* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <folly/test/TokenBucketTest.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <folly/String.h>
#include <folly/portability/GTest.h>
using namespace folly;
TEST(TokenBucket, ReverseTime) {
const double rate = 1000;
TokenBucket tokenBucket(rate, rate * 0.01 + 1e-6, 0);
size_t count = 0;
while (tokenBucket.consume(1, 0.1)) {
count += 1;
EXPECT_EQ(10, count);
// Going backwards in time has no affect on the toke count (this protects
// against different threads providing out of order timestamps).
double tokensBefore = tokenBucket.available();
EXPECT_FALSE(tokenBucket.consume(1, 0.09999999));
EXPECT_EQ(tokensBefore, tokenBucket.available());
TEST(TokenBucketTest, CtorAssign) {
BasicDynamicTokenBucket bucketA(100.0);
EXPECT_EQ(0, bucketA.available(10, 10, 90));
BasicDynamicTokenBucket bucketB(bucketA);
EXPECT_EQ(0, bucketB.available(10, 10, 90));
EXPECT_EQ(10, bucketA.available(10, 10, 90));
bucketB = bucketA;
EXPECT_EQ(10, bucketB.available(10, 10, 90));
TEST_P(TokenBucketTest, sanity) {
std::pair<double, double> params = GetParam();
double rate = params.first;
double consumeSize = params.second;
const double tenMillisecondBurst = rate * 0.010;
// Select a burst size of 10 milliseconds at the max rate or the consume size
// if 10 ms at rate is too small.
const double burstSize = std::max(consumeSize, tenMillisecondBurst);
TokenBucket tokenBucket(rate, burstSize, 0);
double tokenCounter = 0;
double currentTime = 0;
// Simulate time advancing 10 seconds
for (; currentTime <= 10.0; currentTime += 0.001) {
EXPECT_FALSE(tokenBucket.consume(burstSize + 1, currentTime));
while (tokenBucket.consume(consumeSize, currentTime)) {
tokenCounter += consumeSize;
// Tokens consumed should exceed some lower bound based on rate.
// Note: The token bucket implementation is not precise, so the lower bound
// is somewhat fudged. The upper bound is accurate however.
EXPECT_LE(rate * currentTime * 0.9 - 1, tokenCounter);
// Tokens consumed should not exceed some upper bound based on rate.
EXPECT_GE(rate * currentTime + 1e-6, tokenCounter);
static std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> rateToConsumeSize = {
{100, 1},
{1000, 1},
{10000, 1},
{10000, 5},
TokenBucket, TokenBucketTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(rateToConsumeSize));
TEST(TokenBucket, drainOnFail) {
DynamicTokenBucket tokenBucket;
// Almost empty the bucket
EXPECT_TRUE(tokenBucket.consume(9, 10, 10, 1));
// Request more tokens than available
EXPECT_FALSE(tokenBucket.consume(5, 10, 10, 1));
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, tokenBucket.available(10, 10, 1));
// Again request more tokens than available, but ask to drain
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, tokenBucket.consumeOrDrain(5, 10, 10, 1));
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, tokenBucket.consumeOrDrain(1, 10, 10, 1));
TEST(TokenBucket, returnTokensTest) {
DynamicTokenBucket tokenBucket;
// Empty the bucket.
EXPECT_TRUE(tokenBucket.consume(10, 10, 10, 5));
// consume should fail now.
EXPECT_FALSE(tokenBucket.consume(1, 10, 10, 5));
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, tokenBucket.consumeOrDrain(1, 10, 10, 5));
// Return tokens. Return 40 'excess' tokens but they wont be available to
// later callers.
tokenBucket.returnTokens(50, 10);
// Should be able to allocate 10 tokens again but the extra 40 returned in
// previous call are gone.
EXPECT_TRUE(tokenBucket.consume(10, 10, 10, 5));
EXPECT_FALSE(tokenBucket.consume(1, 10, 10, 5));
TEST(TokenBucket, consumeOrBorrowTest) {
DynamicTokenBucket tokenBucket;
// Empty the bucket.
EXPECT_TRUE(tokenBucket.consume(10, 10, 10, 1));
// consume should fail now.
EXPECT_FALSE(tokenBucket.consume(1, 10, 10, 1));
// Now borrow from future allocations. Each call is asking for 1s worth of
// allocations so it should return (i+1)*1s in the ith iteration as the time
// caller needs to wait.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
auto waitTime = tokenBucket.consumeWithBorrowNonBlocking(10, 10, 10, 1);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ((i + 1) * 1.0, *waitTime);
// No allocation will succeed until nowInSeconds goes higher than 11s.
