
type apiVersions

type pkgAPIVersions

// sinceVersionFunc returns a string (such as "1.7") specifying which Go
// version introduced a symbol, unless it was introduced in Go1, in
// which case it returns the empty string.
// The kind is one of "type", "method", or "func".
// The receiver is only used for "methods" and specifies the receiver type,
// such as "*Server".
// The name is the symbol name ("Server") and the pkg is the package
// ("net/http").
func (v apiVersions) sinceVersionFunc(kind, receiver, name, pkg string) string {}

type versionedRow

type versionParser

// parseFile parses the named $GOROOT/api/goVERSION.txt file.
// For each row, it updates the corresponding entry in
// vp.res to VERSION, overwriting any previous value.
// As a special case, if goVERSION is "go1", it deletes
// from the map instead.
func (vp *versionParser) parseFile(name string) error {}

func parseRow(s string) (vr versionedRow, ok bool) {}

// InitVersionInfo parses the $GOROOT/api/go*.txt API definition files to discover
// which API features were added in which Go releases.
func (c *Corpus) InitVersionInfo() {}

func parsePackageAPIInfo() (apiVersions, error) {}