
 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <condition_variable>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>

#include <folly/Function.h>

namespace folly {

 * For each function `fn` you add to this object, `fn` will be run in a loop
 * in its own thread, with the thread sleeping between invocations of `fn`
 * for the duration returned by `fn`'s previous run.
 * To clean up these threads, invoke `stop()`, which will interrupt sleeping
 * threads.  `stop()` will wait for already-running functions to return.
 * == Alternatives ==
 * If you want to multiplex multiple functions on the same thread, you can
 * either use EventBase with AsyncTimeout objects, or FunctionScheduler for
 * a slightly simpler API.
 * == Thread-safety ==
 * This type follows the common rule that:
 *  (1) const member functions are safe to call concurrently with const
 *      member functions, but
 *  (2) non-const member functions are not safe to call concurrently with
 *      any member functions.
 * == Pitfalls ==
 * Threads and classes don't mix well in C++, so you have to be very careful
 * if you want to have ThreadedRepeatingFunctionRunner as a member of your
 * class.  A reasonable pattern looks like this:
 * // Your class must be `final` because inheriting from a class with
 * // threads can cause all sorts of subtle issues:
 * //  - Your base class might start threads that attempt to access derived
 * //    class state **before** that state was constructed.
 * //  - Your base class's destructor will only be able to stop threads
 * //    **after** the derived class state was destroyed -- and that state
 * //    might be accessed by the threads.
 * // In short, any derived class would have to do work to manage the
 * // threads itself, which makes inheritance a poor means of composition.
 * struct MyClass final {
 *   // Note that threads are NOT added in the constructor, for two reasons:
 *   //
 *   //   (1) If you first added some threads, and then had additional
 *   //       initialization (e.g. derived class constructors), `this` might
 *   //       not be fully constructed by the time the function threads
 *   //       started running, causing heisenbugs.
 *   //
 *   //   (2) If your constructor threw after thread creation, the class
 *   //       destructor would not be invoked, potentially leaving the
 *   //       threads running too long.
 *   //
 *   // It is much safer to have explicit two-step initialization, or to
 *   // lazily add threads the first time they are needed.
 *   MyClass() : count_(0) {}
 *   // You must stop the threads as early as possible in the destruction
 *   // process (or even before).  If MyClass had derived classes, the final
 *   // derived class MUST always call stop() as the first thing in its
 *   // destructor -- otherwise, the worker threads might access already-
 *   // destroyed state.
 *   ~MyClass() {
 *     threads_.stop();  // Stop threads BEFORE destroying any state they use.
 *   }
 *   // See the constructor for why two-stage initialization is preferred.
 *   void init() {
 *     threads_.add(bind(&MyClass::incrementCount, this));
 *   }
 *   std::chrono::milliseconds incrementCount() {
 *     ++count_;
 *     return 10;
 *   }
 * private:
 *   std::atomic<int> count_;
 *   // CAUTION: Declare last since the threads access other members of `this`.
 *   ThreadedRepeatingFunctionRunner threads_;
 * };
class ThreadedRepeatingFunctionRunner final {};

} // namespace folly