
 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <cstring>

#include <folly/ConstexprMath.h>
#include <folly/Likely.h>
#include <folly/Portability.h>
#include <folly/Utility.h>
#include <folly/lang/Align.h>
#include <folly/lang/CArray.h>
#include <folly/portability/Builtins.h>

namespace folly {

//  to_ascii_alphabet
//  Used implicity by to_ascii_lower and to_ascii_upper below.
//  This alphabet translates digits to 0-9,a-z or 0-9,A-Z. The largest supported
//  base is 36; operator() presumes an argument less than that.
//  Alternative alphabets may be used with to_ascii_with provided they match
//  the constructibility/destructibility and the interface of this one.
template <bool Upper>
struct to_ascii_alphabet {};

namespace detail {

template <uint64_t Base, typename Alphabet>
struct to_ascii_array {};
template <uint64_t Base, typename Alphabet>
alignas(kIsMobile ? sizeof(size_t) : hardware_constructive_interference_size)
    typename to_ascii_array<Base, Alphabet>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_array<Base, Alphabet>::data =;

extern template to_ascii_array<8, to_ascii_alphabet_lower>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_array<8, to_ascii_alphabet_lower>::data;
extern template to_ascii_array<10, to_ascii_alphabet_lower>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_array<10, to_ascii_alphabet_lower>::data;
extern template to_ascii_array<16, to_ascii_alphabet_lower>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_array<16, to_ascii_alphabet_lower>::data;
extern template to_ascii_array<8, to_ascii_alphabet_upper>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_array<8, to_ascii_alphabet_upper>::data;
extern template to_ascii_array<10, to_ascii_alphabet_upper>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_array<10, to_ascii_alphabet_upper>::data;
extern template to_ascii_array<16, to_ascii_alphabet_upper>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_array<16, to_ascii_alphabet_upper>::data;

template <uint64_t Base, typename Alphabet>
struct to_ascii_table {};
template <uint64_t Base, typename Alphabet>
    typename to_ascii_table<Base, Alphabet>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_table<Base, Alphabet>::data =;

extern template to_ascii_table<8, to_ascii_alphabet_lower>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_table<8, to_ascii_alphabet_lower>::data;
extern template to_ascii_table<10, to_ascii_alphabet_lower>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_table<10, to_ascii_alphabet_lower>::data;
extern template to_ascii_table<16, to_ascii_alphabet_lower>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_table<16, to_ascii_alphabet_lower>::data;
extern template to_ascii_table<8, to_ascii_alphabet_upper>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_table<8, to_ascii_alphabet_upper>::data;
extern template to_ascii_table<10, to_ascii_alphabet_upper>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_table<10, to_ascii_alphabet_upper>::data;
extern template to_ascii_table<16, to_ascii_alphabet_upper>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_table<16, to_ascii_alphabet_upper>::data;

template <uint64_t Base, typename Int>
struct to_ascii_powers {};
template <uint64_t Base, typename Int>
    typename to_ascii_powers<Base, Int>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_powers<Base, Int>::data =;

extern template to_ascii_powers<8, uint64_t>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_powers<8, uint64_t>::data;
extern template to_ascii_powers<10, uint64_t>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_powers<10, uint64_t>::data;
extern template to_ascii_powers<16, uint64_t>::data_type_ const
    to_ascii_powers<16, uint64_t>::data;

template <uint64_t Base>
FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t to_ascii_size_imuls(uint64_t v) {}

template <uint64_t Base>
FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t to_ascii_size_idivs(uint64_t v) {}

template <uint64_t Base>
FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t to_ascii_size_array(uint64_t v) {}

//  For some architectures, we can get a little help from clzll, the "count
//  leading zeros" builtin, which is backed by a single performant instruction.
//  Note that the compiler implements __builtin_clzll on all architectures, but
//  only emits a single clzll instruction when the architecture has one.
//  This implementation may be faster than the basic ones in the general case
//  because the time taken to compute this one is constant for non-zero v,
//  whereas the basic ones take time proportional to log<2>(v). Whether this one
//  is actually faster depends on the emitted code for this implementation and
//  on whether the loops in the basic implementations are unrolled.
template <uint64_t Base>
FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t to_ascii_size_clzll(uint64_t v) {}

template <uint64_t Base>
FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t to_ascii_size_route(uint64_t v) {}

