

test_description='test git worktree add'


. ./


test_expect_success 'setup' '
	test_commit init

test_expect_success '"add" an existing worktree' '
	mkdir -p existing/subtree &&
	test_must_fail git worktree add --detach existing main

test_expect_success '"add" an existing empty worktree' '
	mkdir existing_empty &&
	git worktree add --detach existing_empty main

test_expect_success '"add" using shorthand - fails when no previous branch' '
	test_must_fail git worktree add existing_short -

test_expect_success '"add" using - shorthand' '
	git checkout -b newbranch &&
	echo hello >myworld &&
	git add myworld &&
	git commit -m myworld &&
	git checkout main &&
	git worktree add short-hand - &&
	echo refs/heads/newbranch >expect &&
	git -C short-hand rev-parse --symbolic-full-name HEAD >actual &&
	test_cmp expect actual

test_expect_success '"add" refuses to checkout locked branch' '
	test_must_fail git worktree add zere main &&
	! test -d zere &&
	! test -d .git/worktrees/zere

test_expect_success 'checking out paths not complaining about linked checkouts' '
	cd existing_empty &&
	echo dirty >>init.t &&
	git checkout main -- init.t

test_expect_success '"add" worktree' '
	git rev-parse HEAD >expect &&
	git worktree add --detach here main &&
		cd here &&
		test_cmp ../init.t init.t &&
		test_must_fail git symbolic-ref HEAD &&
		git rev-parse HEAD >actual &&
		test_cmp ../expect actual &&
		git fsck

test_expect_success '"add" worktree with lock' '
	git worktree add --detach --lock here-with-lock main &&
	test_when_finished "git worktree unlock here-with-lock || :" &&
	test -f .git/worktrees/here-with-lock/locked

test_expect_success '"add" worktree with lock and reason' '
	lock_reason="why not" &&
	git worktree add --detach --lock --reason "$lock_reason" here-with-lock-reason main &&
	test_when_finished "git worktree unlock here-with-lock-reason || :" &&
	test -f .git/worktrees/here-with-lock-reason/locked &&
	echo "$lock_reason" >expect &&
	test_cmp expect .git/worktrees/here-with-lock-reason/locked

test_expect_success '"add" worktree with reason but no lock' '
	test_must_fail git worktree add --detach --reason "why not" here-with-reason-only main &&
	test_path_is_missing .git/worktrees/here-with-reason-only/locked

test_expect_success '"add" worktree from a subdir' '
		mkdir sub &&
		cd sub &&
		git worktree add --detach here main &&
		cd here &&
		test_cmp ../../init.t init.t

test_expect_success '"add" from a linked checkout' '
		cd here &&
		git worktree add --detach nested-here main &&
		cd nested-here &&
		git fsck

test_expect_success '"add" worktree creating new branch' '
	git worktree add -b newmain there main &&
		cd there &&
		test_cmp ../init.t init.t &&
		git symbolic-ref HEAD >actual &&
		echo refs/heads/newmain >expect &&
		test_cmp expect actual &&
		git fsck

test_expect_success 'die the same branch is already checked out' '
		cd here &&
		test_must_fail git checkout newmain 2>actual &&
		grep "already used by worktree at" actual

test_expect_success 'refuse to reset a branch in use elsewhere' '
		cd here &&

		# we know we are on detached HEAD but just in case ...
		git checkout --detach HEAD &&
		git rev-parse --verify HEAD >old.head &&

		git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/newmain >old.branch &&
		test_must_fail git checkout -B newmain 2>error &&
		git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/newmain >new.branch &&
		git rev-parse --verify HEAD >new.head &&

		grep "already used by worktree at" error &&
		test_cmp old.branch new.branch &&
		test_cmp old.head new.head &&

		# and we must be still on the same detached HEAD state
		test_must_fail git symbolic-ref HEAD

test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'die the same branch is already checked out (symlink)' '
	head=$(git -C there rev-parse --git-path HEAD) &&
	ref=$(git -C there symbolic-ref HEAD) &&
	rm "$head" &&
	ln -s "$ref" "$head" &&
	test_must_fail git -C here checkout newmain

test_expect_success 'not die the same branch is already checked out' '
		cd here &&
		git worktree add --force anothernewmain newmain

test_expect_success 'not die on re-checking out current branch' '
		cd there &&
		git checkout newmain

test_expect_success '"add" from a bare repo' '
		git clone --bare . bare &&
		cd bare &&
		git worktree add -b bare-main ../there2 main

test_expect_success 'checkout from a bare repo without "add"' '
		cd bare &&
		test_must_fail git checkout main

test_expect_success '"add" default branch of a bare repo' '
		git clone --bare . bare2 &&
		cd bare2 &&
		git worktree add ../there3 main &&
		cd ../there3 &&
		# Simple check that a Git command does not
		# immediately fail with the current setup
		git status
	) &&
	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
	ls there3 >actual &&
	test_cmp expect actual

test_expect_success '"add" to bare repo with worktree config' '
		git clone --bare . bare3 &&
		cd bare3 &&
		git config extensions.worktreeconfig true &&

