
type Sparse

type word

const _m

const bitsPerWord

const bitsPerBlock

const wordsPerBlock

const MaxInt

const MinInt

// popcount returns the number of set bits in w.
func popcount(x word) int {}

// nlz returns the number of leading zeros of x.
func nlz(x word) int {}

// ntz returns the number of trailing zeros of x.
func ntz(x word) int {}

type block

// wordMask returns the word index (in block.bits)
// and single-bit mask for the block's ith bit.
func wordMask(i uint) (w uint, mask word) {}

// insert sets the block b's ith bit and
// returns true if it was not already set.
func (b *block) insert(i uint) bool {}

// remove clears the block's ith bit and
// returns true if the bit was previously set.
// NB: may leave the block empty.
func (b *block) remove(i uint) bool {}

// has reports whether the block's ith bit is set.
func (b *block) has(i uint) bool {}

// empty reports whether b.len()==0, but more efficiently.
func (b *block) empty() bool {}

// len returns the number of set bits in block b.
func (b *block) len() int {}

// max returns the maximum element of the block.
// The block must not be empty.
func (b *block) max() int {}

// min returns the minimum element of the block,
// and also removes it if take is set.
// The block must not be initially empty.
// NB: may leave the block empty.
func (b *block) min(take bool) int {}

// lowerBound returns the smallest element of the block that is greater than or
// equal to the element corresponding to the ith bit. If there is no such
// element, the second return value is false.
func (b *block) lowerBound(i uint) (int, bool) {}

// forEach calls f for each element of block b.
// f must not mutate b's enclosing Sparse.
func (b *block) forEach(f func(int)) {}

// offsetAndBitIndex returns the offset of the block that would
// contain x and the bit index of x within that block.
func offsetAndBitIndex(x int) (int, uint) {}

var none

type to_copy_a_sparse_you_must_call_its_Copy_method

// init ensures s is properly initialized.
func (s *Sparse) init() {}

func (s *Sparse) first() *block {}

// next returns the next block in the list, or end if b is the last block.
func (s *Sparse) next(b *block) *block {}

// prev returns the previous block in the list, or end if b is the first block.
func (s *Sparse) prev(b *block) *block {}

// IsEmpty reports whether the set s is empty.
func (s *Sparse) IsEmpty() bool {}

// Len returns the number of elements in the set s.
func (s *Sparse) Len() int {}

// Max returns the maximum element of the set s, or MinInt if s is empty.
func (s *Sparse) Max() int {}

// Min returns the minimum element of the set s, or MaxInt if s is empty.
func (s *Sparse) Min() int {}

// LowerBound returns the smallest element >= x, or MaxInt if there is no such
// element.
func (s *Sparse) LowerBound(x int) int {}

// block returns the block that would contain offset,
// or nil if s contains no such block.
// Precondition: offset is a multiple of bitsPerBlock.
func (s *Sparse) block(offset int) *block {}

// Insert adds x to the set s, and reports whether the set grew.
func (s *Sparse) Insert(x int) bool {}

// removeBlock removes a block and returns the block that followed it (or end if
// it was the last block).
func (s *Sparse) removeBlock(b *block) *block {}

// Remove removes x from the set s, and reports whether the set shrank.
func (s *Sparse) Remove(x int) bool {}

// Clear removes all elements from the set s.
func (s *Sparse) Clear() {}

// If set s is non-empty, TakeMin sets *p to the minimum element of
// the set s, removes that element from the set and returns true.
// Otherwise, it returns false and *p is undefined.
// This method may be used for iteration over a worklist like so:
//	var x int
//	for worklist.TakeMin(&x) { use(x) }
func (s *Sparse) TakeMin(p *int) bool {}

// Has reports whether x is an element of the set s.
func (s *Sparse) Has(x int) bool {}

// forEach applies function f to each element of the set s in order.
// f must not mutate s.  Consequently, forEach is not safe to expose
// to clients.  In any case, using "range s.AppendTo()" allows more
// natural control flow with continue/break/return.
func (s *Sparse) forEach(f func(int)) {}

// Copy sets s to the value of x.
func (s *Sparse) Copy(x *Sparse) {}

// insertBlockBefore returns a new block, inserting it before next.
// If next is the root, the root is replaced. If next is end, the block is
// inserted at the end.
func (s *Sparse) insertBlockBefore(next *block) *block {}

// discardTail removes block b and all its successors from s.
func (s *Sparse) discardTail(b *block) {}

// IntersectionWith sets s to the intersection s ∩ x.
func (s *Sparse) IntersectionWith(x *Sparse) {}

// Intersection sets s to the intersection x ∩ y.
func (s *Sparse) Intersection(x, y *Sparse) {}

// Intersects reports whether s ∩ x ≠ ∅.
func (s *Sparse) Intersects(x *Sparse) bool {}

// UnionWith sets s to the union s ∪ x, and reports whether s grew.
func (s *Sparse) UnionWith(x *Sparse) bool {}

// Union sets s to the union x ∪ y.
func (s *Sparse) Union(x, y *Sparse) {}

// DifferenceWith sets s to the difference s ∖ x.
func (s *Sparse) DifferenceWith(x *Sparse) {}

// Difference sets s to the difference x ∖ y.
func (s *Sparse) Difference(x, y *Sparse) {}

// SymmetricDifferenceWith sets s to the symmetric difference s ∆ x.
func (s *Sparse) SymmetricDifferenceWith(x *Sparse) {}

// SymmetricDifference sets s to the symmetric difference x ∆ y.
func (s *Sparse) SymmetricDifference(x, y *Sparse) {}

// SubsetOf reports whether s ∖ x = ∅.
func (s *Sparse) SubsetOf(x *Sparse) bool {}

// Equals reports whether the sets s and t have the same elements.
func (s *Sparse) Equals(t *Sparse) bool {}

// String returns a human-readable description of the set s.
func (s *Sparse) String() string {}

// BitString returns the set as a string of 1s and 0s denoting the sum
// of the i'th powers of 2, for each i in s.  A radix point, always
// preceded by a digit, appears if the sum is non-integral.
// Examples:
//	        {}.BitString() =      "0"
//	     {4,5}.BitString() = "110000"
//	      {-3}.BitString() =      "0.001"
//	{-3,0,4,5}.BitString() = "110001.001"
func (s *Sparse) BitString() string {}

// GoString returns a string showing the internal representation of
// the set s.
func (s *Sparse) GoString() string {}

// AppendTo returns the result of appending the elements of s to slice
// in order.
func (s *Sparse) AppendTo(slice []int) []int {}

// check returns an error if the representation invariants of s are violated.
func (s *Sparse) check() error {}