
type continuation

const kNext

const kReturn

const kJump

type Mode

const DisableRecover

const EnableTracing

type methodSet

type interpreter

type deferred

type frame

func (fr *frame) get(key ssa.Value) value {}

// runDefer runs a deferred call d.
// It always returns normally, but may set or clear fr.panic.
func (fr *frame) runDefer(d *deferred) {}

// runDefers executes fr's deferred function calls in LIFO order.
// On entry, fr.panicking indicates a state of panic; if
// true, fr.panic contains the panic value.
// On completion, if a deferred call started a panic, or if no
// deferred call recovered from a previous state of panic, then
// runDefers itself panics after the last deferred call has run.
// If there was no initial state of panic, or it was recovered from,
// runDefers returns normally.
func (fr *frame) runDefers() {}

// lookupMethod returns the method set for type typ, which may be one
// of the interpreter's fake types.
func lookupMethod(i *interpreter, typ types.Type, meth *types.Func) *ssa.Function {}

// visitInstr interprets a single ssa.Instruction within the activation
// record frame.  It returns a continuation value indicating where to
// read the next instruction from.
func visitInstr(fr *frame, instr ssa.Instruction) continuation {}

// prepareCall determines the function value and argument values for a
// function call in a Call, Go or Defer instruction, performing
// interface method lookup if needed.
func prepareCall(fr *frame, call *ssa.CallCommon) (fn value, args []value) {}

// call interprets a call to a function (function, builtin or closure)
// fn with arguments args, returning its result.
// callpos is the position of the callsite.
func call(i *interpreter, caller *frame, callpos token.Pos, fn value, args []value) value {}

func loc(fset *token.FileSet, pos token.Pos) string {}

// callSSA interprets a call to function fn with arguments args,
// and lexical environment env, returning its result.
// callpos is the position of the callsite.
func callSSA(i *interpreter, caller *frame, callpos token.Pos, fn *ssa.Function, args []value, env []value) value {}

// runFrame executes SSA instructions starting at fr.block and
// continuing until a return, a panic, or a recovered panic.
// After a panic, runFrame panics.
// After a normal return, fr.result contains the result of the call
// and fr.block is nil.
// A recovered panic in a function without named return parameters
// (NRPs) becomes a normal return of the zero value of the function's
// result type.
// After a recovered panic in a function with NRPs, fr.result is
// undefined and fr.block contains the block at which to resume
// control.
func runFrame(fr *frame) {}

// executePhis executes the phi-nodes at the start of the current
// block and returns the non-phi instructions.
func executePhis(fr *frame) []ssa.Instruction {}

// doRecover implements the recover() built-in.
func doRecover(caller *frame) value {}

// Interpret interprets the Go program whose main package is mainpkg.
// mode specifies various interpreter options.  filename and args are
// the initial values of os.Args for the target program.  sizes is the
// effective type-sizing function for this program.
// Interpret returns the exit code of the program: 2 for panic (like
// gc does), or the argument to os.Exit for normal termination.
// The SSA program must include the "runtime" package.
// Type parameterized functions must have been built with
// InstantiateGenerics in the ssa.BuilderMode to be interpreted.
func Interpret(mainpkg *ssa.Package, mode Mode, sizes types.Sizes, filename string, args []string) (exitCode int) {}