
// addrToByteRange evaluates the given address starting at offset start in data.
// It returns the lo and hi byte offset of the matched region within data.
func addrToByteRange(addr string, start int, data []byte) (lo, hi int, err error) {}

// addrNumber applies the given dir, n, and charOffset to the address lo, hi.
// dir is '+' or '-', n is the count, and charOffset is true if the syntax
// used was #n.  Applying +n (or +#n) means to advance n lines
// (or characters) after hi.  Applying -n (or -#n) means to back up n lines
// (or characters) before lo.
// The return value is the new lo, hi.
func addrNumber(data []byte, lo, hi int, dir byte, n int, charOffset bool) (int, int, error) {}

// addrRegexp searches for pattern in the given direction starting at lo, hi.
// The direction dir is '+' (search forward from hi) or '-' (search backward from lo).
// Backward searches are unimplemented.
func addrRegexp(data []byte, lo, hi int, dir byte, pattern string) (int, int, error) {}