		# Add config values that are erroneous to have in
		# a config.worktree file outside of the main
		# working tree, to check that Git filters them out
		# when copying config during "git worktree add".
		git config --worktree core.bare true &&
		git config --worktree core.worktree "$(pwd)" &&

		# We want to check that bogus.key is copied
		git config --worktree bogus.key value &&
		git config --unset core.bare &&
		git worktree add ../there4 main &&
		cd ../there4 &&

		# Simple check that a Git command does not
		# immediately fail with the current setup
		git status &&
		git worktree add --detach ../there5 &&
		cd ../there5 &&
		git status
	) &&

	# the worktree has the arbitrary value copied.
	test_cmp_config -C there4 value bogus.key &&
	test_cmp_config -C there5 value bogus.key &&

	# however, core.bare and core.worktree were removed.
	test_must_fail git -C there4 config core.bare &&
	test_must_fail git -C there4 config core.worktree &&

	cat >expect <<-EOF &&

	ls there4 >actual &&
	test_cmp expect actual &&
	ls there5 >actual &&
	test_cmp expect actual

test_expect_success 'checkout with grafts' '
	test_when_finished rm .git/info/grafts &&
	test_commit abc &&
	SHA1=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
	test_commit def &&
	test_commit xyz &&
	mkdir .git/info &&
	echo "$(git rev-parse HEAD) $SHA1" >.git/info/grafts &&
	cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
	git log --format=%s -2 >actual &&
	test_cmp expected actual &&
	git worktree add --detach grafted main &&
	git --git-dir=grafted/.git log --format=%s -2 >actual &&
	test_cmp expected actual

test_expect_success '"add" from relative HEAD' '
	test_commit a &&
	test_commit b &&
	test_commit c &&
	git rev-parse HEAD~1 >expected &&
	git worktree add relhead HEAD~1 &&
	git -C relhead rev-parse HEAD >actual &&
	test_cmp expected actual

test_expect_success '"add -b" with <branch> omitted' '
	git worktree add -b burble flornk &&
	test_cmp_rev HEAD burble

test_expect_success '"add --detach" with <branch> omitted' '
	git worktree add --detach fishhook &&
	git rev-parse HEAD >expected &&
	git -C fishhook rev-parse HEAD >actual &&
	test_cmp expected actual &&
	test_must_fail git -C fishhook symbolic-ref HEAD

test_expect_success '"add" with <branch> omitted' '
	git worktree add wiffle/bat &&
	test_cmp_rev HEAD bat

test_expect_success '"add" checks out existing branch of dwimd name' '
	git branch dwim HEAD~1 &&
	git worktree add dwim &&
	test_cmp_rev HEAD~1 dwim &&
		cd dwim &&
		test_cmp_rev HEAD dwim

test_expect_success '"add <path>" dwim fails with checked out branch' '
	git checkout -b test-branch &&
	test_must_fail git worktree add test-branch &&
	test_path_is_missing test-branch

test_expect_success '"add --force" with existing dwimd name doesnt die' '
	git checkout test-branch &&
	git worktree add --force test-branch

test_expect_success '"add" no auto-vivify with --detach and <branch> omitted' '
	git worktree add --detach mish/mash &&
	test_must_fail git rev-parse mash -- &&
	test_must_fail git -C mish/mash symbolic-ref HEAD

# Helper function to test mutually exclusive options.
# Note: Quoted arguments containing spaces are not supported.
test_wt_add_excl () {
	local opts="$*" &&
	test_expect_success "'worktree add' with '$opts' has mutually exclusive options" '
		test_must_fail git worktree add $opts 2>actual &&
		grep -E "fatal:( options)? .* cannot be used together" actual

test_wt_add_excl -b poodle -B poodle bamboo main
test_wt_add_excl -b poodle --detach bamboo main
test_wt_add_excl -B poodle --detach bamboo main
test_wt_add_excl --orphan --detach bamboo
test_wt_add_excl --orphan --no-checkout bamboo
test_wt_add_excl --orphan bamboo main
test_wt_add_excl --orphan -b bamboo wtdir/ main

