
var source

var verbose

var sources

var importers

var errImportFailed

func usage() {}

func report(msg string) {}

func main() {}

func logf(format string, args ...interface{}

// splitPathIdent splits a argument into its components.
// All but the last path element may contain dots.
func splitPathIdent(arg string) (path, name string) {}

// tryPrefixes tries to import the package given by (the possibly partial) path using the given importer imp
// by prepending all possible prefixes to path. It returns with the first package that it could import, or
// with an error.
func tryPrefixes(prefixes chan string, path string, imp types.Importer) (pkg *types.Package, err error) {}

type tryImporters

func (t *tryImporters) Import(path string) (pkg *types.Package, err error) {}

type protector

func (p *protector) Import(path string) (pkg *types.Package, err error) {}

// protect protects an importer imp from panics and returns the protected importer.
func protect(imp types.Importer) types.Importer {}

// register registers an importer imp for a given source src.
func register(src string, imp types.Importer) {}

// lookup returns the importer imp for a given source src.
func lookup(src string) types.Importer {}

func genPrefixes(out chan string, all bool) {}

func walkDir(dirname, prefix string, out chan string) {}