
 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

// Docs:

 * @class folly::Function
 * @refcode folly/docs/examples/folly/Function.cpp
 * A polymorphic function wrapper that is not copyable and does not
 * require the wrapped function to be copy constructible.
 * `folly::Function` is a polymorphic function wrapper, similar to
 * `std::function`. The template parameters of the `folly::Function` define
 * the parameter signature of the wrapped callable, but not the specific
 * type of the embedded callable. E.g. a `folly::Function<int(int)>`
 * can wrap callables that return an `int` when passed an `int`. This can be a
 * function pointer or any class object implementing one or both of
 *     int operator(int);
 *     int operator(int) const;
 * If both are defined, the non-const one takes precedence.
 * Unlike `std::function`, a `folly::Function` can wrap objects that are not
 * copy constructible. As a consequence of this, `folly::Function` itself
 * is not copyable, either.
 * Another difference is that, unlike `std::function`, `folly::Function` treats
 * const-ness of methods correctly. While a `std::function` allows to wrap
 * an object that only implements a non-const `operator()` and invoke
 * a const-reference of the `std::function`, `folly::Function` requires you to
 * declare a function type as const in order to be able to execute it on a
 * const-reference.
 * For example:
 *     class Foo {
 *      public:
 *       void operator()() {
 *         // mutates the Foo object
 *       }
 *     };
 *     class Bar {
 *       std::function<void(void)> foo_; // wraps a Foo object
 *      public:
 *       void mutateFoo() const
 *       {
 *         foo_();
 *       }
 *     };
 * Even though `mutateFoo` is a const-method, so it can only reference `foo_`
 * as const, it is able to call the non-const `operator()` of the Foo
 * object that is embedded in the foo_ function.
 * `folly::Function` will not allow you to do that. You will have to decide
 * whether you need to invoke your wrapped callable from a const reference
 * (like in the example above), in which case it will only wrap a
 * `operator() const`. If your functor does not implement that,
 * compilation will fail. If you do not require to be able to invoke the
 * wrapped function in a const context, you can wrap any functor that
 * implements either or both of const and non-const `operator()`.
 * The template parameter of `folly::Function`, the `FunctionType`, can be
 * const-qualified. Be aware that the const is part of the function signature.
 * It does not mean that the function type is a const type.
 *   using FunctionType = R(Args...);
 *   using ConstFunctionType = R(Args...) const;
 * In this example, `FunctionType` and `ConstFunctionType` are different
 * types. `ConstFunctionType` is not the same as `const FunctionType`.
 * As a matter of fact, trying to use the latter should emit a compiler
 * warning or error, because it has no defined meaning.
 *     // This will not compile:
 *     folly::Function<void(void) const> func = Foo();
 *     // because Foo does not have a member function of the form:
 *     //   void operator()() const;
 *     // This will compile just fine:
 *     folly::Function<void(void)> func = Foo();
 *     // and it will wrap the existing member function:
 *     //   void operator()();
 * When should a const function type be used? As a matter of fact, you will
 * probably not need to use const function types very often. See the following
 * example:
 *     class Bar {
 *       folly::Function<void()> func_;
 *       folly::Function<void() const> constFunc_;
 *       void someMethod() {
 *         // Can call func_.
 *         func_();
 *         // Can call constFunc_.
 *         constFunc_();
 *       }
 *       void someConstMethod() const {
 *         // Can call constFunc_.
 *         constFunc_();
 *         // However, cannot call func_ because a non-const method cannot
 *         // be called from a const one.
 *       }
 *     };
 * As you can see, whether the `folly::Function`'s function type should
 * be declared const or not is identical to whether a corresponding method
 * would be declared const or not.
 * You only require a `folly::Function` to hold a const function type, if you
 * intend to invoke it from within a const context. This is to ensure that
 * you cannot mutate its inner state when calling in a const context.
 * This is how the const/non-const choice relates to lambda functions:
 *     // Non-mutable lambdas: can be stored in a non-const...
 *     folly::Function<void(int)> print_number =
 *       [] (int number) { std::cout << number << std::endl; };
 *     // well as in a const folly::Function
 *     folly::Function<void(int) const> print_number_const =
 *       [] (int number) { std::cout << number << std::endl; };
 *     // Mutable lambda: can only be stored in a non-const folly::Function:
 *     int number = 0;
 *     folly::Function<void()> print_number =
 *       [number] () mutable { std::cout << ++number << std::endl; };
 *     // Trying to store the above mutable lambda in a
 *     // `folly::Function<void() const>` would lead to a compiler error:
 *     // error: no viable conversion from '(lambda at ...)' to
 *     // 'folly::Function<void () const>'
 * Casting between const and non-const `folly::Function`s:
 * conversion from const to non-const signatures happens implicitly. Any
 * function that takes a `folly::Function<R(Args...)>` can be passed
 * a `folly::Function<R(Args...) const>` without explicit conversion.
 * This is safe, because casting from const to non-const only entails giving
 * up the ability to invoke the function from a const context.
 * Casting from a non-const to a const signature is potentially dangerous,
 * as it means that a function that may change its inner state when invoked
 * is made possible to call from a const context. Therefore this cast does
 * not happen implicitly. The function `folly::constCastFunction` can
 * be used to perform the cast.
 *     // Mutable lambda: can only be stored in a non-const folly::Function:
 *     int number = 0;
 *     folly::Function<void()> print_number =
 *       [number] () mutable { std::cout << ++number << std::endl; };
 *     // const-cast to a const folly::Function:
 *     folly::Function<void() const> print_number_const =
 *       constCastFunction(std::move(print_number));
 * When to use const function types?
 * Generally, only when you need them. When you use a `folly::Function` as a
 * member of a struct or class, only use a const function signature when you
 * need to invoke the function from const context.
 * When passing a `folly::Function` to a function, the function should accept
 * a non-const `folly::Function` whenever possible, i.e. when it does not
 * need to pass on or store a const `folly::Function`. This is the least
 * possible constraint: you can always pass a const `folly::Function` when
 * the function accepts a non-const one.
 * How does the const behaviour compare to `std::function`?
 * `std::function` can wrap object with non-const invocation behaviour but
 * exposes them as const. The equivalent behaviour can be achieved with
 * `folly::Function` like so:
 *     std::function<void(void)> stdfunc = someCallable;
 *     folly::Function<void(void) const> uniqfunc = constCastFunction(
 *       folly::Function<void(void)>(someCallable)
 *     );
 * You need to wrap the callable first in a non-const `folly::Function` to
 * select a non-const invoke operator (or the const one if no non-const one is
 * present), and then move it into a const `folly::Function` using
 * `constCastFunction`.

