
Copyright 2020 Google LLC

Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at

#include "basics.h"

void put_be24(uint8_t *out, uint32_t i)

uint32_t get_be24(uint8_t *in)

void put_be16(uint8_t *out, uint16_t i)

size_t binsearch(size_t sz, int (*f)(size_t k, void *args), void *args)

void free_names(char **a)

size_t names_length(const char **names)

void parse_names(char *buf, int size, char ***namesp)

int names_equal(const char **a, const char **b)

int common_prefix_size(struct strbuf *a, struct strbuf *b)