
const Doc

var Analyzer

func run(pass *analysis.Pass) (interface{}

// isHTTPFuncOrMethodOnClient checks whether the given call expression is on
// either a function of the net/http package or a method of http.Client that
// returns (*http.Response, error).
func isHTTPFuncOrMethodOnClient(info *types.Info, expr *ast.CallExpr) bool {}

// restOfBlock, given a traversal stack, finds the innermost containing
// block and returns the suffix of its statements starting with the current
// node, along with the number of call expressions encountered.
func restOfBlock(stack []ast.Node) ([]ast.Stmt, int) {}

// rootIdent finds the root identifier x in a chain of selections x.y.z, or nil if not found.
func rootIdent(n ast.Node) *ast.Ident {}