
const defaultAddr

var zipfile

var writeIndex

var httpAddr

var urlFlag

var verbose

var goroot

var showTimestamps

var templateDir

var showPlayground

var declLinks

var indexEnabled

var indexFiles

var indexInterval

var maxResults

var indexThrottle

var notesRx

type httpResponseRecorder

func (w *httpResponseRecorder) Header() http.Header         {}

func (w *httpResponseRecorder) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {}

func (w *httpResponseRecorder) WriteHeader(code int)        {}

func usage() {}

func loggingHandler(h http.Handler) http.Handler {}

func handleURLFlag() {}

func initCorpus(corpus *godoc.Corpus) {}

func main() {}

// goMod returns the go env GOMOD value in the current directory
// by invoking the go command.
// GOMOD is documented at
//	The absolute path to the go.mod of the main module,
//	or the empty string if not using modules.
func goMod() (string, error) {}

// fillModuleCache does a best-effort attempt to fill the module cache
// with all dependencies of the main module in the current directory
// by invoking the go command. Module download logs are streamed to w.
// If there are any problems encountered, they are also written to w.
// It should only be used in module mode, when vendor mode isn't on.
// See
func fillModuleCache(w io.Writer, goMod string) {}

type mod

// buildList determines the build list in the current directory
// by invoking the go command. It should only be used in module mode,
// when vendor mode isn't on.
// See
func buildList(goMod string) ([]mod, error) {}

type moduleFS

func (moduleFS) RootType(path string) vfs.RootType {}

func (fs moduleFS) String() string {}