test_expect_success '"add -B" fails if the branch is checked out' '
	git rev-parse newmain >before &&
	test_must_fail git worktree add -B newmain bamboo main &&
	git rev-parse newmain >after &&
	test_cmp before after

test_expect_success 'add -B' '
	git worktree add -B poodle bamboo2 main^ &&
	git -C bamboo2 symbolic-ref HEAD >actual &&
	echo refs/heads/poodle >expected &&
	test_cmp expected actual &&
	test_cmp_rev main^ poodle

test_expect_success 'add --quiet' '
	test_when_finished "git worktree remove -f -f another-worktree" &&
	git worktree add --quiet another-worktree main 2>actual &&
	test_must_be_empty actual

test_expect_success 'add --quiet -b' '
	test_when_finished "git branch -D quietnewbranch" &&
	test_when_finished "git worktree remove -f -f another-worktree" &&
	git worktree add --quiet -b quietnewbranch another-worktree 2>actual &&
	test_must_be_empty actual

test_expect_success '"add --orphan"' '
	test_when_finished "git worktree remove -f -f orphandir" &&
	git worktree add --orphan -b neworphan orphandir &&
	echo refs/heads/neworphan >expected &&
	git -C orphandir symbolic-ref HEAD >actual &&
	test_cmp expected actual

test_expect_success '"add --orphan (no -b)"' '
	test_when_finished "git worktree remove -f -f neworphan" &&
	git worktree add --orphan neworphan &&
	echo refs/heads/neworphan >expected &&
	git -C neworphan symbolic-ref HEAD >actual &&
	test_cmp expected actual

test_expect_success '"add --orphan --quiet"' '
	test_when_finished "git worktree remove -f -f orphandir" &&
	git worktree add --quiet --orphan -b neworphan orphandir 2>log.actual &&
	test_must_be_empty log.actual &&
	echo refs/heads/neworphan >expected &&
	git -C orphandir symbolic-ref HEAD >actual &&
	test_cmp expected actual

test_expect_success '"add --orphan" fails if the branch already exists' '
	test_when_finished "git branch -D existingbranch" &&
	git worktree add -b existingbranch orphandir main &&
	git worktree remove orphandir &&
	test_must_fail git worktree add --orphan -b existingbranch orphandir

test_expect_success '"add --orphan" with empty repository' '
	test_when_finished "rm -rf empty_repo" &&
	echo refs/heads/newbranch >expected &&
	GIT_DIR="empty_repo" git init --bare &&
	git -C empty_repo worktree add --orphan -b newbranch worktreedir &&
	git -C empty_repo/worktreedir symbolic-ref HEAD >actual &&
	test_cmp expected actual

test_expect_success '"add" worktree with orphan branch and lock' '
	git worktree add --lock --orphan -b orphanbr orphan-with-lock &&
	test_when_finished "git worktree unlock orphan-with-lock || :" &&
	test -f .git/worktrees/orphan-with-lock/locked

test_expect_success '"add" worktree with orphan branch, lock, and reason' '
	lock_reason="why not" &&
	git worktree add --detach --lock --reason "$lock_reason" orphan-with-lock-reason main &&
	test_when_finished "git worktree unlock orphan-with-lock-reason || :" &&
	test -f .git/worktrees/orphan-with-lock-reason/locked &&
	echo "$lock_reason" >expect &&
	test_cmp expect .git/worktrees/orphan-with-lock-reason/locked

# Note: Quoted arguments containing spaces are not supported.
test_wt_add_orphan_hint () {
	local context="$1" &&
	local use_branch="$2" &&
	shift 2 &&
	local opts="$*" &&
	test_expect_success "'worktree add' show orphan hint in bad/orphan HEAD w/ $context" '
		test_when_finished "rm -rf repo" &&
		git init repo &&
		(cd repo && test_commit commit) &&
		git -C repo switch --orphan noref &&
		test_must_fail git -C repo worktree add $opts foobar/ 2>actual &&
		! grep "error: unknown switch" actual &&
		grep "hint: If you meant to create a worktree containing a new unborn branch" actual &&
		if [ $use_branch -eq 1 ]
			grep -E "^hint: +git worktree add --orphan -b [^ ]+ [^ ]+$" actual
			grep -E "^hint: +git worktree add --orphan [^ ]+$" actual


test_wt_add_orphan_hint 'no opts' 0
test_wt_add_orphan_hint '-b' 1 -b foobar_branch
test_wt_add_orphan_hint '-B' 1 -B foobar_branch

