorCode::INVALID_COLOR);
return StringPiece(in.end(), in.end());
} // namespace my
TEST(Split, fixedConvertCustom) {
my::Color c1, c2;
EXPECT_TRUE(folly::split(',', "R,B", c1, c2));
EXPECT_EQ(c1, my::Color::Red);
EXPECT_EQ(c2, my::Color::Blue);
EXPECT_THROW(folly::split(',', "B,G", c1, c2), my::ColorError);
TEST(String, join) {
string output;
std::vector<int> empty = {};
join(":", empty, output);
std::vector<std::string> input1 = {"1", "23", "456", ""};
join(':', input1, output);
EXPECT_EQ(output, "1:23:456:");
output = join(':', input1);
EXPECT_EQ(output, "1:23:456:");
auto input2 = {1, 23, 456};
join("-*-", input2, output);
EXPECT_EQ(output, "1-*-23-*-456");
output = join("-*-", input2);
EXPECT_EQ(output, "1-*-23-*-456");
auto input3 = {'f', 'a', 'c', 'e', 'b', 'o', 'o', 'k'};
join("", input3, output);
EXPECT_EQ(output, "facebook");
join("_", {"", "f", "a", "c", "e", "b", "o", "o", "k", ""}, output);
EXPECT_EQ(output, "_f_a_c_e_b_o_o_k_");
output = join("", input3.begin(), input3.end());
EXPECT_EQ(output, "facebook");
std::multiset<char> input4(input3);
output = join("", input4);
EXPECT_EQ("abcefkoo", output);
output = join("", input4.begin(), input4.end());
EXPECT_EQ("abcefkoo", output);
TEST(String, hexlify) {
string input1 = "0123";
string output1;
EXPECT_TRUE(hexlify(input1, output1));
EXPECT_EQ("30313233", output1);
fbstring input2 = "abcdefg";
input2[1] = 0;
input2[3] = 0xff;
input2[5] = 0xb6;
fbstring output2;
EXPECT_TRUE(hexlify(input2, output2));
EXPECT_EQ("610063ff65b667", output2);
EXPECT_EQ("666f6f626172", hexlify("foobar"));
auto bytes = folly::make_array<uint8_t>(1, 2, 3, 4);
EXPECT_EQ("01020304", hexlify(ByteRange{bytes.data(), bytes.size()}));
TEST(String, unhexlify) {
string input1 = "30313233";
string output1;
EXPECT_TRUE(unhexlify(input1, output1));
EXPECT_EQ(output1, "0123");
fbstring input2 = "610063ff65b667";
fbstring output2;
EXPECT_TRUE(unhexlify(input2, output2));
EXPECT_EQ(output2.size(), 7);
EXPECT_EQ(output2[0], 'a');
EXPECT_EQ(output2[1], 0);
EXPECT_EQ(output2[2], 'c');
EXPECT_EQ(output2[3] & 0xff, 0xff);
EXPECT_EQ(output2[4], 'e');
EXPECT_EQ(output2[5] & 0xff, 0xb6);
EXPECT_EQ(output2[6], 'g');
string input3 = "x";
string output3;
EXPECT_FALSE(unhexlify(input3, output3));
string input4 = "xy";
string output4;
EXPECT_FALSE(unhexlify(input4, output4));
EXPECT_EQ("foobar", unhexlify("666f6f626172"));
EXPECT_EQ(StringPiece("foo\0bar", 7), unhexlify("666f6f00626172"));
EXPECT_THROW(unhexlify("666f6fzz626172"), std::domain_error);
TEST(String, backslashify) {
EXPECT_EQ("abc", string("abc"));
EXPECT_EQ("abc", backslashify(string("abc")));
EXPECT_EQ("abc\\r", backslashify(string("abc\r")));
EXPECT_EQ("abc\\x0d", backslashify(string("abc\r"), true));
EXPECT_EQ("\\0\\0", backslashify(string(2, '\0')));
StringPiece input1 = "abc\r";
std::string output1 = backslashify(input1);
EXPECT_EQ("abc\\r", output1);
TEST(String, humanify) {
// Simple cases; output is obvious.
EXPECT_EQ("abc", humanify(string("abc")));
EXPECT_EQ("abc\\\\r", humanify(string("abc\\r")));
EXPECT_EQ("0xff", humanify(string("\xff")));
EXPECT_EQ("abc\\xff", humanify(string("abc\xff")));
EXPECT_EQ("abc\\b", humanify(string("abc\b")));
EXPECT_EQ("0x00", humanify(string(1, '\0')));
EXPECT_EQ("0x0000", humanify(string(2, '\0')));
// Mostly printable, so backslash! 80, 60, and 40% printable, respectively
EXPECT_EQ("aaaa\\xff", humanify(string("aaaa\xff")));
EXPECT_EQ("aaa\\xff\\xff", humanify(string("aaa\xff\xff")));
EXPECT_EQ("aa\\xff\\xff\\xff", humanify(string("aa\xff\xff\xff")));
// 20% printable, and the printable portion isn't the prefix; hexify!
// Same as previous, except swap first two chars; prefix is
// printable and within the threshold, so backslashify.
