
type Caller

type logger

type Options

type Result

// Inline inlines the called function (callee) into the function call (caller)
// and returns the updated, formatted content of the caller source file.
// Inline does not mutate any public fields of Caller or Callee.
func Inline(caller *Caller, callee *Callee, opts *Options) (*Result, error) {}

type state

func (st *state) inline() (*Result, error) {}

type oldImport

type newImport

type inlineCallResult

// inlineCall returns a pair of an old node (the call, or something
// enclosing it) and a new node (its replacement, which may be a
// combination of caller, callee, and new nodes), along with the set
// of new imports needed.
// TODO(adonovan): rethink the 'result' interface. The assumption of a
// one-to-one replacement seems fragile. One can easily imagine the
// transformation replacing the call and adding new variable
// declarations, for example, or replacing a call statement by zero or
// many statements.)
// NOTE(rfindley): we've sort-of done this, with the 'elideBraces' flag that
// allows inlining a statement list. However, due to loss of comments, more
// sophisticated rewrites are challenging.
// TODO(adonovan): in earlier drafts, the transformation was expressed
// by splicing substrings of the two source files because syntax
// trees don't preserve comments faithfully (see #20744), but such
// transformations don't compose. The current implementation is
// tree-based but is very lossy wrt comments. It would make a good
// candidate for evaluating an alternative fully self-contained tree
// representation, such as any proposed solution to #20744, or even
// dst or some private fork of go/ast.)
// TODO(rfindley): see if we can reduce the amount of comment lossiness by
// using printer.CommentedNode, which has been useful elsewhere.
// TODO(rfindley): inlineCall is getting very long, and very stateful, making
// it very hard to read. The following refactoring may improve readability and
// maintainability:
//   - Rename 'state' to 'callsite', since that is what it encapsulates.
//   - Add results of pre-processing analysis into the callsite struct, such as
//     the effective importMap, new/old imports, arguments, etc. Essentially
//     anything that resulted from initial analysis of the call site, and which
//     may be useful to inlining strategies.
//   - Delegate this call site analysis to a constructor or initializer, such
//     as 'analyzeCallsite', so that it does not consume bandwidth in the
//     'inlineCall' logical flow.
//   - Once analyzeCallsite returns, the callsite is immutable, much in the
//     same way as the Callee and Caller are immutable.
//   - Decide on a standard interface for strategies (and substrategies), such
//     that they may be delegated to a separate method on callsite.
// In this way, the logical flow of inline call will clearly follow the
// following structure:
//  1. Analyze the call site.
//  2. Try strategies, in order, until one succeeds.
//  3. Process the results.
// If any expensive analysis may be avoided by earlier strategies, it can be
// encapsulated in its own type and passed to subsequent strategies.
func (st *state) inlineCall() (*inlineCallResult, error) {}

type argument

// arguments returns the effective arguments of the call.
// If the receiver argument and parameter have
// different pointerness, make the "&" or "*" explicit.
// Also, if x.f() is shorthand for promoted method x.y.f(),
// make the .y explicit in T.f(x.y, ...).
// Beware that:
//   - a method can only be called through a selection, but only
//     the first of these two forms needs special treatment:
//     expr.f(args)     -> ([&*]expr, args)	MethodVal
//     T.f(recv, args)  -> (    expr, args)	MethodExpr
//   - the presence of a value in receiver-position in the call
//     is a property of the caller, not the callee. A method
//     (calleeDecl.Recv != nil) may be called like an ordinary
//     function.
//   - the types.Signatures seen by the caller (from
//     StaticCallee) and by the callee (from decl type)
//     differ in this case.
// In a spread call f(g()), the sole ordinary argument g(),
// always last in args, has a tuple type.
// We compute type-based predicates like pure, duplicable,
// freevars, etc, now, before we start modifying syntax.
func (st *state) arguments(caller *Caller, calleeDecl *ast.FuncDecl, assign1 func(*types.Var) bool) ([]*argument, error) {}

type parameter

type replacer

// substitute implements parameter elimination by substitution.
// It considers each parameter and its corresponding argument in turn
// and evaluate these conditions:
//   - the parameter is neither address-taken nor assigned;
//   - the argument is pure;
//   - if the parameter refcount is zero, the argument must
//     not contain the last use of a local var;
//   - if the parameter refcount is > 1, the argument must be duplicable;
//   - the argument (or types.Default(argument) if it's untyped) has
//     the same type as the parameter.
// If all conditions are met then the parameter can be substituted and
// each reference to it replaced by the argument. In that case, the
// replaceCalleeID function is called for each reference to the
// parameter, and is provided with its relative offset and replacement
// expression (argument), and the corresponding elements of params and
// args are replaced by nil.
func substitute(logf logger, caller *Caller, params []*parameter, args []*argument, effects []int, falcon falconResult, replace replacer) {}