test_expect_success "'worktree add' doesn't show orphan hint in bad/orphan HEAD w/ --quiet" '
	test_when_finished "rm -rf repo" &&
	git init repo &&
	(cd repo && test_commit commit) &&
	test_must_fail git -C repo worktree add --quiet foobar_branch foobar/ 2>actual &&
	! grep "error: unknown switch" actual &&
	! grep "hint: If you meant to create a worktree containing a new unborn branch" actual

test_expect_success 'local clone from linked checkout' '
	git clone --local here here-clone &&
	( cd here-clone && git fsck )

test_expect_success 'local clone --shared from linked checkout' '
	git -C bare worktree add --detach ../baretree &&
	git clone --local --shared baretree bare-clone &&
	grep /bare/ bare-clone/.git/objects/info/alternates

test_expect_success '"add" worktree with --no-checkout' '
	git worktree add --no-checkout -b swamp swamp &&
	! test -e swamp/init.t &&
	git -C swamp reset --hard &&
	test_cmp init.t swamp/init.t

test_expect_success '"add" worktree with --checkout' '
	git worktree add --checkout -b swmap2 swamp2 &&
	test_cmp init.t swamp2/init.t

test_expect_success 'put a worktree under rebase' '
	git worktree add under-rebase &&
		cd under-rebase &&
		set_fake_editor &&
		FAKE_LINES="edit 1" git rebase -i HEAD^ &&
		git worktree list >actual &&
		grep "under-rebase.*detached HEAD" actual

test_expect_success 'add a worktree, checking out a rebased branch' '
	test_must_fail git worktree add new-rebase under-rebase &&
	! test -d new-rebase

test_expect_success 'checking out a rebased branch from another worktree' '
	git worktree add new-place &&
	test_must_fail git -C new-place checkout under-rebase

test_expect_success 'not allow to delete a branch under rebase' '
		cd under-rebase &&
		test_must_fail git branch -D under-rebase

test_expect_success 'rename a branch under rebase not allowed' '
	test_must_fail git branch -M under-rebase rebase-with-new-name

test_expect_success 'check out from current worktree branch ok' '
		cd under-rebase &&
		git checkout under-rebase &&
		git checkout - &&
		git rebase --abort

test_expect_success 'checkout a branch under bisect' '
	git worktree add under-bisect &&
		cd under-bisect &&
		git bisect start &&
		git bisect bad &&
		git bisect good HEAD~2 &&
		git worktree list >actual &&
		grep "under-bisect.*detached HEAD" actual &&
		test_must_fail git worktree add new-bisect under-bisect &&
		! test -d new-bisect

test_expect_success 'rename a branch under bisect not allowed' '
	test_must_fail git branch -M under-bisect bisect-with-new-name
# Is branch "refs/heads/$1" set to pull from "$2/$3"?
test_branch_upstream () {
	printf "%s\n" "$2" "refs/heads/$3" >expect.upstream &&
		git config "branch.$1.remote" &&
		git config "branch.$1.merge"
	} >actual.upstream &&
	test_cmp expect.upstream actual.upstream

test_expect_success '--track sets up tracking' '
	test_when_finished rm -rf track &&
	git worktree add --track -b track track main &&
	test_branch_upstream track . main

# setup remote repository $1 and repository $2 with $1 set up as
# remote.  The remote has two branches, main and foo.
setup_remote_repo () {
	git init $1 &&
		cd $1 &&
		test_commit $1_main &&
		git checkout -b foo &&
		test_commit upstream_foo
	) &&
	git init $2 &&
		cd $2 &&
		test_commit $2_main &&
		git remote add $1 ../$1 &&
		git config remote.$1.fetch \
			"refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/$1/*" &&
		git fetch --all

test_expect_success '"add" <path> <remote/branch> w/ no HEAD' '
	test_when_finished rm -rf repo_upstream repo_local foo &&
	setup_remote_repo repo_upstream repo_local &&
	git -C repo_local config --bool core.bare true &&
	git -C repo_local branch -D main &&
	git -C repo_local worktree add ./foo repo_upstream/foo

test_expect_success '--no-track avoids setting up tracking' '
	test_when_finished rm -rf repo_upstream repo_local foo &&
	setup_remote_repo repo_upstream repo_local &&
		cd repo_local &&
		git worktree add --no-track -b foo ../foo repo_upstream/foo
	) &&
		cd foo &&
		test_must_fail git config "" &&
		test_must_fail git config "" &&
		test_cmp_rev refs/remotes/repo_upstream/foo refs/heads/foo

test_expect_success '"add" <path> <non-existent-branch> fails' '
	test_must_fail git worktree add foo non-existent

