
type targetPanic

func (p targetPanic) String() string {}

type exitPanic

// constValue returns the value of the constant with the
// dynamic type tag appropriate for c.Type().
func constValue(c *ssa.Const) value {}

// fitsInt returns true if x fits in type int according to sizes.
func fitsInt(x int64, sizes types.Sizes) bool {}

// asInt64 converts x, which must be an integer, to an int64.
// Callers that need a value directly usable as an int should combine this with fitsInt().
func asInt64(x value) int64 {}

// asUint64 converts x, which must be an unsigned integer, to a uint64
// suitable for use as a bitwise shift count.
func asUint64(x value) uint64 {}

// asUnsigned returns the value of x, which must be an integer type, as its equivalent unsigned type,
// and returns true if x is non-negative.
func asUnsigned(x value) (value, bool) {}

// zero returns a new "zero" value of the specified type.
func zero(t types.Type) value {}

// slice returns x[lo:hi:max].  Any of lo, hi and max may be nil.
func slice(x, lo, hi, max value) value {}

// lookup returns x[idx] where x is a map.
func lookup(instr *ssa.Lookup, x, idx value) value {}

// binop implements all arithmetic and logical binary operators for
// numeric datatypes and strings.  Both operands must have identical
// dynamic type.
func binop(op token.Token, t types.Type, x, y value) value {}

// eqnil returns the comparison x == y using the equivalence relation
// appropriate for type t.
// If t is a reference type, at most one of x or y may be a nil value
// of that type.
func eqnil(t types.Type, x, y value) bool {}

func unop(instr *ssa.UnOp, x value) value {}

// typeAssert checks whether dynamic type of itf is instr.AssertedType.
// It returns the extracted value on success, and panics on failure,
// unless instr.CommaOk, in which case it always returns a "value,ok" tuple.
func typeAssert(i *interpreter, instr *ssa.TypeAssert, itf iface) value {}

var CapturedOutput

// callBuiltin interprets a call to builtin fn with arguments args,
// returning its result.
func callBuiltin(caller *frame, callpos token.Pos, fn *ssa.Builtin, args []value) value {}

func rangeIter(x value, t types.Type) iter {}

// widen widens a basic typed value x to the widest type of its
// category, one of:
//	bool, int64, uint64, float64, complex128, string.
// This is inefficient but reduces the size of the cross-product of
// cases we have to consider.
func widen(x value) value {}

// conv converts the value x of type t_src to type t_dst and returns
// the result.
// Possible cases are described with the ssa.Convert operator.
func conv(t_dst, t_src types.Type, x value) value {}

// sliceToArrayPointer converts the value x of type slice to type t_dst
// a pointer to array and returns the result.
func sliceToArrayPointer(t_dst, t_src types.Type, x value) value {}

// checkInterface checks that the method set of x implements the
// interface itype.
// On success it returns "", on failure, an error message.
func checkInterface(i *interpreter, itype *types.Interface, x iface) string {}

func foldLeft(op func(value, value) value, args []value) value {}

func min(x, y value) value {}

func max(x, y value) value {}

type floaty

func fmin[F floaty](x, y F) F {}

func fmax[F floaty](x, y F) F {}

func forbits[F floaty](x, y F) F {}

func fandbits[F floaty](x, y F) F {}