EXPECT_FALSE(tokenBucket.consume(1, 10, 10, 11));
template <typename>
struct Wrapper;
template <>
struct Wrapper<TokenBucket> {
explicit Wrapper(double genRate, double burstSize)
: tb_(genRate, burstSize) {}
double available(double /*rate*/, double /*burstSize*/, double nowInSeconds) {
return tb_.available(nowInSeconds);
double balance(double /*rate*/, double /*burstSize*/, double nowInSeconds) {
return tb_.balance(nowInSeconds);
Optional<double> consumeWithBorrowNonBlocking(
double toConsume,
double /*rate*/,
double /*burstSize*/,
double nowInSeconds) {
return tb_.consumeWithBorrowNonBlocking(toConsume, nowInSeconds);
static double defaultClockNow() { return TokenBucket::defaultClockNow(); }
TokenBucket tb_;
template <>
struct Wrapper<DynamicTokenBucket> {
explicit Wrapper(double, double) {}
double available(double rate, double burstSize, double nowInSeconds) {
return dtb_.available(rate, burstSize, nowInSeconds);
double balance(double rate, double burstSize, double nowInSeconds) {
return dtb_.balance(rate, burstSize, nowInSeconds);
Optional<double> consumeWithBorrowNonBlocking(
double toConsume, double rate, double burstSize, double nowInSeconds) {
return dtb_.consumeWithBorrowNonBlocking(
toConsume, rate, burstSize, nowInSeconds);
static double defaultClockNow() {
return DynamicTokenBucket::defaultClockNow();
DynamicTokenBucket dtb_;
class TokenBucketTypedTestConfig {
using Types =
::testing::Types<Wrapper<TokenBucket>, Wrapper<DynamicTokenBucket>>;
class TestNames {
template <typename TypeParam>
static std::string GetName(int) {
StringPiece name = pretty_name<TypeParam>();
return std::string(name);
* Helper class to enable typed tests.
* Enables a single test to test common functionality across the different
* TokenBucket implementations (BasicTokenBucket, DynamicTokenBucket).
template <typename TypeParam>
class TokenBucketTypedTest : public ::testing::Test {
TokenBucketTypedTest() = default;
* Initialize a TokenBucket for the test.
* - For a basic TokenBucket, we pass the rate and burst size.
* - For a DynamicTokenBucket, those are not specified during construction,
* so they are instead kept around for calls to consume() operations.
void initTokenBucket(double genRate, double burstSize) {
genRate_ = genRate;
burstSize_ = burstSize;
tb_ = std::make_unique<TypeParam>(genRate, burstSize);
* Invoke tb->available().
double available(double nowInSeconds) const noexcept {
return CHECK_NOTNULL(tb_.get())->available(
genRate_, burstSize_, nowInSeconds);
* Invoke tb->balance.
double balance(double nowInSeconds) const noexcept {
return CHECK_NOTNULL(tb_.get())->balance(
genRate_, burstSize_, nowInSeconds);
* Invoke tb->consumeWithBorrowNonBlocking.
Optional<double> consumeWithBorrowNonBlocking(
double toConsume, double nowInSeconds) {
return CHECK_NOTNULL(tb_.get())->consumeWithBorrowNonBlocking(
toConsume, genRate_, burstSize_, nowInSeconds);
* Return current token bucket; initTokenBucket() must have been called.
TypeParam& getTokenBucket() { return *CHECK_NOTNULL(tb_.get()); }
double genRate_{0};
double burstSize_{0};
std::unique_ptr<TypeParam> tb_;
* Test behavior of available() and balance().
* - available() should only return a value greater than or equal to zero; if
* the TokenBucket is in debt it should return zero.
* - balance() should return the actual number of tokens, which is negative
* if the TokenBucket is in debt.
TYPED_TEST(TokenBucketTypedTest, AvailableAndBalance) {
auto now = TypeParam::defaultClockNow();
// initialize the TokenBucket
TestFixture::initTokenBucket(100 /* genRate */, 100 /* burstSize */);
// bucket should have 100 tokens
EXPECT_EQ(100, TestFixture::available(now));
EXPECT_EQ(100, TestFixture::balance(now));
// deplete tokens to a negative balance over three intervals
TestFixture::consumeWithBorrowNonBlocking(50 /* toConsume */, now);
EXPECT_EQ(50, TestFixture::available(now));
EXPECT_EQ(50, TestFixture::balance(now));
TestFixture::consumeWithBorrowNonBlocking(50 /* toConsume */, now);
EXPECT_EQ(0, TestFixture::available(now));
EXPECT_EQ(0, TestFixture::balance(now));
TestFixture::consumeWithBorrowNonBlocking(50 /* toConsume */, now);
EXPECT_EQ(0, TestFixture::available(now));
EXPECT_EQ(-50, TestFixture::balance(now));