
func usage() {}

var doc

func main() {}

type nodelist

func (l nodelist) println(sep string) {}

type nodeset

func (s nodeset) sort() nodelist {}

func (s nodeset) addAll(x nodeset) {}

type graph

func (g graph) addNode(node string) nodeset {}

func (g graph) addEdges(from string, to ...string) {}

func (g graph) nodelist() nodelist {}

func (g graph) reachableFrom(roots nodeset) nodeset {}

func (g graph) transpose() graph {}

func (g graph) sccs() []nodeset {}

func (g graph) allpaths(from, to string) error {}

func (g graph) somepath(from, to string) error {}

func (g graph) toDot(w *bytes.Buffer) {}

func parse(rd io.Reader) (graph, error) {}

var stdin

var stdout

func digraph(cmd string, args []string) error {}

// split splits a line into words, which are generally separated by
// spaces, but Go-style double-quoted string literals are also supported.
// (This approximates the behaviour of the Bourne shell.)
//	`one "two three"` -> ["one" "two three"]
//	`a"\n"b` -> ["a\nb"]
func split(line string) ([]string, error) {}

// quotedLength returns the length in bytes of the prefix of input that
// contain a possibly-valid double-quoted Go string literal.
// On success, n is at least two (""); input[:n] may be passed to
// strconv.Unquote to interpret its value, and input[n:] contains the
// rest of the input.
// On failure, quotedLength returns false, and the entire input can be
// passed to strconv.Unquote if an informative error message is desired.
// quotedLength does not and need not detect all errors, such as
// invalid hex or octal escape sequences, since it assumes
// strconv.Unquote will be applied to the prefix.  It guarantees only
// that if there is a prefix of input containing a valid string literal,
// its length is returned.
// TODO(adonovan): move this into a strconv-like utility package.
func quotedLength(input string) (n int, ok bool) {}