
type Options

type RootType

const RootUnknown

const RootGOROOT

const RootGOPATH

const RootCurrentModule

const RootModuleCache

const RootOther

type Root

// Walk concurrently walks Go source directories ($GOROOT, $GOPATH, etc) to find packages.
// For each package found, add will be called with the absolute
// paths of the containing source directory and the package directory.
// Unlike filepath.WalkDir, Walk follows symbolic links
// (while guarding against cycles).
func Walk(roots []Root, add func(root Root, dir string), opts Options) {}

// WalkSkip concurrently walks Go source directories ($GOROOT, $GOPATH, etc) to
// find packages.
// For each package found, add will be called with the absolute
// paths of the containing source directory and the package directory.
// For each directory that will be scanned, skip will be called
// with the absolute paths of the containing source directory and the directory.
// If skip returns false on a directory it will be processed.
// Unlike filepath.WalkDir, WalkSkip follows symbolic links
// (while guarding against cycles).
func WalkSkip(roots []Root, add func(root Root, dir string), skip func(root Root, dir string) bool, opts Options) {}

// walkDir creates a walker and starts fastwalk with this walker.
func walkDir(root Root, add func(Root, string), skip func(root Root, dir string) bool, opts Options) {}

type walker

type symlinkList

// init initializes the walker based on its Options
func (w *walker) init() {}

// getIgnoredDirs reads an optional config file at <path>/.goimportsignore
// of relative directories to ignore when scanning for go files.
// The provided path is one of the $GOPATH entries with "src" appended.
func (w *walker) getIgnoredDirs(path string) []string {}

// shouldSkipDir reports whether the file should be skipped or not.
func (w *walker) shouldSkipDir(dir string) bool {}

// walk walks through the given path.
// Errors are logged if w.opts.Logf is non-nil, but otherwise ignored.
func (w *walker) walk(path string, pathSymlinks *symlinkList, d fs.DirEntry) {}