// isConversion reports whether the given call is a type conversion, returning
// (operand, true) if so.
// If the call is not a conversion, it returns (nil, false).
func isConversion(info *types.Info, call *ast.CallExpr) (types.Type, bool) {}

// isNonTypeParamInterface reports whether t is a non-type parameter interface
// type.
func isNonTypeParamInterface(t types.Type) bool {}

// isUsedOutsideCall reports whether v is used outside of caller.Call, within
// the body of caller.enclosingFunc.
func isUsedOutsideCall(caller *Caller, v *types.Var) bool {}

// checkFalconConstraints checks whether constant arguments
// are safe to substitute (e.g. s[i] -> ""[0] is not safe.)
// Any failed constraint causes us to reject all constant arguments as
// substitution candidates (by clearing args[i].substitution=false).
// TODO(adonovan): we could obtain a finer result rejecting only the
// freevars of each failed constraint, and processing constraints in
// order of increasing arity, but failures are quite rare.
func checkFalconConstraints(logf logger, params []*parameter, args []*argument, falcon falconResult) {}

// resolveEffects marks arguments as non-substitutable to resolve
// hazards resulting from the callee evaluation order described by the
// effects list.
// To do this, each argument is categorized as a read (R), write (W),
// or pure. A hazard occurs when the order of evaluation of a W
// changes with respect to any R or W. Pure arguments can be
// effectively ignored, as they can be safely evaluated in any order.
// The callee effects list contains the index of each parameter in the
// order it is first evaluated during execution of the callee. In
// addition, the two special values R∞ and W∞ indicate the relative
// position of the callee's first non-parameter read and its first
// effects (or other unknown behavior).
// For example, the list [0 2 1 R∞ 3 W∞] for func(a, b, c, d)
// indicates that the callee referenced parameters a, c, and b,
// followed by an arbitrary read, then parameter d, and finally
// unknown behavior.
// When an argument is marked as not substitutable, we say that it is
// 'bound', in the sense that its evaluation occurs in a binding decl
// or literalized call. Such bindings always occur in the original
// callee parameter order.
// In this context, "resolving hazards" means binding arguments so
// that they are evaluated in a valid, hazard-free order. A trivial
// solution to this problem would be to bind all arguments, but of
// course that's not useful. The goal is to bind as few arguments as
// possible.
// The algorithm proceeds by inspecting arguments in reverse parameter
// order (right to left), preserving the invariant that every
// higher-ordered argument is either already substituted or does not
// need to be substituted. At each iteration, if there is an
// evaluation hazard in the callee effects relative to the current
// argument, the argument must be bound. Subsequently, if the argument
// is bound for any reason, each lower-ordered argument must also be
// bound if either the argument or lower-order argument is a
// W---otherwise the binding itself would introduce a hazard.
// Thus, after each iteration, there are no hazards relative to the
// current argument. Subsequent iterations cannot introduce hazards
// with that argument because they can result only in additional
// binding of lower-ordered arguments.
func resolveEffects(logf logger, args []*argument, effects []int) {}

// updateCalleeParams updates the calleeDecl syntax to remove
// substituted parameters and move the receiver (if any) to the head
// of the ordinary parameters.
func updateCalleeParams(calleeDecl *ast.FuncDecl, params []*parameter) {}

type bindingDeclInfo

// createBindingDecl constructs a "binding decl" that implements
// parameter assignment and declares any named result variables
// referenced by the callee. It returns nil if there were no
// unsubstituted parameters.
// It may not always be possible to create the decl (e.g. due to
// shadowing), in which case it also returns nil; but if it succeeds,
// the declaration may be used by reduction strategies to relax the
// requirement that all parameters have been substituted.
// For example, a call:
//	f(a0, a1, a2)
// where:
//	func f(p0, p1 T0, p2 T1) { body }
// reduces to:
//	{
//	  var (
//	    p0, p1 T0 = a0, a1
//	    p2     T1 = a2
//	  )
//	  body
//	}
// so long as p0, p1 ∉ freevars(T1) or freevars(a2), and so on,
// because each spec is statically resolved in sequence and
// dynamically assigned in sequence. By contrast, all
// parameters are resolved simultaneously and assigned
// simultaneously.
// The pX names should already be blank ("_") if the parameter
// is unreferenced; this avoids "unreferenced local var" checks.
// Strategies may impose additional checks on return
// conversions, labels, defer, etc.
func createBindingDecl(logf logger, caller *Caller, args []*argument, calleeDecl *ast.FuncDecl, results []*paramInfo) *bindingDeclInfo {}