test_expect_success '"add" <path> <branch> dwims' '
	test_when_finished rm -rf repo_upstream repo_dwim foo &&
	setup_remote_repo repo_upstream repo_dwim &&
	git init repo_dwim &&
		cd repo_dwim &&
		git worktree add ../foo foo
	) &&
		cd foo &&
		test_branch_upstream foo repo_upstream foo &&
		test_cmp_rev refs/remotes/repo_upstream/foo refs/heads/foo

test_expect_success '"add" <path> <branch> dwims with checkout.defaultRemote' '
	test_when_finished rm -rf repo_upstream repo_dwim foo &&
	setup_remote_repo repo_upstream repo_dwim &&
	git init repo_dwim &&
		cd repo_dwim &&
		git remote add repo_upstream2 ../repo_upstream &&
		git fetch repo_upstream2 &&
		test_must_fail git worktree add ../foo foo &&
		git -c checkout.defaultRemote=repo_upstream worktree add ../foo foo &&
		git status -uno --porcelain >status.actual &&
		test_must_be_empty status.actual
	) &&
		cd foo &&
		test_branch_upstream foo repo_upstream foo &&
		test_cmp_rev refs/remotes/repo_upstream/foo refs/heads/foo

test_expect_success 'git worktree add does not match remote' '
	test_when_finished rm -rf repo_a repo_b foo &&
	setup_remote_repo repo_a repo_b &&
		cd repo_b &&
		git worktree add ../foo
	) &&
		cd foo &&
		test_must_fail git config "" &&
		test_must_fail git config "" &&
		test_cmp_rev ! refs/remotes/repo_a/foo refs/heads/foo

test_expect_success 'git worktree add --guess-remote sets up tracking' '
	test_when_finished rm -rf repo_a repo_b foo &&
	setup_remote_repo repo_a repo_b &&
		cd repo_b &&
		git worktree add --guess-remote ../foo
	) &&
		cd foo &&
		test_branch_upstream foo repo_a foo &&
		test_cmp_rev refs/remotes/repo_a/foo refs/heads/foo
test_expect_success 'git worktree add --guess-remote sets up tracking (quiet)' '
	test_when_finished rm -rf repo_a repo_b foo &&
	setup_remote_repo repo_a repo_b &&
		cd repo_b &&
		git worktree add --quiet --guess-remote ../foo 2>actual &&
		test_must_be_empty actual
	) &&
		cd foo &&
		test_branch_upstream foo repo_a foo &&
		test_cmp_rev refs/remotes/repo_a/foo refs/heads/foo

test_expect_success 'git worktree --no-guess-remote (quiet)' '
	test_when_finished rm -rf repo_a repo_b foo &&
	setup_remote_repo repo_a repo_b &&
		cd repo_b &&
		git worktree add --quiet --no-guess-remote ../foo
	) &&
		cd foo &&
		test_must_fail git config "" &&
		test_must_fail git config "" &&
		test_cmp_rev ! refs/remotes/repo_a/foo refs/heads/foo

test_expect_success 'git worktree add with worktree.guessRemote sets up tracking' '
	test_when_finished rm -rf repo_a repo_b foo &&
	setup_remote_repo repo_a repo_b &&
		cd repo_b &&
		git config worktree.guessRemote true &&
		git worktree add ../foo
	) &&
		cd foo &&
		test_branch_upstream foo repo_a foo &&
		test_cmp_rev refs/remotes/repo_a/foo refs/heads/foo

test_expect_success 'git worktree --no-guess-remote option overrides config' '
	test_when_finished rm -rf repo_a repo_b foo &&
	setup_remote_repo repo_a repo_b &&
		cd repo_b &&
		git config worktree.guessRemote true &&
		git worktree add --no-guess-remote ../foo
	) &&
		cd foo &&
		test_must_fail git config "" &&
		test_must_fail git config "" &&
		test_cmp_rev ! refs/remotes/repo_a/foo refs/heads/foo

test_dwim_orphan () {
	local info_text="No possible source branch, inferring '--orphan'" &&
	local fetch_error_text="fatal: No local or remote refs exist despite at least one remote" &&
	local orphan_hint="hint: If you meant to create a worktree containing a new unborn branch" &&
	local invalid_ref_regex="^fatal: invalid reference: " &&
	local bad_combo_regex="^fatal: options '[-a-z]*' and '[-a-z]*' cannot be used together" &&

	local git_ns="repo" &&
	local dashc_args="-C $git_ns" &&
	local use_cd=0 &&

	local bad_head=0 &&
	local empty_repo=1 &&
	local local_ref=0 &&
	local use_quiet=0 &&
	local remote=0 &&
	local remote_ref=0 &&
	local use_detach=0 &&
	local use_new_branch=0 &&

