
var doctype

var jsonStart

var jsonEnd

type Metadata

func (m *Metadata) FilePath() string {}

// extractMetadata extracts the Metadata from a byte slice.
// It returns the Metadata value and the remaining data.
// If no metadata is present the original byte slice is returned.
func extractMetadata(b []byte) (meta Metadata, tail []byte, err error) {}

// updateMetadata scans $GOROOT/doc for HTML and Markdown files, reads their metadata,
// and updates the DocMetadata map.
func (c *Corpus) updateMetadata() {}

// MetadataFor returns the *Metadata for a given relative path or nil if none
// exists.
func (c *Corpus) MetadataFor(relpath string) *Metadata {}

// refreshMetadata sends a signal to update DocMetadata. If a refresh is in
// progress the metadata will be refreshed again afterward.
func (c *Corpus) refreshMetadata() {}

// refreshMetadataLoop runs forever, updating DocMetadata when the underlying
// file system changes. It should be launched in a goroutine.
func (c *Corpus) refreshMetadataLoop() {}