
 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>

#include <folly/ConstexprMath.h>
#include <folly/Likely.h>

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <intrin.h>

namespace folly {

template <typename T>
class atomic_ref;

namespace detail {

constexpr std::memory_order atomic_compare_exchange_succ(
    bool cond, std::memory_order succ, std::memory_order fail) {}

//  atomic_compare_exchange_succ
//  Return a success order with, conditionally, the failure order mixed in.
//  Until C++17, atomic compare-exchange operations require the success order to
//  be at least as strong as the failure order. C++17 drops this requirement. As
//  an implication, were this rule in force, an implementation is free to ignore
//  the explicit failure order and to infer one from the success order.
//  The libstdc++ library with assertions enabled enforces this rule, including
//  under C++17, but only until and not since libstdc++12.
//  Clang TSAN ignores the passed failure order and infers failure order from
//  success order in atomic compare-exchange operations, which is broken for
//  cases like success-release/failure-acquire.
//  All GCC sanitizers statically check the memory-orders passed to compare-
//  exchange operations for correctness and report violations with the warning
//  invalid-memory-model; but, up to the current version (gcc-13), they use the
//  C++14 rule, which is broken for cases like success-relaxed/failure-acquire.
//  Handle all of these cases.
constexpr std::memory_order atomic_compare_exchange_succ(
    std::memory_order succ, std::memory_order fail) {}

} // namespace detail

template <template <typename> class Atom, typename T>
bool atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(
    Atom<T>* obj,
    type_t<T>* expected,
    type_t<T> desired,
    std::memory_order succ,
    std::memory_order fail) {}

template <template <typename> class Atom, typename T>
bool atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(
    Atom<T>* obj,
    type_t<T>* expected,
    type_t<T> desired,
    std::memory_order succ,
    std::memory_order fail) {}

namespace detail {

// TODO: Remove the non-default implementations when both gcc and clang
// can recognize single bit set/reset patterns and compile them down to locked
// bts and btr instructions.
// Currently, at the time of writing it seems like gcc7 and greater can make
// this optimization and clang cannot -

struct atomic_fetch_set_fallback_fn {};
inline constexpr atomic_fetch_set_fallback_fn atomic_fetch_set_fallback{};

struct atomic_fetch_reset_fallback_fn {};
inline constexpr atomic_fetch_reset_fallback_fn atomic_fetch_reset_fallback{};

struct atomic_fetch_flip_fallback_fn {};
inline constexpr atomic_fetch_flip_fallback_fn atomic_fetch_flip_fallback{};

#if FOLLY_X64

#if defined(_MSC_VER)

template <typename Integer>
inline bool atomic_fetch_set_native(
    std::atomic<Integer>& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order order) {
  static_assert(alignof(std::atomic<Integer>) == alignof(Integer), "");
  static_assert(sizeof(std::atomic<Integer>) == sizeof(Integer), "");

  if /* constexpr */ (sizeof(Integer) == 4) {
    return _interlockedbittestandset(
        reinterpret_cast<volatile long*>(&atomic), static_cast<long>(bit));
  } else if /* constexpr */ (sizeof(Integer) == 8) {
    return _interlockedbittestandset64(
        reinterpret_cast<volatile long long*>(&atomic),
        static_cast<long long>(bit));
  } else {
    assert(sizeof(Integer) != 4 && sizeof(Integer) != 8);
    return atomic_fetch_set_fallback(atomic, bit, order);

template <typename Atomic>
inline bool atomic_fetch_set_native(
    Atomic& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order order) {
  static_assert(!std::is_same<Atomic, std::atomic<std::uint32_t>>{}, "");
  static_assert(!std::is_same<Atomic, std::atomic<std::uint64_t>>{}, "");
  return atomic_fetch_set_fallback(atomic, bit, order);

template <typename Integer>
inline bool atomic_fetch_reset_native(
    std::atomic<Integer>& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order order) {
  static_assert(alignof(std::atomic<Integer>) == alignof(Integer), "");
  static_assert(sizeof(std::atomic<Integer>) == sizeof(Integer), "");