#pragma once

#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

#include <folly/CppAttributes.h>
#include <folly/Portability.h>
#include <folly/Traits.h>
#include <folly/functional/Invoke.h>
#include <folly/lang/Align.h>
#include <folly/lang/Exception.h>
#include <folly/lang/New.h>

namespace folly {

template <typename FunctionType>
class Function;

template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
Function<ReturnType(Args...) const> constCastFunction(
    Function<ReturnType(Args...)>&&) noexcept;

template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
Function<ReturnType(Args...) const noexcept> constCastFunction(
    Function<ReturnType(Args...) noexcept>&&) noexcept;

namespace detail {
namespace function {

enum class Op {};


struct CoerceTag {};



template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<!IsNullptrCompatible<T>, int> = 0>
constexpr bool isEmptyFunction(T const&) {}
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<IsNullptrCompatible<T>, int> = 0>
constexpr bool isEmptyFunction(T const& t) {}




#if defined(_MSC_VER)
//  Need a workaround for MSVC to avoid the inscrutable error:
//      folly\function.h(...) : fatal error C1001: An internal error has
//          occurred in the compiler.
//      (compiler file 'f:\dd\vctools\compiler\utc\src\p2\main.c', line 258)
//      To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program
//          near the locations listed above.
template <typename T>
using CallArg = T&&;

template <typename F, bool Nx, typename R, typename... A>
class FunctionTraitsSharedProxy {};

template <
    typename Fun,
    bool Small,
    bool Nx,
    typename ReturnType,
    typename... Args>
ReturnType call_(Args... args, Data& p) noexcept(Nx) {}

template <typename FunctionType>
struct FunctionTraits;

FunctionTraits<ReturnType (Args...)>;

FunctionTraits<ReturnType (Args...) const>;

FunctionTraits<ReturnType (Args...) noexcept>;

FunctionTraits<ReturnType (Args...) const noexcept>;

