
 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#error This file may only be included from folly/gen/String.h

#include <folly/Conv.h>
#include <folly/Portability.h>
#include <folly/String.h>

namespace folly {
namespace gen {
namespace detail {

 * Finds the first occurrence of delimiter in "in", advances "in" past the
 * delimiter.  Populates "prefix" with the consumed bytes, including the
 * delimiter.
 * Returns the number of trailing bytes of "prefix" that make up the
 * delimiter, or 0 if the delimiter was not found.
inline size_t splitPrefix(
    StringPiece& in, StringPiece& prefix, char delimiter) {}

 * As above, but supports multibyte delimiters.
inline size_t splitPrefix(
    StringPiece& in, StringPiece& prefix, StringPiece delimiter) {}

 * As above, but splits by any of the EOL terms: \r, \n, or \r\n.
inline size_t splitPrefix(StringPiece& in, StringPiece& prefix, MixedNewlines) {}

inline const char* ch(const unsigned char* p) {}

// Chop s into pieces of at most maxLength, feed them to cb
template <class Callback>
bool consumeFixedSizeChunks(Callback& cb, StringPiece& s, uint64_t maxLength) {}

// Consumes all of buffer, plus n chars from s.
template <class Callback>
bool consumeBufferPlus(Callback& cb, IOBuf& buf, StringPiece& s, uint64_t n) {}

} // namespace detail

template <class Callback>
bool StreamSplitter<Callback>::flush() {}

template <class Callback>
bool StreamSplitter<Callback>::operator()(StringPiece in) {}

namespace detail {

class StringResplitter : public Operator<StringResplitter> {};

template <class DelimiterType = char>
class SplitStringSource
    : public GenImpl<StringPiece, SplitStringSource<DelimiterType>> {};

 * Unsplit - For joining tokens from a generator into a string.  This is
 * the inverse of `split` above.
 * This type is primarily used through the 'unsplit' function.
template <class Delimiter, class Output>
class Unsplit : public Operator<Unsplit<Delimiter, Output>> {};

 * UnsplitBuffer - For joining tokens from a generator into a string,
 * and inserting them into a custom buffer.
 * This type is primarily used through the 'unsplit' function.
template <class Delimiter, class OutputBuffer>
class UnsplitBuffer : public Operator<UnsplitBuffer<Delimiter, OutputBuffer>> {};

 * Hack for static for-like constructs
template <class Target, class = void>
inline Target passthrough(Target target) {}

#ifdef __clang__
// Clang isn't happy with eatField() hack below.
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wreturn-stack-address"
#endif // __clang__

 * ParseToTuple - For splitting a record and immediatlely converting it to a
 * target tuple type. Primary used through the 'eachToTuple' helper, like so:
 *  auto config
 *    = split("1:a 2:b", ' ')
 *    | eachToTuple<int, string>()
 *    | as<vector<tuple<int, string>>>();
template <class TargetContainer, class Delimiter, class... Targets>
class SplitTo {};


} // namespace detail

} // namespace gen
} // namespace folly