EXPECT_EQ("a\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff", humanify(string("a\xff\xff\xff\xff")));
// Just too much unprintable; hex, despite prefix.
EXPECT_EQ("0x61ffffffffff", humanify(string("a\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff")));
namespace {
* Copy bytes from src to somewhere in the buffer referenced by dst. The
* actual starting position of the copy will be the first address in the
* destination buffer whose address mod 8 is equal to the src address mod 8.
* The caller is responsible for ensuring that the destination buffer has
* enough extra space to accommodate the shifted copy.
char* copyWithSameAlignment(char* dst, const char* src, size_t length) {
const char* originalDst = dst;
size_t dstOffset = size_t(dst) & 0x7;
size_t srcOffset = size_t(src) & 0x7;
while (dstOffset != srcOffset) {
dstOffset &= 0x7;
CHECK(dst <= originalDst + 7);
CHECK((size_t(dst) & 0x7) == (size_t(src) & 0x7));
memcpy(dst, src, length);
return dst;
void testToLowerAscii(Range<const char*> src) {
// Allocate extra space so we can make copies that start at the
// same alignment (byte, word, quadword, etc) as the source buffer.
auto controlBuf = std::vector<char>(src.size() + 7);
char* control =
copyWithSameAlignment(controlBuf.data(), src.begin(), src.size());
auto testBuf = std::vector<char>(src.size() + 7);
char* test = copyWithSameAlignment(testBuf.data(), src.begin(), src.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) {
control[i] = tolower(control[i]);
toLowerAscii(test, src.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(control[i], test[i]);
} // namespace
TEST(String, toLowerAsciiAligned) {
static const size_t kSize = 256;
char input[kSize];
for (size_t i = 0; i < kSize; i++) {
input[i] = (char)(i & 0xff);
testToLowerAscii(Range<const char*>(input, kSize));
TEST(String, toLowerAsciiUnaligned) {
static const size_t kSize = 256;
char input[kSize];
for (size_t i = 0; i < kSize; i++) {
input[i] = (char)(i & 0xff);
// Test input buffers of several lengths to exercise all the
// cases: buffer at the start/middle/end of an aligned block, plus
// buffers that span multiple aligned blocks. The longest test input
// is 3 unaligned bytes + 4 32-bit aligned bytes + 8 64-bit aligned
// + 4 32-bit aligned + 3 unaligned = 22 bytes.
for (size_t length = 1; length < 23; length++) {
for (size_t offset = 0; offset + length <= kSize; offset++) {
testToLowerAscii(Range<const char*>(input + offset, length));
TEST(String, whitespace) {
// trimWhitespace:
EXPECT_EQ("kavabanga", trimWhitespace("kavabanga"));
EXPECT_EQ("kavabanga", trimWhitespace("kavabanga \t \n "));
EXPECT_EQ("kavabanga", trimWhitespace(" \t \r \n \n kavabanga"));
EXPECT_EQ("kavabanga", trimWhitespace("\t \r \n kavabanga \t \n "));
EXPECT_EQ("kavabanga", trimWhitespace(" \t \r \n \n kavabanga"));
EXPECT_EQ("kavabanga", trimWhitespace("\t \r \n kavabanga \t \n "));
ltrimWhitespace(rtrimWhitespace("kavabanga \r\t\n")),
rtrimWhitespace(ltrimWhitespace("kavabanga \r\t\n")));
EXPECT_EQ("", trimWhitespace("\t \r \n \t \n "));
EXPECT_EQ("", trimWhitespace(""));
EXPECT_EQ("", trimWhitespace("\t"));
EXPECT_EQ("", trimWhitespace("\r"));
EXPECT_EQ("", trimWhitespace("\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("", trimWhitespace("\t "));
EXPECT_EQ("", trimWhitespace("\r "));
EXPECT_EQ("", trimWhitespace("\n "));
EXPECT_EQ("", trimWhitespace(" \t"));
EXPECT_EQ("", trimWhitespace(" \r"));
EXPECT_EQ("", trimWhitespace(" \n"));
// ltrimWhitespace:
EXPECT_EQ("kavabanga", ltrimWhitespace("\t kavabanga"));
EXPECT_EQ("kavabanga \r\n", ltrimWhitespace("\t kavabanga \r\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("", ltrimWhitespace("\r "));
EXPECT_EQ("", ltrimWhitespace("\n "));
EXPECT_EQ("", ltrimWhitespace("\r "));
// rtrimWhitespace:
EXPECT_EQ("\t kavabanga", rtrimWhitespace("\t kavabanga"));
EXPECT_EQ("\t kavabanga", rtrimWhitespace("\t kavabanga \r\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("", rtrimWhitespace("\r "));
EXPECT_EQ("", rtrimWhitespace("\n "));
EXPECT_EQ("", rtrimWhitespace("\r "));
TEST(String, trim) {
auto removeA = [](const char c) { return 'a' == c; };
auto removeB = [](const char c) { return 'b' == c; };
// trim:
EXPECT_EQ("akavabanga", trim("akavabanga", removeB));
EXPECT_EQ("kavabang", trim("akavabanga", removeA));
EXPECT_EQ("kavabang", trim("aakavabangaa", removeA));
// ltrim:
EXPECT_EQ("akavabanga", ltrim("akavabanga", removeB));
EXPECT_EQ("kavabanga", ltrim("akavabanga", removeA));
EXPECT_EQ("kavabangaa", ltrim("aakavabangaa", removeA));
