
var typeNames

var output

var trimprefix

var linecomment

var buildTags

// Usage is a replacement usage function for the flags package.
func Usage() {}

func main() {}

// baseName that will put the generated code together with pkg.
func baseName(pkg *Package, typename string) string {}

// isDirectory reports whether the named file is a directory.
func isDirectory(name string) bool {}

type Generator

func (g *Generator) Printf(format string, args ...interface{}

type File

type Package

// loadPackages analyzes the single package constructed from the patterns and tags.
// loadPackages exits if there is an error.
// Returns all variants (such as tests) of the package.
// logf is a test logging hook. It can be nil when not testing.
func loadPackages(
	patterns, tags []string,
	trimPrefix string, lineComment bool,
	logf func(format string, args ...interface{}

func findValues(typeName string, pkg *Package) []Value {}

// generate produces the String method for the named type.
func (g *Generator) generate(typeName string, values []Value) {}

// splitIntoRuns breaks the values into runs of contiguous sequences.
// For example, given 1,2,3,5,6,7 it returns {1,2,3},{5,6,7}.
// The input slice is known to be non-empty.
func splitIntoRuns(values []Value) [][]Value {}

// format returns the gofmt-ed contents of the Generator's buffer.
func (g *Generator) format() []byte {}

type Value

func (v *Value) String() string {}

type byValue

func (b byValue) Len() int      {}

func (b byValue) Swap(i, j int) {}

func (b byValue) Less(i, j int) bool {}

// genDecl processes one declaration clause.
func (f *File) genDecl(node ast.Node) bool {}

// usize returns the number of bits of the smallest unsigned integer
// type that will hold n. Used to create the smallest possible slice of
// integers to use as indexes into the concatenated strings.
func usize(n int) int {}

// declareIndexAndNameVars declares the index slices and concatenated names
// strings representing the runs of values.
func (g *Generator) declareIndexAndNameVars(runs [][]Value, typeName string) {}

// declareIndexAndNameVar is the single-run version of declareIndexAndNameVars
func (g *Generator) declareIndexAndNameVar(run []Value, typeName string) {}

// createIndexAndNameDecl returns the pair of declarations for the run. The caller will add "const" and "var".
func (g *Generator) createIndexAndNameDecl(run []Value, typeName string, suffix string) (string, string) {}

// declareNameVars declares the concatenated names string representing all the values in the runs.
func (g *Generator) declareNameVars(runs [][]Value, typeName string, suffix string) {}

// buildOneRun generates the variables and String method for a single run of contiguous values.
func (g *Generator) buildOneRun(runs [][]Value, typeName string) {}

const stringOneRun

const stringOneRunWithOffset

// buildMultipleRuns generates the variables and String method for multiple runs of contiguous values.
// For this pattern, a single Printf format won't do.
func (g *Generator) buildMultipleRuns(runs [][]Value, typeName string) {}

// buildMap handles the case where the space is so sparse a map is a reasonable fallback.
// It's a rare situation but has simple code.
func (g *Generator) buildMap(runs [][]Value, typeName string) {}

const stringMap