
type sequences

type stringSeqs

func (s stringSeqs) lengths() (int, int) {}

func (s stringSeqs) commonPrefixLen(ai, aj, bi, bj int) int {}

func (s stringSeqs) commonSuffixLen(ai, aj, bi, bj int) int {}

type bytesSeqs

func (s bytesSeqs) lengths() (int, int) {}

func (s bytesSeqs) commonPrefixLen(ai, aj, bi, bj int) int {}

func (s bytesSeqs) commonSuffixLen(ai, aj, bi, bj int) int {}

type runesSeqs

func (s runesSeqs) lengths() (int, int) {}

func (s runesSeqs) commonPrefixLen(ai, aj, bi, bj int) int {}

func (s runesSeqs) commonSuffixLen(ai, aj, bi, bj int) int {}

// commonPrefixLen* returns the length of the common prefix of a[ai:aj] and b[bi:bj].
func commonPrefixLenBytes(a, b []byte) int {}

func commonPrefixLenRunes(a, b []rune) int {}

func commonPrefixLenString(a, b string) int {}

// commonSuffixLen* returns the length of the common suffix of a[ai:aj] and b[bi:bj].
func commonSuffixLenBytes(a, b []byte) int {}

func commonSuffixLenRunes(a, b []rune) int {}

func commonSuffixLenString(a, b string) int {}

func min(x, y int) int {}