// rtrim:
EXPECT_EQ("akavabanga", rtrim("akavabanga", removeB));
EXPECT_EQ("akavabang", rtrim("akavabanga", removeA));
EXPECT_EQ("aakavabang", rtrim("aakavabangaa", removeA));
TEST(String, stripLeftMarginReallyEmpty) {
auto input = "";
auto expected = "";
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stripLeftMargin(input));
TEST(String, stripLeftMarginEmpty) {
auto input = R"TEXT(
auto expected = "";
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stripLeftMargin(input));
TEST(String, stripLeftMarginOnlyWhitespace) {
// using ~ as a marker
string input = R"TEXT(
input = boost::regex_replace(input, boost::regex("~"), "");
EXPECT_EQ("\n \n ", input);
auto expected = "\n";
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stripLeftMargin(input));
TEST(String, stripLeftMarginOnlyUnevenWhitespace) {
// using ~ as a marker1
string input = R"TEXT(
input = boost::regex_replace(input, boost::regex("~"), "");
EXPECT_EQ("\n \n \n ", input);
auto expected = "\n\n";
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stripLeftMargin(input));
TEST(String, stripLeftMarginOneLine) {
auto input = R"TEXT(
hi there bob!
auto expected = "hi there bob!\n";
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stripLeftMargin(input));
TEST(String, stripLeftMarginTwoLines) {
auto input = R"TEXT(
hi there bob!
nice weather today!
auto expected = "hi there bob!\nnice weather today!\n";
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stripLeftMargin(input));
TEST(String, stripLeftMarginThreeLinesUneven) {
auto input = R"TEXT(
hi there bob!
nice weather today!
so long!
auto expected = " hi there bob!\nnice weather today!\n so long!\n";
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stripLeftMargin(input));
TEST(String, stripLeftMarginPrecedingBlankLines) {
auto input = R"TEXT(
hi there bob!
auto expected = "\n\nhi there bob!\n";
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stripLeftMargin(input));
TEST(String, stripLeftMarginSucceedingBlankLines) {
auto input = R"TEXT(
hi there bob!
auto expected = "hi there bob!\n\n\n";
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stripLeftMargin(input));
TEST(String, stripLeftMarginInterstitialUndentedWhiteline) {
// using ~ as a marker
string input = R"TEXT(
hi there bob!
so long!
input = boost::regex_replace(input, boost::regex(" +~"), "");
EXPECT_EQ("\n hi there bob!\n\n so long!\n ", input);
auto expected = "hi there bob!\n\nso long!\n";
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stripLeftMargin(input));
TEST(String, stripLeftMarginInterstitialDedentedWhiteline) {
// using ~ as a marker
string input = R"TEXT(
hi there bob!
so long!
input = boost::regex_replace(input, boost::regex("~"), "");
EXPECT_EQ("\n hi there bob!\n \n so long!\n ", input);
auto expected = "hi there bob!\n\nso long!\n";
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stripLeftMargin(input));
TEST(String, stripLeftMarginInterstitialEquidentedWhiteline) {
// using ~ as a marker
string input = R"TEXT(
hi there bob!
so long!
input = boost::regex_replace(input, boost::regex("~"), "");
EXPECT_EQ("\n hi there bob!\n \n so long!\n ", input);
auto expected = "hi there bob!\n\nso long!\n";
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stripLeftMargin(input));
TEST(String, stripLeftMarginInterstitialIndentedWhiteline) {
// using ~ as a marker
string input = R"TEXT(
hi there bob!
so long!
input = boost::regex_replace(input, boost::regex("~"), "");
EXPECT_EQ("\n hi there bob!\n \n so long!\n ", input);
auto expected = "hi there bob!\n \nso long!\n";
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stripLeftMargin(input));
TEST(String, stripLeftMarginNoPreWhitespace) {
// using ~ as a marker
string input = R"TEXT( hi there bob!
so long!
input = boost::regex_replace(input, boost::regex("~"), "");
EXPECT_EQ(" hi there bob!\n \n so long!\n ", input);
auto expected = "hi there bob!\n \nso long!\n";
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stripLeftMargin(input));
TEST(String, stripLeftMarginNoPostWhitespace) {
// using ~ as a marker
string input = R"TEXT(
hi there bob!
so long! )TEXT";
input = boost::regex_replace(input, boost::regex("~"), "");
EXPECT_EQ("\n hi there bob!\n \n so long! ", input);
auto expected = "hi there bob!\n \nso long! ";
EXPECT_EQ(expected, stripLeftMargin(input));
TEST(String, hasSpaceOrCntrlSymbolsTest) {
// tested through implementation tests and fuzzers.
ASSERT_TRUE(hasSpaceOrCntrlSymbols("a 3"));
std::string hasCntrl = "abc";
hasCntrl[0] = 1;