// lookup does a symbol lookup in the lexical environment of the caller.
func (caller *Caller) lookup(name string) types.Object {}

func scopeFor(info *types.Info, n ast.Node) *types.Scope {}

// freeVars returns the names of all free identifiers of e:
// those lexically referenced by it but not defined within it.
// (Fields and methods are not included.)
func freeVars(info *types.Info, e ast.Expr) map[string]bool {}

// freeishNames computes an over-approximation to the free names
// of the type syntax t, inserting values into the map.
// Because we don't have go/types annotations, we can't give an exact
// result in all cases. In particular, an array type [n]T might have a
// size such as unsafe.Sizeof(func() int{stmts...}()) and now the
// precise answer depends upon all the statement syntax too. But that
// never happens in practice.
func freeishNames(free map[string]bool, t ast.Expr) {}

// effects reports whether an expression might change the state of the
// program (through function calls and channel receives) and affect
// the evaluation of subsequent expressions.
func (st *state) effects(info *types.Info, expr ast.Expr) bool {}

// pure reports whether an expression has the same result no matter
// when it is executed relative to other expressions, so it can be
// commuted with any other expression or statement without changing
// its meaning.
// An expression is considered impure if it reads the contents of any
// variable, with the exception of "single assignment" local variables
// (as classified by the provided callback), which are never updated
// after their initialization.
// Pure does not imply duplicable: for example, new(T) and T{} are
// pure expressions but both return a different value each time they
// are evaluated, so they are not safe to duplicate.
// Purity does not imply freedom from run-time panics. We assume that
// target programs do not encounter run-time panics nor depend on them
// for correct operation.
// TODO(adonovan): add unit tests of this function.
func pure(info *types.Info, assign1 func(*types.Var) bool, e ast.Expr) bool {}

// callsPureBuiltin reports whether call is a call of a built-in
// function that is a pure computation over its operands (analogous to
// a + operator). Because it does not depend on program state, it may
// be evaluated at any point--though not necessarily at multiple
// points (consider new, make).
func callsPureBuiltin(info *types.Info, call *ast.CallExpr) bool {}

// duplicable reports whether it is appropriate for the expression to
// be freely duplicated.
// Given the declaration
//	func f(x T) T { return x + g() + x }
// an argument y is considered duplicable if we would wish to see a
// call f(y) simplified to y+g()+y. This is true for identifiers,
// integer literals, unary negation, and selectors x.f where x is not
// a pointer. But we would not wish to duplicate expressions that:
// - have side effects (e.g. nearly all calls),
// - are not referentially transparent (e.g. &T{}, ptr.field, *ptr), or
// - are long (e.g. "huge string literal").
func duplicable(info *types.Info, e ast.Expr) bool {}

func consteq(x, y constant.Value) bool {}

var kZeroInt

var kZeroString

var kZeroFloat

var kOneFloat

func assert(cond bool, msg string) {}

// blanks returns a slice of n > 0 blank identifiers.
func blanks[E ast.Expr](n int) []E {}

func makeIdent(name string) *ast.Ident {}

// importedPkgName returns the PkgName object declared by an ImportSpec.
// TODO(adonovan): make this a method of types.Info (#62037).
func importedPkgName(info *types.Info, imp *ast.ImportSpec) (*types.PkgName, bool) {}

func isPkgLevel(obj types.Object) bool {}

// callContext returns the two nodes immediately enclosing the call
// (specified as a PathEnclosingInterval), ignoring parens.
func callContext(callPath []ast.Node) (parent, grandparent ast.Node) {}

// hasLabelConflict reports whether the set of labels of the function
// enclosing the call (specified as a PathEnclosingInterval)
// intersects with the set of callee labels.
func hasLabelConflict(callPath []ast.Node, calleeLabels []string) bool {}

// callerLabels returns the set of control labels in the function (if
// any) enclosing the call (specified as a PathEnclosingInterval).
func callerLabels(callPath []ast.Node) map[string]bool {}

// callerFunc returns the innermost Func{Decl,Lit} node enclosing the
// call (specified as a PathEnclosingInterval).
func callerFunc(callPath []ast.Node) ast.Node {}

// callStmt reports whether the function call (specified
// as a PathEnclosingInterval) appears within an ExprStmt,
// and returns it if so.
// If unrestricted, callStmt returns nil if the ExprStmt f() appears
// in a restricted context (such as "if f(); cond {") where it cannot
// be replaced by an arbitrary statement. (See "statement theory".)
func callStmt(callPath []ast.Node, unrestricted bool) *ast.ExprStmt {}

// replaceNode performs a destructive update of the tree rooted at
// root, replacing each occurrence of "from" with "to". If to is nil and
// the element is within a slice, the slice element is removed.
// The root itself cannot be replaced; an attempt will panic.
// This function must not be called on the caller's syntax tree.
// TODO(adonovan): polish this up and move it to astutil package.
// TODO(adonovan): needs a unit test.
func replaceNode(root ast.Node, from, to ast.Node) {}