	local outcome="$1" &&
	local outcome_text &&
	local success &&
	shift &&
	local args="" &&
	local context="" &&
	case "$outcome" in
		success=1 &&
		outcome_text='"add" DWIM infer --orphan'
		success=1 &&
		outcome_text='"add" DWIM doesnt infer --orphan'
		success=0 &&
		outcome_text='"add" error need fetch'
		success=0 &&
		outcome_text='"add" error inferred "--orphan" gives illegal opts combo'
		success=0 &&
		outcome_text='"add" error, warn on bad HEAD, hint use orphan'
		echo "test_dwim_orphan(): invalid outcome: '$outcome'" >&2 &&
		return 1
	esac &&
	while [ $# -gt 0 ]
		case "$1" in
		# How and from where to create the worktree
			use_cd=0 &&
			git_ns="repo" &&
			dashc_args="-C $git_ns" &&
			context="$context, 'git -C repo'"
			use_cd=0 &&
			git_ns="wt" &&
			dashc_args="-C $git_ns" &&
			context="$context, 'git -C wt'"
			use_cd=1 &&
			git_ns="repo" &&
			dashc_args="" &&
			context="$context, 'cd repo && git'"
			use_cd=1 &&
			git_ns="wt" &&
			dashc_args="" &&
			context="$context, 'cd wt && git'"

		# Bypass the "pull first" warning
			args="$args --force" &&
			context="$context, --force"

		# Try to use remote refs when DWIM
			args="$args --guess-remote" &&
			context="$context, --guess-remote"
			args="$args --no-guess-remote" &&
			context="$context, --no-guess-remote"

		# Whether there is at least one local branch present
			empty_repo=0 &&
			local_ref=1 &&
			context="$context, >=1 local branches"
			empty_repo=0 &&
			context="$context, 0 local branches"

		# Whether the HEAD points at a valid ref (skip this opt when no refs)
			# requires: local_ref
			context="$context, valid HEAD"
			bad_head=1 &&
			context="$context, invalid (or orphan) HEAD"

		# Whether the code path is tested with the base add command, -b, or --detach
			use_new_branch=0 &&
			context="$context, no --branch"
			use_new_branch=1 &&
			context="$context, --branch"
			use_detach=1 &&
			context="$context, --detach"

		# Whether to check that all output is suppressed (except errors)
		# or that the output is as expected
			use_quiet=1 &&
			args="$args --quiet" &&
			context="$context, --quiet"
			use_quiet=0 &&
			context="$context, no --quiet (expect output)"

		# Whether there is at least one remote attached to the repo
			empty_repo=0 &&
			remote=1 &&
			context="$context, >=1 remotes"
			empty_repo=0 &&
			remote=0 &&
			context="$context, 0 remotes"

		# Whether there is at least one valid remote ref
			# requires: remote
			empty_repo=0 &&
			remote_ref=1 &&
			context="$context, >=1 fetched remote branches"
			empty_repo=0 &&
			remote_ref=0 &&
			context="$context, 0 fetched remote branches"

		# Options or flags that become illegal when --orphan is inferred
			args="$args --no-checkout" &&
			context="$context, --no-checkout"
			args="$args --track" &&
			context="$context, --track"

		# All other options are illegal
			echo "test_dwim_orphan(): invalid arg: '$1'" >&2 &&
			return 1
		esac &&
	done &&
	context="${context#', '}" &&
	if [ $use_new_branch -eq 1 ]
		args="$args -b foo"
	elif [ $use_detach -eq 1 ]
		args="$args --detach"
		context="DWIM (no --branch), $context"
	fi &&
	if [ $empty_repo -eq 1 ]
		context="empty repo, $context"
	fi &&
	args="$args ../foo" &&
	context="${context%', '}" &&
	test_expect_success "$outcome_text w/ $context" '
		test_when_finished "rm -rf repo" &&
		git init repo &&
		if [ $local_ref -eq 1 ] && [ "$git_ns" = "repo" ]
			(cd repo && test_commit commit) &&
			if [ $bad_head -eq 1 ]
				git -C repo symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/badbranch
		elif [ $local_ref -eq 1 ] && [ "$git_ns" = "wt" ]
			test_when_finished "git -C repo worktree remove -f ../wt" &&
			git -C repo worktree add --orphan -b main ../wt &&
			(cd wt && test_commit commit) &&
			if [ $bad_head -eq 1 ]
				git -C wt symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/badbranch
		elif [ $local_ref -eq 0 ] && [ "$git_ns" = "wt" ]
			test_when_finished "git -C repo worktree remove -f ../wt" &&
			git -C repo worktree add --orphan -b orphanbranch ../wt
		fi &&

