
func print(w io.Writer, pkg *types.Package, filter func(types.Object) bool) {}

type printer

func (p *printer) print(s string) {}

func (p *printer) printf(format string, args ...interface{}

// methodsFor returns the named type and corresponding methods if the type
// denoted by obj is not an interface and has methods. Otherwise it returns
// the zero value.
func methodsFor(obj *types.TypeName) (*types.Named, []*types.Selection) {}

func (p *printer) printPackage(pkg *types.Package, filter func(types.Object) bool) {}

func (p *printer) printDecl(keyword string, n int, printGroup func()) {}

// absInt returns the absolute value of v as a *big.Int.
// v must be a numeric value.
func absInt(v constant.Value) *big.Int {}

var one

var ten

// floatString returns the string representation for a
// numeric value v in normalized floating-point format.
func floatString(v constant.Value) string {}

// valString returns the string representation for the value v.
// Setting floatFmt forces an integer value to be formatted in
// normalized floating-point format.
// TODO(gri) Move this code into package constant.
func valString(v constant.Value, floatFmt bool) string {}

func (p *printer) printObj(obj types.Object) {}

func (p *printer) printFunc(recvType types.Type, obj *types.Func) {}

// combinedMethodSet returns the method set for a named type T
// merged with all the methods of *T that have different names than
// the methods of T.
// combinedMethodSet is analogous to types/typeutil.IntuitiveMethodSet
// but doesn't require a MethodSetCache.
// TODO(gri) If this functionality doesn't change over time, consider
// just calling IntuitiveMethodSet eventually.
func combinedMethodSet(T *types.Named) []*types.Selection {}