
// HasExec reports whether the current system can start new processes
// using os.StartProcess or (more commonly) exec.Command.
func HasExec() bool {}

var tryExecOnce

var tryExecOk

// NeedsExec checks that the current system can start new processes
// using os.StartProcess or (more commonly) exec.Command.
// If not, NeedsExec calls t.Skip with an explanation.
func NeedsExec(t testing.TB) {}

// CommandContext is like exec.CommandContext, but:
//   - skips t if the platform does not support os/exec,
//   - if supported, sends SIGQUIT instead of SIGKILL in its Cancel function
//   - if the test has a deadline, adds a Context timeout and (if supported) WaitDelay
//     for an arbitrary grace period before the test's deadline expires,
//   - if Cmd has the Cancel field, fails the test if the command is canceled
//     due to the test's deadline, and
//   - sets a Cleanup function that verifies that the test did not leak a subprocess.
func CommandContext(t testing.TB, ctx context.Context, name string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {}

// Command is like exec.Command, but applies the same changes as
// testenv.CommandContext (with a default Context).
func Command(t testing.TB, name string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {}