
func iexport(fset *token.FileSet, version int, pkg *types.Package) ([]byte, error) {}

func TestIExportData_stdlib(t *testing.T) {}

func testIExportData_stdlib(t *testing.T) {}

// testPkgData imports a package from export data and compares it with pkg.
func testPkgData(t *testing.T, fset *token.FileSet, version int, pkg *types.Package, exportdata []byte) *types.Package {}

func testPkg(t *testing.T, fset *token.FileSet, version int, pkg *types.Package, fset2 *token.FileSet, pkg2 *types.Package) {}

// TestIExportData_long tests the position of an import object declared in
// a very long input file.  Line numbers greater than maxlines are
// reported as line 1, not garbage or token.NoPos.
func TestIExportData_long(t *testing.T) {}

func TestIExportData_typealiases(t *testing.T) {}

func testIExportData_typealiases(t *testing.T) {}

// cmpObj reports how x and y differ. They are assumed to belong to different
// universes so cannot be compared directly. It is an adapted version of
// equalObj in bexport_test.go.
func cmpObj(x, y types.Object) error {}

const mpprec

// same compares non-complex numeric values and reports if they are approximately equal.
func same(x, y constant.Value) bool {}

// copy of the function with the same name in iexport.go.
func constantToFloat(x constant.Value) *big.Float {}

// copy of the function with the same name in iexport.go.
func valueToRat(x constant.Value) *big.Rat {}

// This is a regression test for a bug in iexport of types.Struct:
// unexported fields were losing their implicit package qualifier.
func TestUnexportedStructFields(t *testing.T) {}

type importerFunc

func (f importerFunc) Import(path string) (*types.Package, error) {}

// TestIExportDataTypeParameterizedAliases tests IExportData
// on both declarations and uses of type parameterized aliases.
func TestIExportDataTypeParameterizedAliases(t *testing.T) {}