
var Debug

var (

var IncludeTests

var Fix

// RegisterFlags registers command-line flags used by the analysis driver.
func RegisterFlags() {}

// Run loads the packages specified by args using go/packages,
// then applies the specified analyzers to them.
// Analysis flags must already have been set.
// Analyzers must be valid according to [analysis.Validate].
// It provides most of the logic for the main functions of both the
// singlechecker and the multi-analysis commands.
// It returns the appropriate exit code.
func Run(args []string, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) int {}

// printDiagnostics prints diagnostics in text or JSON form
// and returns the appropriate exit code.
func printDiagnostics(graph *checker.Graph) (exitcode int) {}

// load loads the initial packages. Returns only top-level loading
// errors. Does not consider errors in packages.
func load(patterns []string, allSyntax bool) ([]*packages.Package, error) {}

// applyFixes applies suggested fixes associated with diagnostics
// reported by the specified actions. It verifies that edits do not
// conflict, even through file-system level aliases such as symbolic
// links, and then edits the files.
func applyFixes(actions []*checker.Action) error {}

// validateEdits returns a list of edits that is sorted and
// contains no duplicate edits. Returns the index of some
// overlapping adjacent edits if there is one and <0 if the
// edits are valid.
func validateEdits(edits []diff.Edit) ([]diff.Edit, int) {}

// diff3Conflict returns an error describing two conflicting sets of
// edits on a file at path.
func diff3Conflict(path string, xlabel, ylabel string, xedits, yedits []diff.Edit) error {}

// needFacts reports whether any analysis required by the specified set
// needs facts.  If so, we must load the entire program from source.
func needFacts(analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) bool {}

func dbg(b byte) bool {}