
type Connector

type TCPServer

// NewTCPServer returns a new test server listening on local tcp port and
// serving incoming jsonrpc2 streams using the provided stream server. It
// panics on any error.
func NewTCPServer(ctx context.Context, server jsonrpc2.StreamServer, framer jsonrpc2.Framer) *TCPServer {}

// Connect dials the test server and returns a jsonrpc2 Connection that is
// ready for use.
func (s *TCPServer) Connect(_ context.Context) jsonrpc2.Conn {}

type PipeServer

// NewPipeServer returns a test server that can be connected to via io.Pipes.
func NewPipeServer(server jsonrpc2.StreamServer, framer jsonrpc2.Framer) *PipeServer {}

// Connect creates new io.Pipes and binds them to the underlying StreamServer.
func (s *PipeServer) Connect(ctx context.Context) jsonrpc2.Conn {}

type connList

func (l *connList) add(conn jsonrpc2.Conn) {}

func (l *connList) Close() error {}