// clearPositions destroys token.Pos information within the tree rooted at root,
// as positions in callee trees may cause caller comments to be emitted prematurely.
// In general it isn't safe to clear a valid Pos because some of them
// (e.g. CallExpr.Ellipsis, TypeSpec.Assign) are significant to
// go/printer, so this function sets each non-zero Pos to 1, which
// suffices to avoid advancing the printer's comment cursor.
// This function mutates its argument; do not invoke on caller syntax.
// TODO(adonovan): remove this horrendous workaround when #20744 is finally fixed.
func clearPositions(root ast.Node) {}

// findIdent finds the Ident beneath root that has the given pos.
// It returns the path to the ident (excluding the ident), and the ident
// itself, where the path is the sequence of ast.Nodes encountered in a
// depth-first search to find ident.
func findIdent(root ast.Node, pos token.Pos) ([]ast.Node, *ast.Ident) {}

func prepend[T any](elem T, slice ...T) []T {}

// debugFormatNode formats a node or returns a formatting error.
// Its sloppy treatment of errors is appropriate only for logging.
func debugFormatNode(fset *token.FileSet, n ast.Node) string {}

func shallowCopy[T any](ptr *T) *T {}

// ∀
func forall[T any](list []T, f func(i int, x T) bool) bool {}

// ∃
func exists[T any](list []T, f func(i int, x T) bool) bool {}

// last returns the last element of a slice, or zero if empty.
func last[T any](slice []T) T {}

// canImport reports whether one package is allowed to import another.
// TODO(adonovan): allow customization of the accessibility relation
// (e.g. for Bazel).
func canImport(from, to string) bool {}

// consistentOffsets reports whether the portion of caller.Content
// that corresponds to caller.Call can be parsed as a call expression.
// If not, the client has provided inconsistent information, possibly
// because they forgot to ignore line directives when computing the
// filename enclosing the call.
// This is just a heuristic.
func consistentOffsets(caller *Caller) bool {}

// needsParens reports whether parens are required to avoid ambiguity
// around the new node replacing the specified old node (which is some
// ancestor of the CallExpr identified by its PathEnclosingInterval).
func needsParens(callPath []ast.Node, old, new ast.Node) bool {}

// declares returns the set of lexical names declared by a
// sequence of statements from the same block, excluding sub-blocks.
// (Lexical names do not include control labels.)
func declares(stmts []ast.Stmt) map[string]bool {}

type importNameFunc

// assignStmts rewrites a statement assigning the results of a call into zero
// or more statements that assign its return operands, or (nil, false) if no
// such rewrite is possible. The set of bindings created by the result of
// assignStmts is the same as the set of bindings created by the callerStmt.
// The callee must contain exactly one return statement.
// This is (once again) a surprisingly complex task. For example, depending on
// types and existing bindings, the assignment
//	a, b := f()
// could be rewritten as:
//	a, b := 1, 2
// but may need to be written as:
//	a, b := int8(1), int32(2)
// In the case where the return statement within f is a spread call to another
// function g(), we cannot explicitly convert the return values inline, and so
// it may be necessary to split the declaration and assignment of variables
// into separate statements:
//	a, b := g()
// or
//	var a int32
//	a, b = g()
// or
//	var (
//		a int8
//		b int32
//	)
//	a, b = g()
// Note: assignStmts may return (nil, true) if it determines that the rewritten
// assignment consists only of _ = nil assignments.
func (st *state) assignStmts(callerStmt *ast.AssignStmt, returnOperands []ast.Expr, importName importNameFunc) ([]ast.Stmt, bool) {}

// tailCallSafeReturn reports whether the callee's return statements may be safely
// used to return from the function enclosing the caller (which must exist).
func tailCallSafeReturn(caller *Caller, calleeSymbol *types.Func, callee *gobCallee) bool {}

// hasNonTrivialReturn reports whether any of the returns involve a nontrivial
// implicit conversion of a result expression.
func hasNonTrivialReturn(returnInfo [][]returnOperandFlags) bool {}

// soleUse returns the ident that refers to obj, if there is exactly one.
func soleUse(info *types.Info, obj types.Object) (sole *ast.Ident) {}

type unit

// slicesDeleteFunc removes any elements from s for which del returns true,
// returning the modified slice.
// slicesDeleteFunc zeroes the elements between the new length and the original length.
// TODO(adonovan): use go1.21 slices.DeleteFunc
func slicesDeleteFunc[S ~[]E, E any](s S, del func(E) bool) S {}

// slicesIndexFunc returns the first index i satisfying f(s[i]),
// or -1 if none do.
func slicesIndexFunc[S ~[]E, E any](s S, f func(E) bool) int {}