
const pageAlign

func note(format string, why ...interface{}

func fail(format string, why ...interface{}

// splitdwarf inputexe [ outputdwarf ]
func main() {}

// CreateMmapFile creates the file 'outDwarf' of the specified size, mmaps that file,
// and returns the file descriptor and mapped buffer.
func CreateMmapFile(outDwarf string, size int64) (*os.File, []byte) {}

func describe(exem *macho.FileTOC) {}

// contentuuid returns a UUID derived from (some of) the content of an executable.
// specifically included are the non-DWARF sections, specifically excluded are things
// that surely depend on the presence or absence of DWARF sections (e.g., section
// numbers, positions with file, number of load commands).
// (It was considered desirable if this was insensitive to the presence of the
// __DWARF segment, however because it is not last, it moves other segments,
// whose contents appear to contain file offset references.)
func contentuuid(exem *macho.FileTOC) []byte {}