// These are control functions. They type-erase the operations of move-
// construction, destruction, and conversion to bool.
// The interface operations are noexcept, so the implementations are as well.
// Having the implementations be noexcept in the type permits callers to omit
// exception-handling machinery.
// This is intentionally instantiated per size rather than per function in order
// to minimize the number of instantiations. It would be safe to minimize
// instantiations even more by simply having a single non-template function that
// copies sizeof(Data) bytes rather than only copying sizeof(Fun) bytes, but
// then for small function types it would be likely to cross cache lines without
// need. But it is only necessary to handle those sizes which are multiples of
// the alignof(Data), and to round up other sizes.
struct DispatchSmallTrivial {};

struct DispatchBigTrivial {};

struct DispatchSmall {};

struct DispatchBig {};

template <bool InSitu, bool IsTriv>
struct Dispatch;
template <>
struct Dispatch<true, true> : DispatchSmallTrivial {};
template <>
struct Dispatch<true, false> : DispatchSmall {};
template <>
struct Dispatch<false, true> : DispatchBigTrivial {};
template <>
struct Dispatch<false, false> : DispatchBig {};


// This cannot be done inseide `Function` class, because the word
// `Function` there refers to the instantion and not the template.

} // namespace function
} // namespace detail

template <typename FunctionType>
class Function final : private detail::function::FunctionTraits<FunctionType> {};

template <typename FunctionType>
void swap(Function<FunctionType>& lhs, Function<FunctionType>& rhs) noexcept {}

template <typename FunctionType>
bool operator==(const Function<FunctionType>& fn, std::nullptr_t) {}

template <typename FunctionType>
bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, const Function<FunctionType>& fn) {}

template <typename FunctionType>
bool operator!=(const Function<FunctionType>& fn, std::nullptr_t) {}

template <typename FunctionType>
bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, const Function<FunctionType>& fn) {}

 * Casts a `folly::Function` from non-const to a const signature.
 * NOTE: The name of `constCastFunction` should warn you that something
 * potentially dangerous is happening. As a matter of fact, using
 * `std::function` always involves this potentially dangerous aspect, which
 * is why it is not considered fully const-safe or even const-correct.
 * However, in most of the cases you will not need the dangerous aspect at all.
 * Either you do not require invocation of the function from a const context,
 * in which case you do not need to use `constCastFunction` and just
 * use a non-const `folly::Function`. Or, you may need invocation from const,
 * but the callable you are wrapping does not mutate its state (e.g. it is a
 * class object and implements `operator() const`, or it is a normal,
 * non-mutable lambda), in which case you can wrap the callable in a const
 * `folly::Function` directly, without using `constCastFunction`.
 * Only if you require invocation from a const context of a callable that
 * may mutate itself when invoked you have to go through the above procedure.
 * However, in that case what you do is potentially dangerous and requires
 * the equivalent of a `const_cast`, hence you need to call
 * `constCastFunction`.
 * @param that a non-const folly::Function.
template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
Function<ReturnType(Args...) const> constCastFunction(
    Function<ReturnType(Args...)>&& that) noexcept {}

template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
Function<ReturnType(Args...) const> constCastFunction(
    Function<ReturnType(Args...) const>&& that) noexcept {}

template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
Function<ReturnType(Args...) const noexcept> constCastFunction(
    Function<ReturnType(Args...) noexcept>&& that) noexcept {}

template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
Function<ReturnType(Args...) const noexcept> constCastFunction(
    Function<ReturnType(Args...) const noexcept>&& that) noexcept {}

namespace detail {

template <typename Void, typename>
struct function_ctor_deduce_;

function_ctor_deduce_<std::enable_if_t<std::is_function<std::remove_pointer_t<P>>::value>, P>;

function_ctor_deduce_<void_t<decltype(&F::operator())>, F>;


} // namespace detail

template <typename F>
Function(F) -> Function<detail::function_ctor_deduce_t<F>>;

 * @class folly::FunctionRef
 * A reference wrapper for callable objects
 * FunctionRef is similar to std::reference_wrapper, but the template parameter
 * is the function signature type rather than the type of the referenced object.
 * A folly::FunctionRef is cheap to construct as it contains only a pointer to
 * the referenced callable and a pointer to a function which invokes the
 * callable.
 * The user of FunctionRef must be aware of the reference semantics: storing a
 * copy of a FunctionRef is potentially dangerous and should be avoided unless
 * the referenced object definitely outlives the FunctionRef object. Thus any
 * function that accepts a FunctionRef parameter should only use it to invoke
 * the referenced function and not store a copy of it. Knowing that FunctionRef
 * itself has reference semantics, it is generally okay to use it to reference
 * lambdas that capture by reference.

template <typename FunctionType>
class FunctionRef;

FunctionRef<ReturnType (Args...)>;

} // namespace folly