
var goroot

var compiler

var assembler

var linker

var runRE

var is6g

var needCompilingRuntimeFlag

var flagGoCmd

var flagAlloc

var flagObj

var flagCompiler

var flagAssembler

var flagCompilerFlags

var flagLinker

var flagLinkerFlags

var flagRun

var flagCount

var flagCpuprofile

var flagMemprofile

var flagMemprofilerate

var flagPackage

var flagShort

var flagTrace

type test

type runner

var tests

func usage() {}

func main() {}

func toolPath(names ...string) (found, path string) {}

type Pkg

func goList(dir string) (*Pkg, error) {}

func runCmd(name string, cmd *exec.Cmd) error {}

type goBuild

func (goBuild) long() bool {}

func (r goBuild) run(name string, count int) error {}

type size

func (r size) long() bool {}

func (r size) run(name string, count int) error {}

type compile

func (compile) long() bool {}

func (c compile) run(name string, count int) error {}

type link

func (link) long() bool {}

func (r link) run(name string, count int) error {}

// runBuildCmd runs "tool args..." in dir, measures standard build
// tool metrics, and prints a benchmark line. The caller may print
// additional metrics and then must print a newline.
// This assumes tool accepts standard build tool flags like
// -memprofilerate, -memprofile, and -cpuprofile.
func runBuildCmd(name string, count int, dir, tool string, args []string) error {}

func checkCompilingRuntimeFlag(assembler string) error {}

// genSymAbisFile runs the assembler on the target package asm files
// with "-gensymabis" to produce a symabis file that will feed into
// the Go source compilation. This is fairly hacky in that if the
// asm invocation convention changes it will need to be updated
// (hopefully that will not be needed too frequently).
func genSymAbisFile(pkg *Pkg, symAbisFile, incdir string) error {}

// genImportcfgFile generates an importcfg file for building package
// dir. Returns the generated importcfg file path (or empty string
// if the package has no dependency).
func genImportcfgFile(dir string, flags string, full bool) (string, error) {}