  if /* constexpr */ (sizeof(Integer) == 4) {
    return _interlockedbittestandreset(
        reinterpret_cast<volatile long*>(&atomic), static_cast<long>(bit));
  } else if /* constexpr */ (sizeof(Integer) == 8) {
    return _interlockedbittestandreset64(
        reinterpret_cast<volatile long long*>(&atomic),
        static_cast<long long>(bit));
  } else {
    assert(sizeof(Integer) != 4 && sizeof(Integer) != 8);
    return atomic_fetch_reset_fallback(atomic, bit, order);

template <typename Atomic>
inline bool atomic_fetch_reset_native(
    Atomic& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order mo) {
  static_assert(!std::is_same<Atomic, std::atomic<std::uint32_t>>{}, "");
  static_assert(!std::is_same<Atomic, std::atomic<std::uint64_t>>{}, "");
  return atomic_fetch_reset_fallback(atomic, bit, mo);

template <typename Atomic>
inline bool atomic_fetch_flip_native(
    Atomic& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order mo) {
  return atomic_fetch_flip_fallback(atomic, bit, mo);


enum class atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_instr_mnem { bts, btr, btc };
enum class atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_instr_suff { w, l, q };


template <atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_instr_mnem Instr>
struct atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_do_instr_fn {
  template <typename Int>
  FOLLY_ERASE bool operator()(
      Int* ptr, Int bit, std::memory_order order) const {
    using mnem_t = atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_instr_mnem;
    using suff_t = atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_instr_suff;
    bool out = false;
    return out;
template <atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_instr_mnem Instr>
inline constexpr atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_do_instr_fn<Instr>

static constexpr auto& atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_bts =
static constexpr auto& atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_btr =
static constexpr auto& atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_btc =


template <typename Integer, typename Op, typename Fb>
FOLLY_ERASE bool atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_(
    std::atomic<Integer>& atomic,
    std::size_t bit,
    std::memory_order order,
    Op op,
    Fb fb) {
  constexpr auto atomic_size = sizeof(Integer);
  constexpr auto lo_size = std::size_t(2);
  constexpr auto hi_size = std::size_t(8);
  // some versions of TSAN do not properly instrument the inline assembly
  if (atomic_size > hi_size || folly::kIsSanitize) {
    return fb(atomic, bit, order);
  auto address = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(&atomic);
  // there is a minimum word size - if too small, enlarge
  constexpr auto word_size = constexpr_clamp(atomic_size, lo_size, hi_size);
  using word_type = uint_bits_t<word_size * 8>;
  auto adjust = std::size_t(address % lo_size);
  // when the adjustment is not known at compile-time, the extra calculations
  // at run time may cost more than would be saved by using the native op
  if (!__builtin_constant_p(adjust)) {
    return fb(atomic, bit, order);
  address -= adjust;
  bit += 8 * adjust;
  return op(reinterpret_cast<word_type*>(address), word_type(bit), order);

#if defined(__cpp_lib_atomic_ref) && __cpp_lib_atomic_ref >= 201806L
template <typename Integer, typename Op, typename Fb>
FOLLY_ERASE bool atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_(
    std::atomic_ref<Integer>& atomic,
    std::size_t bit,
    std::memory_order order,
    Op op,
    Fb fb) {
  if constexpr (!std::atomic_ref<Integer>::is_always_lock_free) {
    return fb(atomic, bit, order);
  auto& ref = **reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<Integer>**>(&atomic);
  return atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_(ref, bit, order, op, fb);

template <typename Integer>
inline bool atomic_fetch_set_native(
    std::atomic<Integer>& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order order) {
  auto op = atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_bts;
  auto fb = atomic_fetch_set_fallback;
  return atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_(atomic, bit, order, op, fb);

template <typename Integer>
inline bool atomic_fetch_set_native(
    atomic_ref<Integer>& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order order) {
  return atomic_fetch_set_native(atomic.atomic(), bit, order);

