
type LoadMode

const NeedName

const NeedFiles

const NeedCompiledGoFiles

const NeedImports

const NeedDeps

const NeedExportFile

const NeedTypes

const NeedSyntax

const NeedTypesInfo

const NeedTypesSizes

const needInternalDepsErrors

const NeedForTest

const typecheckCgo

const NeedModule

const NeedEmbedFiles

const NeedEmbedPatterns

const LoadFiles

const LoadImports

const LoadTypes

const LoadSyntax

const LoadAllSyntax

const NeedExportsFile

type Config

// Load loads and returns the Go packages named by the given patterns.
// The cfg parameter specifies loading options; nil behaves the same as an empty [Config].
// The [Config.Mode] field is a set of bits that determine what kinds
// of information should be computed and returned. Modes that require
// more information tend to be slower. See [LoadMode] for details
// and important caveats. Its zero value is equivalent to
// [NeedName] | [NeedFiles] | [NeedCompiledGoFiles].
// Each call to Load returns a new set of [Package] instances.
// The Packages and their Imports form a directed acyclic graph.
// If the [NeedTypes] mode flag was set, each call to Load uses a new
// [types.Importer], so [types.Object] and [types.Type] values from
// different calls to Load must not be mixed as they will have
// inconsistent notions of type identity.
// If any of the patterns was invalid as defined by the
// underlying build system, Load returns an error.
// It may return an empty list of packages without an error,
// for instance for an empty expansion of a valid wildcard.
// Errors associated with a particular package are recorded in the
// corresponding Package's Errors list, and do not cause Load to
// return an error. Clients may need to handle such errors before
// proceeding with further analysis. The [PrintErrors] function is
// provided for convenient display of all errors.
func Load(cfg *Config, patterns ...string) ([]*Package, error) {}

// defaultDriver is a driver that implements go/packages' fallback behavior.
// It will try to request to an external driver, if one exists. If there's
// no external driver, or the driver returns a response with NotHandled set,
// defaultDriver will fall back to the go list driver.
// The boolean result indicates that an external driver handled the request.
func defaultDriver(cfg *Config, patterns ...string) (*DriverResponse, bool, error) {}

// splitIntoChunks chunks the slice so that the total number of characters
// in a chunk is no longer than argMax.
func splitIntoChunks(patterns []string, argMax int) ([][]string, error) {}

func callDriverOnChunks(driver driver, cfg *Config, chunks [][]string) (*DriverResponse, error) {}

func mergeResponses(responses ...*DriverResponse) *DriverResponse {}

type Package

type Module

type ModuleError

func init() {}

type Error

type ErrorKind

const UnknownError

const ListError

const ParseError

const TypeError

func (err Error) Error() string {}

type flatPackage

// MarshalJSON returns the Package in its JSON form.
// For the most part, the structure fields are written out unmodified, and
// the type and syntax fields are skipped.
// The imports are written out as just a map of path to package id.
// The errors are written using a custom type that tries to preserve the
// structure of error types we know about.
// This method exists to enable support for additional build systems.  It is
// not intended for use by clients of the API and we may change the format.
func (p *Package) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {}

// UnmarshalJSON reads in a Package from its JSON format.
// See MarshalJSON for details about the format accepted.
func (p *Package) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {}

func (p *Package) String() string {}

type loaderPackage

type loader

type parseValue

func newLoader(cfg *Config) *loader {}

// refine connects the supplied packages into a graph and then adds type
// and syntax information as requested by the LoadMode.
func (ld *loader) refine(response *DriverResponse) ([]*Package, error) {}

// loadPackage loads/parses/typechecks the specified package.
// It must be called only once per Package,
// after immediate dependencies are loaded.
// Precondition: ld.Mode&(NeedSyntax|NeedTypes|NeedTypesInfo) != 0.
func (ld *loader) loadPackage(lpkg *loaderPackage) {}

type importerFunc

func (f importerFunc) Import(path string) (*types.Package, error) {}

var ioLimit

var cpuLimit

func (ld *loader) parseFile(filename string) (*ast.File, error) {}

// parseFiles reads and parses the Go source files and returns the ASTs
// of the ones that could be at least partially parsed, along with a
// list of I/O and parse errors encountered.
// Because files are scanned in parallel, the token.Pos
// positions of the resulting ast.Files are not ordered.
func (ld *loader) parseFiles(filenames []string) ([]*ast.File, []error) {}

// sameFile returns true if x and y have the same basename and denote
// the same file.
func sameFile(x, y string) bool {}

// loadFromExportData ensures that type information is present for the specified
// package, loading it from an export data file on the first request.
// On success it sets lpkg.Types to a new Package.
func (ld *loader) loadFromExportData(lpkg *loaderPackage) error {}

// impliedLoadMode returns loadMode with its dependencies.
func impliedLoadMode(loadMode LoadMode) LoadMode {}

func usesExportData(cfg *Config) bool {}

type unit