
const debugNS

type NameSpace

type mountedFS

// hasPathPrefix reports whether x == y or x == y + "/" + more.
func hasPathPrefix(x, y string) bool {}

// translate translates path for use in m, replacing old with new.
// mountedFS{"/src/pkg", fs, "/src"}.translate("/src/pkg/code") == "/src/code".
func (m mountedFS) translate(path string) string {}

func (NameSpace) String() string {}

// Fprint writes a text representation of the name space to w.
func (ns NameSpace) Fprint(w io.Writer) {}

// clean returns a cleaned, rooted path for evaluation.
// It canonicalizes the path so that we can use string operations
// to analyze it.
func (NameSpace) clean(path string) string {}

type BindMode

const BindReplace

const BindBefore

const BindAfter

// Bind causes references to old to redirect to the path new in newfs.
// If mode is BindReplace, old redirections are discarded.
// If mode is BindBefore, this redirection takes priority over existing ones,
// but earlier ones are still consulted for paths that do not exist in newfs.
// If mode is BindAfter, this redirection happens only after existing ones
// have been tried and failed.
func (ns NameSpace) Bind(old string, newfs FileSystem, new string, mode BindMode) {}

// resolve resolves a path to the list of mountedFS to use for path.
func (ns NameSpace) resolve(path string) []mountedFS {}

// Open implements the FileSystem Open method.
func (ns NameSpace) Open(path string) (ReadSeekCloser, error) {}

// stat implements the FileSystem Stat and Lstat methods.
func (ns NameSpace) stat(path string, f func(FileSystem, string) (os.FileInfo, error)) (os.FileInfo, error) {}

func (ns NameSpace) Stat(path string) (os.FileInfo, error) {}

func (ns NameSpace) Lstat(path string) (os.FileInfo, error) {}

type dirInfo

func (d dirInfo) Name() string       {}

func (d dirInfo) Size() int64        {}

func (d dirInfo) Mode() os.FileMode  {}

func (d dirInfo) ModTime() time.Time {}

func (d dirInfo) IsDir() bool        {}

func (d dirInfo) Sys() interface{}

var startTime

// ReadDir implements the FileSystem ReadDir method.  It's where most of the magic is.
// (The rest is in resolve.)
// Logically, ReadDir must return the union of all the directories that are named
// by path.  In order to avoid misinterpreting Go packages, of all the directories
// that contain Go source code, we only include the files from the first,
// but we include subdirectories from all.
// ReadDir must also return directory entries needed to reach mount points.
// If the name space looks like the example in the type NameSpace comment,
// but c:\Go does not have a src/pkg subdirectory, we still want to be able
// to find that subdirectory, because we've mounted d:\Work1 and d:\Work2
// there.  So if we don't see "src" in the directory listing for c:\Go, we add an
// entry for it before returning.
func (ns NameSpace) ReadDir(path string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {}

// RootType returns the RootType for the given path in the namespace.
func (ns NameSpace) RootType(path string) RootType {}

type byName

func (f byName) Len() int           {}

func (f byName) Less(i, j int) bool {}

func (f byName) Swap(i, j int)      {}