//  The straightforward implementation, assuming the size known in advance.
//  The straightforward implementation without the size known in advance would
//  entail emitting the bytes backward and then reversing them at the end, once
//  the size is known.
template <uint64_t Base, typename Alphabet>
FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE void to_ascii_with_basic(
    char* out, size_t size, uint64_t v) {}

//  A variant of the straightforward implementation, but using a lookup table.
template <uint64_t Base, typename Alphabet>
FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE void to_ascii_with_array(
    char* out, size_t size, uint64_t v) {}

//  A trickier implementation which performs half as many divides as the other,
//  more straightforward, implementation. On modern hardware, the divides are
//  the bottleneck (even when the compiler emits a complicated sequence of add,
//  sub, and mul instructions with special constants to simulate a divide by a
//  fixed denominator).
//  The downside of this implementation is that the emitted code is larger,
//  especially when the divide is simulated, which affects inlining decisions.
template <uint64_t Base, typename Alphabet>
FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE void to_ascii_with_table(
    char* out, size_t size, uint64_t v) {}
template <uint64_t Base, typename Alphabet>
FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t to_ascii_with_table(char* out, uint64_t v) {}

// Assumes that size >= number of digits in v. If >, the result is left-padded
// with 0s.
template <uint64_t Base, typename Alphabet>
FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE void to_ascii_with_route(
    char* outb, size_t size, uint64_t v) {}
template <uint64_t Base, typename Alphabet>
to_ascii_with_route(char* outb, char const* oute, uint64_t v) {}
template <uint64_t Base, typename Alphabet, size_t N>
FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t to_ascii_with_route(char (&out)[N], uint64_t v) {}

} // namespace detail

//  to_ascii_size_max
//  The maximum size buffer that might be required to hold the ascii-encoded
//  representation of any value of unsigned type I in base Base.
//  In base 10, u64 requires at most 20 bytes, u32 at most 10, u16 at most 5,
//  and u8 at most 3.

//  to_ascii_size_max_decimal
//  An alias to to_ascii_size_max<10>.

//  to_ascii_size
//  Returns the number of digits in the base Base representation of a uint64_t.
//  Useful for preallocating buffers, etc.
//  async-signal-safe
template <uint64_t Base>
size_t to_ascii_size(uint64_t v) {}

//  to_ascii_size_decimal
//  An alias to to_ascii_size<10>.
//  async-signal-safe
inline size_t to_ascii_size_decimal(uint64_t v) {}

//  to_ascii_with
//  Copies the digits of v, in base Base, translated with Alphabet, into buffer
//  and returns the number of bytes written.
//  Does *not* append a null terminator. It is the caller's responsibility to
//  append a null terminator if one is required.
//  Assumes buffer points to at least to_ascii_size<Base>(v) bytes of writable
//  memory. It is the caller's responsibility to provide a writable buffer with
//  the required min size.
//  async-signal-safe
template <uint64_t Base, typename Alphabet>
size_t to_ascii_with(char* outb, char const* oute, uint64_t v) {}
template <uint64_t Base, typename Alphabet, size_t N>
size_t to_ascii_with(char (&out)[N], uint64_t v) {}

//  to_ascii_lower
//  Composes to_ascii_with with to_ascii_alphabet_lower.
//  async-signal-safe
template <uint64_t Base>
size_t to_ascii_lower(char* outb, char const* oute, uint64_t v) {}
template <uint64_t Base, size_t N>
size_t to_ascii_lower(char (&out)[N], uint64_t v) {}

//  to_ascii_upper
//  Composes to_ascii_with with to_ascii_alphabet_upper.
//  async-signal-safe
template <uint64_t Base>
size_t to_ascii_upper(char* outb, char const* oute, uint64_t v) {}
template <uint64_t Base, size_t N>
size_t to_ascii_upper(char (&out)[N], uint64_t v) {}

//  to_ascii_decimal
//  An alias to to_ascii<10, false>.
//  async-signal-safe
inline size_t to_ascii_decimal(char* outb, char const* oute, uint64_t v) {}
template <size_t N>
inline size_t to_ascii_decimal(char (&out)[N], uint64_t v) {}

} // namespace folly