		if [ $remote -eq 1 ]
			test_when_finished "rm -rf upstream" &&
			git init upstream &&
			(cd upstream && test_commit commit) &&
			git -C upstream switch -c foo &&
			git -C repo remote add upstream ../upstream
		fi &&

		if [ $remote_ref -eq 1 ]
			git -C repo fetch
		fi &&
		if [ $success -eq 1 ]
			test_when_finished git -C repo worktree remove ../foo
		fi &&
			if [ $use_cd -eq 1 ]
				cd $git_ns
			fi &&
			if [ "$outcome" = "infer" ]
				git $dashc_args worktree add $args 2>actual &&
				if [ $use_quiet -eq 1 ]
					test_must_be_empty actual
					grep "$info_text" actual
			elif [ "$outcome" = "no_infer" ]
				git $dashc_args worktree add $args 2>actual &&
				if [ $use_quiet -eq 1 ]
					test_must_be_empty actual
					! grep "$info_text" actual
			elif [ "$outcome" = "fetch_error" ]
				test_must_fail git $dashc_args worktree add $args 2>actual &&
				grep "$fetch_error_text" actual
			elif [ "$outcome" = "fatal_orphan_bad_combo" ]
				test_must_fail git $dashc_args worktree add $args 2>actual &&
				if [ $use_quiet -eq 1 ]
					! grep "$info_text" actual
					grep "$info_text" actual
				fi &&
				grep "$bad_combo_regex" actual
			elif [ "$outcome" = "warn_bad_head" ]
				test_must_fail git $dashc_args worktree add $args 2>actual &&
				if [ $use_quiet -eq 1 ]
					grep "$invalid_ref_regex" actual &&
					! grep "$orphan_hint" actual
					headpath=$(git $dashc_args rev-parse --path-format=absolute --git-path HEAD) &&
					headcontents=$(cat "$headpath") &&
					grep "HEAD points to an invalid (or orphaned) reference" actual &&
					grep "HEAD path: .$headpath." actual &&
					grep "HEAD contents: .$headcontents." actual &&
					grep "$orphan_hint" actual &&
					! grep "$info_text" actual
				fi &&
				grep "$invalid_ref_regex" actual
				# Unreachable
		) &&
		if [ $success -ne 1 ]
			test_path_is_missing foo

for quiet_mode in "no_quiet" "quiet"
	for changedir_type in "cd_repo" "cd_wt" "-C_repo" "-C_wt"
		dwim_test_args="$quiet_mode $changedir_type"
		test_dwim_orphan 'infer' $dwim_test_args no_-b
		test_dwim_orphan 'no_infer' $dwim_test_args no_-b local_ref good_head
		test_dwim_orphan 'infer' $dwim_test_args no_-b no_local_ref no_remote no_remote_ref no_guess_remote
		test_dwim_orphan 'infer' $dwim_test_args no_-b no_local_ref remote no_remote_ref no_guess_remote
		test_dwim_orphan 'fetch_error' $dwim_test_args no_-b no_local_ref remote no_remote_ref guess_remote
		test_dwim_orphan 'infer' $dwim_test_args no_-b no_local_ref remote no_remote_ref guess_remote force
		test_dwim_orphan 'no_infer' $dwim_test_args no_-b no_local_ref remote remote_ref guess_remote

		test_dwim_orphan 'infer' $dwim_test_args -b
		test_dwim_orphan 'no_infer' $dwim_test_args -b local_ref good_head
		test_dwim_orphan 'infer' $dwim_test_args -b no_local_ref no_remote no_remote_ref no_guess_remote
		test_dwim_orphan 'infer' $dwim_test_args -b no_local_ref remote no_remote_ref no_guess_remote
		test_dwim_orphan 'infer' $dwim_test_args -b no_local_ref remote no_remote_ref guess_remote
		test_dwim_orphan 'infer' $dwim_test_args -b no_local_ref remote remote_ref guess_remote

		test_dwim_orphan 'warn_bad_head' $dwim_test_args no_-b local_ref bad_head
		test_dwim_orphan 'warn_bad_head' $dwim_test_args -b local_ref bad_head
		test_dwim_orphan 'warn_bad_head' $dwim_test_args detach local_ref bad_head

	test_dwim_orphan 'fatal_orphan_bad_combo' $quiet_mode no_-b no_checkout
	test_dwim_orphan 'fatal_orphan_bad_combo' $quiet_mode no_-b track
	test_dwim_orphan 'fatal_orphan_bad_combo' $quiet_mode -b no_checkout
	test_dwim_orphan 'fatal_orphan_bad_combo' $quiet_mode -b track

