
type Conn

type conn

// NewConn creates a new connection object around the supplied stream.
func NewConn(s Stream) Conn {}

func (c *conn) Notify(ctx context.Context, method string, params interface{}

func (c *conn) Call(ctx context.Context, method string, params, result interface{}

func (c *conn) replier(req Request, spanDone func()) Replier {}

func (c *conn) write(ctx context.Context, msg Message) (int64, error) {}

func (c *conn) Go(ctx context.Context, handler Handler) {}

func (c *conn) run(ctx context.Context, handler Handler) {}

func (c *conn) Close() error {}

func (c *conn) Done() <-chan struct{}

func (c *conn) Err() error {}

// fail sets a failure condition on the stream and closes it.
func (c *conn) fail(err error) {}

func recordStatus(ctx context.Context, err error) {}