#if defined(__cpp_lib_atomic_ref) && __cpp_lib_atomic_ref >= 201806L
template <typename Integer>
inline bool atomic_fetch_set_native(
    std::atomic_ref<Integer>& atomic,
    std::size_t bit,
    std::memory_order order) {
  auto op = atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_bts;
  auto fb = atomic_fetch_set_fallback;
  return atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_(atomic, bit, order, op, fb);

template <typename Atomic>
inline bool atomic_fetch_set_native(
    Atomic& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order order) {
  static_assert(!is_instantiation_of_v<std::atomic, Atomic>, "");
  return atomic_fetch_set_fallback(atomic, bit, order);

template <typename Integer>
inline bool atomic_fetch_reset_native(
    std::atomic<Integer>& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order order) {
  auto op = atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_btr;
  auto fb = atomic_fetch_reset_fallback;
  return atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_(atomic, bit, order, op, fb);

template <typename Integer>
inline bool atomic_fetch_reset_native(
    atomic_ref<Integer>& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order order) {
  return atomic_fetch_reset_native(atomic.atomic(), bit, order);

#if defined(__cpp_lib_atomic_ref) && __cpp_lib_atomic_ref >= 201806L
template <typename Integer>
inline bool atomic_fetch_reset_native(
    std::atomic_ref<Integer>& atomic,
    std::size_t bit,
    std::memory_order order) {
  auto op = atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_btr;
  auto fb = atomic_fetch_reset_fallback;
  return atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_(atomic, bit, order, op, fb);

template <typename Atomic>
bool atomic_fetch_reset_native(
    Atomic& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order order) {
  static_assert(!is_instantiation_of_v<std::atomic, Atomic>, "");
  return atomic_fetch_reset_fallback(atomic, bit, order);

template <typename Integer>
inline bool atomic_fetch_flip_native(
    std::atomic<Integer>& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order order) {
  auto op = atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_btc;
  auto fb = atomic_fetch_flip_fallback;
  return atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_(atomic, bit, order, op, fb);

template <typename Integer>
inline bool atomic_fetch_flip_native(
    atomic_ref<Integer>& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order order) {
  return atomic_fetch_flip_native(atomic.atomic(), bit, order);

#if defined(__cpp_lib_atomic_ref) && __cpp_lib_atomic_ref >= 201806L
template <typename Integer>
inline bool atomic_fetch_flip_native(
    std::atomic_ref<Integer>& atomic,
    std::size_t bit,
    std::memory_order order) {
  auto op = atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_btc;
  auto fb = atomic_fetch_flip_fallback;
  return atomic_fetch_bit_op_native_(atomic, bit, order, op, fb);

template <typename Atomic>
bool atomic_fetch_flip_native(
    Atomic& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order order) {
  static_assert(!is_instantiation_of_v<std::atomic, Atomic>, "");
  return atomic_fetch_flip_fallback(atomic, bit, order);



inline constexpr atomic_fetch_set_native_fn atomic_fetch_set_native{};

inline constexpr atomic_fetch_reset_native_fn atomic_fetch_reset_native{};

inline constexpr atomic_fetch_flip_native_fn atomic_fetch_flip_native{};


template <typename Atomic>
void atomic_fetch_bit_op_check_(Atomic& atomic, std::size_t bit) {}

} // namespace detail

template <typename Atomic>
bool atomic_fetch_set_fn::operator()(
    Atomic& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order mo) const {}

template <typename Atomic>
bool atomic_fetch_reset_fn::operator()(
    Atomic& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order mo) const {}

template <typename Atomic>
bool atomic_fetch_flip_fn::operator()(
    Atomic& atomic, std::size_t bit, std::memory_order mo) const {}

template <typename Atomic, typename Op>
atomic_value_type_t<Atomic> atomic_fetch_modify_fn::operator()(
    Atomic& atomic, Op op, std::memory_order const mo) const {}

} // namespace folly