post_checkout_hook () {
	test_when_finished "rm -rf .git/hooks" &&
	mkdir .git/hooks &&
	test_hook -C "$1" post-checkout <<-\EOF
		echo $*
		git rev-parse --git-dir --show-toplevel
	} >hook.actual

test_expect_success '"add" invokes post-checkout hook (branch)' '
	post_checkout_hook &&
		echo $ZERO_OID $(git rev-parse HEAD) 1 &&
		echo $(pwd)/.git/worktrees/gumby &&
		echo $(pwd)/gumby
	} >hook.expect &&
	git worktree add gumby &&
	test_cmp hook.expect gumby/hook.actual

test_expect_success '"add" invokes post-checkout hook (detached)' '
	post_checkout_hook &&
		echo $ZERO_OID $(git rev-parse HEAD) 1 &&
		echo $(pwd)/.git/worktrees/grumpy &&
		echo $(pwd)/grumpy
	} >hook.expect &&
	git worktree add --detach grumpy &&
	test_cmp hook.expect grumpy/hook.actual

test_expect_success '"add --no-checkout" suppresses post-checkout hook' '
	post_checkout_hook &&
	rm -f hook.actual &&
	git worktree add --no-checkout gloopy &&
	test_path_is_missing gloopy/hook.actual

test_expect_success '"add" in other worktree invokes post-checkout hook' '
	post_checkout_hook &&
		echo $ZERO_OID $(git rev-parse HEAD) 1 &&
		echo $(pwd)/.git/worktrees/guppy &&
		echo $(pwd)/guppy
	} >hook.expect &&
	git -C gloopy worktree add --detach ../guppy &&
	test_cmp hook.expect guppy/hook.actual

test_expect_success '"add" in bare repo invokes post-checkout hook' '
	rm -rf bare &&
	git clone --bare . bare &&
		echo $ZERO_OID $(git --git-dir=bare rev-parse HEAD) 1 &&
		echo $(pwd)/bare/worktrees/goozy &&
		echo $(pwd)/goozy
	} >hook.expect &&
	post_checkout_hook bare &&
	git -C bare worktree add --detach ../goozy &&
	test_cmp hook.expect goozy/hook.actual

test_expect_success '"add" an existing but missing worktree' '
	git worktree add --detach pneu &&
	test_must_fail git worktree add --detach pneu &&
	rm -fr pneu &&
	test_must_fail git worktree add --detach pneu &&
	git worktree add --force --detach pneu

test_expect_success '"add" an existing locked but missing worktree' '
	git worktree add --detach gnoo &&
	git worktree lock gnoo &&
	test_when_finished "git worktree unlock gnoo || :" &&
	rm -fr gnoo &&
	test_must_fail git worktree add --detach gnoo &&
	test_must_fail git worktree add --force --detach gnoo &&
	git worktree add --force --force --detach gnoo

test_expect_success '"add" not tripped up by magic worktree matching"' '
	# if worktree "sub1/bar" exists, "git worktree add bar" in distinct
	# directory `sub2` should not mistakenly complain that `bar` is an
	# already-registered worktree
	mkdir sub1 sub2 &&
	git -C sub1 --git-dir=../.git worktree add --detach bozo &&
	git -C sub2 --git-dir=../.git worktree add --detach bozo

test_expect_success FUNNYNAMES 'sanitize generated worktree name' '
	git worktree add --detach ".  weird*..?.lock.lock" &&
	test -d .git/worktrees/---weird-.-

test_expect_success '"add" should not fail because of another bad worktree' '
	git init add-fail &&
		cd add-fail &&
		test_commit first &&
		mkdir sub &&
		git worktree add sub/to-be-deleted &&
		rm -rf sub &&
		git worktree add second

test_expect_success '"add" with uninitialized submodule, with submodule.recurse unset' '
	test_config_global protocol.file.allow always &&
	test_create_repo submodule &&
	test_commit -C submodule first &&
	test_create_repo project &&
	git -C project submodule add ../submodule &&
	git -C project add submodule &&
	test_tick &&
	git -C project commit -m add_sub &&
	git clone project project-clone &&
	git -C project-clone worktree add ../project-2
test_expect_success '"add" with uninitialized submodule, with submodule.recurse set' '
	git -C project-clone -c submodule.recurse worktree add ../project-3

test_expect_success '"add" with initialized submodule, with submodule.recurse unset' '
	test_config_global protocol.file.allow always &&
	git -C project-clone submodule update --init &&
	git -C project-clone worktree add ../project-4

test_expect_success '"add" with initialized submodule, with submodule.recurse set' '
	git -C project-clone -c submodule.recurse worktree add ../project-5
